How do you non-tippers handle gratuity or eating w/ a large group?

read up through the pages in this topic and see who bought it up first, a waiter himself, as is always the case. First thing people always say, "you better tip or don't go to that place again, they remember," and it's accepted as not only an inevitability but being justified. You act like there aren't doing talking about horking loogies and skeeting in people's pizza on here and people are just making it up to blemish the reputation of the waiter or something.
servers know whos not going to tip as soon as they walk in the door :lol:

funny you say that.... i had a server in chilis do that to me... "so your here for the 2 for $20 right" :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes

gave her exactly what she expected....asked for a different server & she apoligized
if you cant tip why are you going to nice places?? 

if its a cheap place like fridays or w/e and they're nice and helpful ill hook em up..

but i notice when i go to the small mexican restaurants, they work their butts off, ALL OF EM...they earn them tips.

i saw some busser getting down, i was just there to pick up a burrito but for the 5 mins i was there, dude cleaned like 10 tables and also ran to the back and was refilling ish...

gave the dude 10 bucks, dude was maybe in his 50's.

i get the feeling alot of yall dont know whats its like to work at a five star establishment it's nothing like mcdonalds even though mc d's workers probably make more money.

they have to deal with people talking down to them on the daily, i've seen some lady straight up tell some little asian girl "i thought you people were smart"
See lol you said it i really didnt wanna go there.... I remember in my 092 HUM class back at gsu i had a professor, he was telling us he did like an experiment in which he played like he was homeless... he would dress down dirty himself up mess up his dreads etc... and hit the marta station early every morning and panhandle etc.... and live the life of a homeless person. needless to say he told us when it was all said and done he made when you factor in taxes etc... more on the streets then a college professor. So that tells you something right there. Our society and social norms place more emphasis on meeting social norms, doing empty hearted gestures, for self gratification, self loathing then to actually support good causes, advocate changes, and improve things. Its why dspite years of suffering in haiti etc... when the storm hit ppl have this knee jerk sympathy reaction and gave out empty hearted goodwill gestures... because of pressure etc society/social norms. Its why ppl complain look down etc... on the poor and needed etc all year then around the holidays get some sort of epiphany and wanna do charity work donate etc...

To be honest the real reason they dont advocate a wage is simply put they know its plenty of lemmings in the world, simps and tricks who will dump their wallets for a pretty/handsome face... and that ppl in large majority follow suite, question nothing, and have a knee jerk sympathy reaction esp... men for women, and they can play off of that and get easy effortless money.

Its why you have girls dropping or taking forever to finish school who work as waitresses/bartenders etc... Its what keeps the strip clubs alive and flourishing... etc so on and so forth. This tricking if you got it mentality... coupled with oh you just being cheap etc... if you dont follow it etc and act as if they are some sympathetic caring concerned person. The funny part about it is ppl who display this behavior etc tip to so call help these struggling ppl and they are better off finnacially then the ppl doing the tipping tricking. Thats when it really gets funny im helping someone who is in a better position then me... Still dont get that one.

My only gripe is when ppl dont just be real and honest with themselves and call it and how it is... and quit lying to themselves, and worst get upset put ppl down for essentially calling a spade a spade.
i've never seen a restaurant have a problem with splitting checks. around here, they include gratuity for parties with six or more people.
which is bs because i have three siblings and both of my parents are together so whenever we go out for dinner its a ****** 18% gratuity that my mom and dad punk out and pay
if you cant tip why are you going to nice places?? 

if its a cheap place like fridays or w/e and they're nice and helpful ill hook em up..

but i notice when i go to the small mexican restaurants, they work their butts off, ALL OF EM...they earn them tips.

i saw some busser getting down, i was just there to pick up a burrito but for the 5 mins i was there, dude cleaned like 10 tables and also ran to the back and was refilling ish...

gave the dude 10 bucks, dude was maybe in his 50's.

i get the feeling alot of yall dont know whats its like to work at a five star establishment it's nothing like mcdonalds even though mc d's workers probably make more money.

