How long until the NBA is good again?

I haven't watched a game in 3 years because of the style of play, terrible officiating, player's egos and how many of them play like little pussbags. College is much more enjoyable, and it's not surprising since it's basketball played the right way by players with heart.
David Stern FTL
There are a bunch of problems with the league but since 07-08 it's definitely getting better.  It was awful from 99-07, I could barely watch it.  That was due in part of the mass exodus of all the great players that came into the league in the mid-80's and so many HS busts being taken early in the draft which killed the future of teams that already blew.  
As for the present...

1. It's a player's league.  Though that's about to change when Stern puts his foot down with the next labor strike.

2. The officiating is a joke.  I don't buy the conspiracy theories (outside of the 2002 WCF), that's not the issue.  It's that the refs simply blow.  So many bad calls.  So much inconsistency

3. The European influence on the game, mostly flopping, is killing the game.  Refs need to stop calling that trash.  Refs watch hours of tape every week and have scouting reports on players.  Given that there are so many known floppers in the league (Manu, CP3, etc.), how are these bums EVER given a call?  If I'm a ref and it's a known flopper, you aren't getting the call - bottom line.  This ain't soccer, cut this flopping %!%@%!%! out.

4. Guaranteed contracts with a salary cap = hell.

5. Horrible management by so many teams.  When are GMs going to realize that one-dimensional players like Rashard Lewis aren't worth $20m a year and won't lead you to a title or even higher ticket sales?

6. Players aren't as tough as they were 15-20 years ago.  There are all kinds of reasons: their giant salaries, AAU and sharing agents and technology (texting, social networking etc) cause all these cats to be friends.  There's no bad blood in the league anymore.  Watching the Cavs and Magic play with a tremendous lack of heart against the Celtics this post season is just disgusting.  Grow a set and play like a man.  Play like the game actually means something to you.

7. The league is a little watered down.  Too many teams = too many crappy coaches and players being in the league that have no business being there.

The talent level is there though, for the first time in nearly a decade we've got good players all over the league.
Originally Posted by rashi

David Stern is on the Council of Foreign Relations, eh? That says a lot...

Salty fans of crappy teams are always complaining. The NBA will only get "good" when their teams get good. lol
^ Yup, says your eyes are wide shut by the tone of your sentence, smh if you only knew the inner workings of this matter...

Originally Posted by Ruxxx

(O_O) @ David Stern being on the CFR.That is neeeeeeeeeews to me!
I hear you though OP.
^ Exactly! Once I found out which was last month it totally cleared up the WWFness of this whole league and more.

Originally Posted by clkru

I'm loving these playoffs... I think its been getting better ever since the last half of the 2007-2008 season... as much as some might appreciate the Spurs, the NBA become fun again for me after they stopped being contenders. So slow and boring.

I'm hoping agianst all hope that we get a Suns-Celtics finals. Scores would be in the 120s almost every game!

Once Kobe retires and takes his I-Me-Mine approach off the court, you'll start to see the rise of fun team ball with LeBron and Kevin Durant leading the charge. The game will become more team-oriented again and less about individual superstars.
^ I agree with you on the #8 comment but the cold part is I don't see #8 retiring anytime soon, smh dude is so set on trying to top MJ I can see him playin approx 19/20 seasons(which is hella dumb because no matter how many rings he gets, the level of comp he is playin in now compared to when MJ was winning is trash compared to the 80's n 90's plus the amount of seasons it will take him to get the rings matters also)...he is that thirsty!

Originally Posted by clkru

I'm loving these playoffs... I think its been getting better ever since the last half of the 2007-2008 season... as much as some might appreciate the Spurs, the NBA become fun again for me after they stopped being contenders. So slow and boring.

I'm hoping agianst all hope that we get a Suns-Celtics finals. Scores would be in the 120s almost every game!

Once Kobe retires and takes his I-Me-Mine approach off the court, you'll start to see the rise of fun team ball with LeBron and Kevin Durant leading the charge. The game will become more team-oriented again and less about individual superstars.
lol @ this post.

so we have the following players ushering in a new era not about individuals:

1) KD; scoring champ

2) Lebron; taking over sportscenter with his 24/7 FA coverage
yea i cant wait until kobe retires so then at this time of the year, instead of talking about the playoffs + Lebron, its just all Lebron all the time

lakers ball is as much team ball as any contending team in the L. when LA wins its all about kobe/gasol/odom/fisher/bynum

when the cavs win/won its all about lebron and his "supporting cast" 
not to mention if the cavs did win, they did so with lebron iso 1v5 the entire finals 5 mins
NCAA is fake and will always be fake as long as money is involved

NBA is fake

dude in both NCAA and NBA throw games... its almost like they plan these things way ahead of times and us being mindless drones don't see it... but ahhhh i will continue to watch why? because there's nothing else on TV and where i come from sports are major
NCAA is fake and will always be fake as long as money is involved

NBA is fake

dude in both NCAA and NBA throw games... its almost like they plan these things way ahead of times and us being mindless drones don't see it... but ahhhh i will continue to watch why? because there's nothing else on TV and where i come from sports are major
Anybody that thinks these playoffs have been "exciting" is only kidding themselves. It is as boring as watching paint dry. Now the NHL playoffs on the other hand, have been AWESOME. I have been watching baseball and even MLS over the NBA playoffs. What a joke.
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