How lazy are you??

if im at home and hungry and all i have is food that requires prep that i dont feel like doing, ill just go to sleep. 
Using the word pee and sitting down to urinate. Whatelse is there, putting a bow in your head and wearing a dress?
If i made a mistake typing on my phones keyboard, instead of reaching my finger over and hitting backspace, I'll press home and cancel the message.

That may be just being stubborn.
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Im so lazy i dont wash a non stick pan if im gonna use it again the same day.

when i eat oatmeal instead of chopping up the banana i'll just take a bite of oatmeal and take a bite of the banana.

too lazy to take showers 

This all sounds like stuff i would do.

There's got to be an explanation for laziness ;it's like it just hurts to move sometimes.
Using the word pee and sitting down to urinate. Whatelse is there, putting a bow in your head and wearing a dress?
Men should never pee while sitting down. Do you believe this? If so, why?
Using the word pee and sitting down to urinate. Whatelse is there, putting a bow in your head and wearing a dress?
Men should never pee while sitting down. Do you believe this? If so, why?

Not true

If I'm very sleepy I'll sit down so I don't miss

I'll also sit down when I have to pee with a bad morning wood
Man, we don't have to, so doing it is a feminine trait, no one really cares what you do anyways
I dnt think I'm lazy but lets just say on Saturdays if I don't have anything to do I will sleep alllllllllll day..
I'll also sit down when I have to pee with a bad morning wood
That's when you pee into the shower and arch it just right so your pee stream goes directly into the shower hole.

Morning trick piss I call it.
Americans are lazy in general. look how big they are
Lol, gotta love those generalizations, we got the biggest military but are lazy in general

We have such a large military because our country is lazy as ****. The government continues to pour countless dollars in our military because our citizens are too lazy and too dumb to figure out what's going on and complain.
when i dont feel like getting up and going to the bathroom, i'll open up my window and let it fly, only at midnight tho
Americans are lazy in general. look how big they are
Lol, gotta love those generalizations, we got the biggest military but are lazy in general

We have such a large military because our country is lazy as ****. The government continues to pour countless dollars in our military because our citizens are too lazy and too dumb to figure out what's going on and complain.
..... The fact that our military is full of physically trained people and is huge kinda counters your argument, and our military is necessary, no one wants war with us b
Word to leaving a swallow of juice in the bottle, because you don't feel like throwing it away. Used to piss my Mom off so much :lol:
To the ppl who pee in bottles:

I don't get this.

Wouldn't you then have to keep maintaining a "piss" bottle?

not to mention, the smell.
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