they have to deal with people talking down to them on the daily, i've seen some lady straight up tell some little asian girl "i thought you people were smart"
its not that ppl cant tip... if they couldnt afford 15% etc... how could they afford 100% meal....? As far as being helpful etc... its their job.. Are we really saying we should pay ppl bonuses etc... simply for doing what they are paid to do? Or better yet enjoy what they do? Is it hardwork hellls no... is it tedious, repetitive, work that gets little to no respect sure... but alot of jobs fall under that catagory... Lol at the fact that it is difficult/hard to be a host server... If it was such a difficult task then why arent there any prerequisites...extensive schooling etc... to do the job... And why do they literally take any blow job person or kid from the street to do so... Creating a network is difficult, flying a plane is difficult, construction work is difficult... showing someone where to sit, serving drinks etc... isnt difficult. The fact that these things are deemed as difficult is the reason to be honest why they are at this job position in the first place. Because they dont have the smarts or intelligence to do much of anything. If this is the best they can do.

Hell bill collectorshave to deal with rude, disrespectful ppl etc... Should we pay them extra based on if they do it with a smile. I mean for all the bs... reasons, scenarios etc... ppl give... why dont ppl keep it 100 and just tell it for what it is, you have no idea why you do it, you was just raised conditioned to do so, do it as a social norm, or do it as some selfish self gratifying gestures to give yourself a kudos for being a decent person.

I mean if you do it great but no need to lie, make up all these crazy unsound, rediculous, reasons why you do it. Its just like the whole gtta wear suit and tie for office jobs.. there is no practical reason to do it other then, society says i should, i dont want to go against the grain, i wanna fit in, its just the way it is, and i just do/follow whatever others say i should and call it a day.
its not that ppl cant tip... if they couldnt afford 15% etc... how could they afford 100% meal....? As far as being helpful etc... its their job.. Are we really saying we should pay ppl bonuses etc... simply for doing what they are paid to do? Or better yet enjoy what they do? Is it hardwork hellls no... is it tedious, repetitive, work that gets little to no respect sure... but alot of jobs fall under that catagory... Lol at the fact that it is difficult/hard to be a host server... If it was such a difficult task then why arent there any prerequisites...extensive schooling etc... to do the job... And why do they literally take any blow job person or kid from the street to do so... Creating a network is difficult, flying a plane is difficult, construction work is difficult... showing someone where to sit, serving drinks etc... isnt difficult. The fact that these things are deemed as difficult is the reason to be honest why they are at this job position in the first place. Because they dont have the smarts or intelligence to do much of anything. If this is the best they can do.

Hell bill collectorshave to deal with rude, disrespectful ppl etc... Should we pay them extra based on if they do it with a smile. I mean for all the bs... reasons, scenarios etc... ppl give... why dont ppl keep it 100 and just tell it for what it is, you have no idea why you do it, you was just raised conditioned to do so, do it as a social norm, or do it as some selfish self gratifying gestures to give yourself a kudos for being a decent person.

I mean if you do it great but no need to lie, make up all these crazy unsound, rediculous, reasons why you do it. Its just like the whole gtta wear suit and tie for office jobs.. there is no practical reason to do it other then, society says i should, i dont want to go against the grain, i wanna fit in, its just the way it is, and i just do/follow whatever others say i should and call it a day.

This just shows your complete ignorance and poor understanding of the position. It is clear you have never worked in that environment and your poor perception of what that job entails is used to justify why you don't believe someone working in the service industry who works off of tips doesn't deserve one.

Terrible. I would put money on you not having the mental capacity, social skills or ability to work as a server in a fine dining establishment. :lol:
if you cant tip why are you going to nice places?? 
Cuz going to nice places to eat and tipping do not go hand in hand.
but i notice when i go to the small mexican restaurants, they work their butts off, ALL OF EM...they earn them tips.

i saw some busser getting down, i was just there to pick up a burrito but for the 5 mins i was there, dude cleaned like 10 tables and also ran to the back and was refilling ish...
Mexicans work hard brah. We get it.
i get the feeling alot of yall dont know whats its like to work at a five star establishment it's nothing like mcdonalds even though mc d's workers probably make more money.

they have to deal with people talking down to them on the daily, i've seen some lady straight up tell some little asian girl "i thought you people were smart"
Not our concern brah.

It's up to them if they're willing to take that kind of abuse and/or strenuous work load. I know I wouldn't be taking that **** though. If that's why ppl should tip servers should just all become panhandlers.

