How lazy are you??

Maaaan i tried to piss in a mcdonalds cup on a roadtrip once
i thought a large sz would be able to hold it all but i kept peeing until my tip was fully submerged in urine |I
The cup was filled so much it made the little bubble on top.

I was holdin that cup like a damn bomb.
Americans are lazy in general. look how big they are
Lol, gotta love those generalizations, we got the biggest military but are lazy in general

We have such a large military because our country is lazy as ****. The government continues to pour countless dollars in our military because our citizens are too lazy and too dumb to figure out what's going on and complain.
..... The fact that our military is full of physically trained people and is huge kinda counters your argument, and our military is necessary, no one wants war with us b

It's necessary yes, but is it necessary for it to be so big, no. Is it necessary for us to be the world police, no. Our military is insanely large even in peace time. Our military spending is out of control and the rationale behind it is for the "safety of the american people". We'd be fine if we would mind our business.
Stepping in the puddle with sox on.
i clean up spilled water with my socks instead of getting a paper towel. 
Lazy ...

When you get into your house and pass the fridge on the way to your bedroom and tell your wifey .. babe can you get me some water .... 

To damn lazy to stop get a cup and pour some water! 
It's necessary yes, but is it necessary for it to be so big, no. Is it necessary for us to be the world police, no. Our military is insanely large even in peace time. Our military spending is out of control and the rationale behind it is for the "safety of the american people". We'd be fine if we would mind our business.
I was going to reply to your original message; however, when I read this message, I already know you don't have a clue to what you are talking about .... goodbye!
once i was really tired in the middle of the night so i sat down to pee

almost immediately after i started draining my snake i had a sudden urge to sleep with another man

never again
I don't sit down a pee..... But I'd be damned if I haven't pissed in the sink. Don't ask me why but for some reason, turning on the hot water and pussing in the sink >>>>>>>>>>>>>
once i was really tired in the middle of the night so i sat down to pee

almost immediately after i started draining my snake i had a sudden urge to sleep with another man

never again

WAIT.... WAT? We ain't bout to let this slide.
If sitting down to pee is gay then we were all some pretty gay potty trainers...
How on Earth did the U.S. military get brought up in a thread about being lazy. Jesus, it is a skill to be able to get to such random tangents.
once i was really tired in the middle of the night so i sat down to pee

almost immediately after i started draining my snake i had a sudden urge to sleep with another man

never again

WAIT.... WAT? We ain't bout to let this slide.
You need to go down to Radio Shack and get a new sarcasm meter, yours doesn't work and you don't have a 6th sense for these things.
Homie said when he can't make it to the bathroom he whips his joint out the window b!

I thought I was lazy but thats ode lmao
It's necessary yes, but is it necessary for it to be so big, no. Is it necessary for us to be the world police, no. Our military is insanely large even in peace time. Our military spending is out of control and the rationale behind it is for the "safety of the american people". We'd be fine if we would mind our business.

I was going to reply to your original message; however, when I read this message, I already know you don't have a clue to what you are talking about .... goodbye!

How do I not know what I'm talking about? All that **** in the middle east was hella avoidable. But since we want to be protected, we were too lazy to question anything else. Someone provided "safety" and we went along with it.
Americans are lazy in general. look how big they are
Lol, gotta love those generalizations, we got the biggest military but are lazy in general
We have such a large military because our country is lazy as ****. The government continues to pour countless dollars in our military because our citizens are too lazy and too dumb to figure out what's going on and complain.
..... The fact that our military is full of physically trained people and is huge kinda counters your argument, and our military is necessary, no one wants war with us b
It's necessary yes, but is it necessary for it to be so big, no. Is it necessary for us to be the world police, no. Our military is insanely large even in peace time. Our military spending is out of control and the rationale behind it is for the "safety of the american people". We'd be fine if we would mind our business.
1. thats how you stay the strongest nation in da world

2. its stimulating the economy, military people contribute to it
once i was really tired in the middle of the night so i sat down to pee

almost immediately after i started draining my snake i had a sudden urge to sleep with another man

never again

WAIT.... WAT? We ain't bout to let this slide.
bruh is clearly trollin, he said that in response to homie saying any guy that sits down while peeing is gay

but for real, why are dudes trying to argue this? 

do whatever you want, just know you actin real ***** made when you sit down and pee
The fact that sone of y'all think you can read sarcasm :smh:

It's niketalk! I've seen it all. Makes it very hard to tell if your playing or being dead serious.
im soo lazy i learned to eat my dinners outta a bowl... leave them next to my bed when im done.

wake up the next morning and with the same bowl, eat my cereal outta it. jus soo i dont gotta clean that bish.
im soo lazy i learned to eat my dinners outta a bowl... leave them next to my bed when im done.

wake up the next morning and with the same bowl, eat my cereal outta it. jus soo i dont gotta clean that bish.
brosci thats how you get bugs aint it tho?
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