^ yea youre just gettin an hourly wage at the Fed. i liked it because it was basically a paid workout (i unloaded trucks so if anyone in the NW ohio area gotsomething broken in the summer of 07...IT WAS ME!!!). it was hot and i smashed my fingers all the time (ll).
I worked there in the summer of '04. Pure hell. As I remember there a man to every 18-wheeler. There's a chute opening to the truck. From the momentcome in til the very second you leave you will be bombarded with boxes upon boxes. Its your job to COMPLETELY FILL the truck. Your playing Tetris boxessometimes very heavy. There's no breaks or sympathy. If you cant do the job they'll fire you.
NOOOOOOO!!!!! Don't do it!! Actually if you're just a handler, (loading and unloading trucks, not delivering or picking up the packages) it's not abad part time job, just some physical work, etc... but you get benefits as a part time employee and the schedule and pay lets you work 4-5 hour shifts madearly in the morning before work/school starts for most people or late enough in the evening that you don't have to change much in your day. Then again, itdepends on where you're handling. If you're loading at a station where the trucks go out to deliver, it's not bad. If you're loading cans to beshipped to/from the airport, that sucks.

I was a delivery driver for FedEx for about 3 years. Worst job of my LIFE by a landslide, but also some of the best stories. Never a dull moment, but it sucksthe life out of you, physically and mentally.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

I worked there in the summer of '04. Pure hell. As I remember there a man to every 18-wheeler. There's a chute opening to the truck. From the moment come in til the very second you leave you will be bombarded with boxes upon boxes. Its your job to COMPLETELY FILL the truck. Your playing Tetris boxes sometimes very heavy. There's no breaks or sympathy. If you cant do the job they'll fire you.

I did it when I got out of high school.

I did Unload for the Sunrise shift.

Early wake up call, but I was out before it got hot. It was a good workout, came out drenched,
. It is very boring though. I wish you could take a walkman (
, no IPODS back in 2000), back then, it would have made it easier. I heard nowthey allow you to take in an IPod.

If you need money, it is not bad, beats sitting on the couch.
I worked there from July 06-March 07. You're definitely not in it for the money... that $150-$180/week starts to feel like a total shafting after about 3weeks. It's cool to know you can get benefits after 90 days, and you'll pretty much be getting a workout while you work. It's not the worst job youcould ever have, but you're not gonna beat the recession by becoming a package handler.
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