How long does it take you to reply to a text?

Nov 24, 2009
Unless I'm busy I think I average about 3 minutes. In my early days when getting to know a chick I was on some Clint Eastwood mode replying in less than a minute. Now I leave it up to them to hit me back with the fast replies. And if they make me wait, I make them wait twice as long. Why? Because I'm a bawse that's why.
It takes me usually around 3-5 minutes.
But sometimes I will forget about the text and not respond till like 15-30 minutes later when I remember.
my phone is surgically attached to my hand...I respond within a minute...sometimes i think thats bad and makes me seem like a weirdo...but i cant help it me and my blackberry are one
Originally Posted by Beast4ya

depends on who it is
this.. and the situation

If we're texting about something important i'll hit them back with the quickness on my droid


There are times when I reply in less than a minute. And there are those when I won't even see it until the next day.
Im still waiting on this chick to reply back

been 3 days.....

its coming I can feel it........

maybe not
Usually as soon as I read it, otherwise i'll forget

Unless I don't want to talk to the person, then i wait or don't even reply
I text em back as soon as I read it.

If she doesn't text me back, I text her saying how come she didn't reply.
i hate when ppl purposely try to make you wait it out. everybody knows you're just sitting around your house watching TV or fapping.. stop trying to front like you all busy.

and when im with a girl she'll be constantly checking her phone 24/7, yet they act like they couldnt respond to my text until 20 min later.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

my phone is surgically attached to my hand...I respond within a minute...sometimes i think thats bad and makes me seem like a weirdo...but i cant help it me and my blackberry Iphone are one

pretty much...
--I usually respond within a minute or two.
--Give me 10 mins if I'm in the middle of a Team Deathmatch or something though.
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