I will say if I did know how that felt in that specific setting, I'd want things to be changed more than anything and work towards that. People don't deserve that.
Why does no one ever make a "restaurant owners need to pay their wait staff more" thread? Every argument displayed ends up in servers being underpaid/overworked. (For the record, the work done or expected of is not the same at every establishment. I've been to places where I've seen servers hustling to help every customer and others where they hang by the bar gossiping before bringing my food late AND cold (during a dead hour too), never offering to refill squat, but still expecting a tip.)

Normal or regular service doesn't justify a tip. If the job asks for more than it pays, why is it the customer's responsibility to make sure they make a fair wage? I always tip, but rarely do I feel like it's worth it. There's definitely an undeserved sense of entitlement for some servers, while others actual deserve the tip, but I tip them all because if I don't, I'm somehow a terrible person and not the individuals who are apparently over working these people they're paying in peanuts.
I tip based on service. If in a big group and I m not close with everyone then I ll ask for separate check. Or if its a group situation and they want to split bill evenly, I ll ask for a separate bill (been burn too many times on this with people eating or drinking way more than they put in)
This just shows your complete ignorance and poor understanding of the position. It is clear you have never worked in that environment and your poor perception of what that job entails is used to justify why you don't believe someone working in the service industry who works off of tips doesn't deserve one.
Terrible. I would put money on you not having the mental capacity, social skills or ability to work as a server in a fine dining establishment.
Um i guess you have no idea what the word hard/difficult means... And its apparent you as well as others are confusing it with stressful,tedious, and overworked/underpaid.

So ill just enlighten you with what difficult/hard means...

Difficult= A task requiring a high degree of intellect, skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand

If service work fell under this umbrella then why is it that you can obtain a job in the service field... with the exception of bartending etc... But jobs like server/host why is there no requirements outside of being legal age to work...and to be honest and keeping it 100 we all know plenty of places that have ppl/kids/children doing these jobs.... Hell matter fact recently i went to a all you can eat chinese buffet and they had i am assuming their children doing some of these so called jobs you say take a high level of intellect and set skill etc... and they were at the oldest maybe 10/11 years old... So i guess we could take an avg 10/11 y/o child and place them at a position such as a geophysicist, or maybe aircraft mechanic, how bout just a regular auto mechanic, a construction engineer.

Do you know why these so called jobs that you say are so so difficult etc... to do are generally given to teenagers and young adults? Its because they require little to no intelligence, no skillset, and are relatively easy to do. And they know a teenager etc.. doesnt have the years to have obtain experience, a high education,set skill to really perform any type of job that entails any degree of above average difficulty or skillset.

So your whole little spill while probably was fueled by you currently/recently working in the field, or maybe have a close friend/g.f. or family member who works in the field.

I mean i never said it wasnt a stressful job, a job that is repetitive, is undervalued,overworked and underpaid... but that doesn't mean that the job is hard/difficult and require some above high level of intelligence to do so. In saying so is basically disrespecting Pol who have said skills etc..Hell babysitting can fall under the same as thing... yet another job that the main requirement is based on age/maturity.
all you non-tippers watch Waiting . . .
View media item 141982
I've seen it a few times and there's another movie similar to it. Aint change much for me. The way I see it, they do **** to your food cuz you aint tip before or off the assumption you won't tip and also give poor service.

So what I do as a 1st time customer is order appetizer, meal, and dessert, don't tip and don't come back until I do the rounds on the other places to eat in the tri-state area.

At the end of the day, if ppl are willing to do **** to your food cuz you don't tip or think you won't I'd say it's pretty much a good bet that based on other illogical emotional reasons your server will do something nasty to your food even if you do tip. I'm sure there's some scene where girl spits in his drink and then says she feels bad after getting a good tip. Just drives home the message that servers are scum, so if they actually do it and are out here in real life condoning it what can you expect? People are all gonna start tipping due to fear?
So question, do you guys tip bartenders or no?

I tip in every scenario where it's expected. Whether I think it was deserved or not. Including the bar, even though I only drink beer.

It's really just to avoid the scrutiny, attitude, and negative after effect to not tipping. Don't get me wrong though. There are some nice tricks bartenders do to earn their tip, but pulling a tap really isn't one to me.
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Um i guess you have no idea what the word hard/difficult means... And its apparent you as well as others are confusing it with stressful,tedious, and overworked/underpaid.

So ill just enlighten you with what difficult/hard means...
Difficult= A task requiring a high degree of intellect, skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand

If service work fell under this umbrella then why is it that you can obtain a job in the service field... with the exception of bartending etc... But jobs like server/host why is there no requirements outside of being legal age to work...and to be honest and keeping it 100 we all know plenty of places that have ppl/kids/children doing these jobs.... Hell matter fact recently i went to a all you can eat chinese buffet and they had i am assuming their children doing some of these so called jobs you say take a high level of intellect and set skill etc... and they were at the oldest maybe 10/11 years old... So i guess we could take an avg 10/11 y/o child and place them at a position such as a geophysicist, or maybe aircraft mechanic, how bout just a regular auto mechanic, a construction engineer.

Do you know why these so called jobs that you say are so so difficult etc... to do are generally given to teenagers and young adults? Its because they require little to no intelligence, no skillset, and are relatively easy to do. And they know a teenager etc.. doesnt have the years to have obtain experience, a high education,set skill to really perform any type of job that entails any degree of above average difficulty or skillset.

So your whole little spill while probably was fueled by you currently/recently working in the field, or maybe have a close friend/g.f. or family member who works in the field.

I mean i never said it wasnt a stressful job, a job that is repetitive, is undervalued,overworked and underpaid... but that doesn't mean that the job is hard/difficult and require some above high level of intelligence to do so. In saying so is basically disrespecting Pol who have said skills etc..Hell babysitting can fall under the same as thing... yet another job that the main requirement is based on age/maturity.

Son is not as easy as you want to paint are generalizing under the idea that all waiters/waitresses fall under the same umbrella as the ones working in your local diner. Walk into Nobu and see if your waiter is an 11 year old like these in high quality establishments take ALOT of patience and people's skills...dealing with people in this type of environment takes a lot...specially when these people come in expecting top tier service.
Um i guess you have no idea what the word hard/difficult means... And its apparent you as well as others are confusing it with stressful,tedious, and overworked/underpaid.

So ill just enlighten you with what difficult/hard means...
Difficult= A task requiring a high degree of intellect, skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand

If service work fell under this umbrella then why is it that you can obtain a job in the service field... with the exception of bartending etc... But jobs like server/host why is there no requirements outside of being legal age to work...and to be honest and keeping it 100 we all know plenty of places that have ppl/kids/children doing these jobs.... Hell matter fact recently i went to a all you can eat chinese buffet and they had i am assuming their children doing some of these so called jobs you say take a high level of intellect and set skill etc... and they were at the oldest maybe 10/11 years old... So i guess we could take an avg 10/11 y/o child and place them at a position such as a geophysicist, or maybe aircraft mechanic, how bout just a regular auto mechanic, a construction engineer.

Do you know why these so called jobs that you say are so so difficult etc... to do are generally given to teenagers and young adults? Its because they require little to no intelligence, no skillset, and are relatively easy to do. And they know a teenager etc.. doesnt have the years to have obtain experience, a high education,set skill to really perform any type of job that entails any degree of above average difficulty or skillset.

So your whole little spill while probably was fueled by you currently/recently working in the field, or maybe have a close friend/g.f. or family member who works in the field.

I mean i never said it wasnt a stressful job, a job that is repetitive, is undervalued,overworked and underpaid... but that doesn't mean that the job is hard/difficult and require some above high level of intelligence to do so. In saying so is basically disrespecting Pol who have said skills etc..Hell babysitting can fall under the same as thing... yet another job that the main requirement is based on age/maturity.

Oh wow, someone with your mental capacity can actually Google the word "difficult" and copy/paste the definition in a post. :wow:

You just proved my point with your own "arguement."

The art of presentation is a "skill." The correct method of presenting/uncorking a bottle of wine is a skill. But I guess you wouldn't know anything about that at the Chinese Food Buffet spots you keep referencing.

Go back to CiCi's Pizza and enjoy your $5.65 all you can eat meal. It is apparent you know nothing about the service industry despite your attempts to give off the illusion that you do.

Access to a keyboard and the world wide web does not make you intelligent.

I'm sure your resume is quite impressive though.
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