How do you non-tippers handle gratuity or eating w/ a large group?

Take it how you wanna take it kid. I'm assuming having opinions and perceptions about people is wrong in your book.

Most the time the same non tippers are the ones that want to come over when I have people over to watch football and not being anything or pitch on the pizza but expect a slice and some drink when everyone else contributed.

These are the same people that don't wanna pitch in on bud but expect to have the blunt passed to them during the session.

If someone has cheap tendencies their going to be treated accordingly and I could care less how anyone feels about that.
Butt are they really your friends.... if a person is going to base their perception of you and who you are as an overall person, based on how you tip or if you tip at all, thats a very fickle person and really isnt a friend at all, really would be a associate at best. And if you go out in the world esp... depending on class/race etc... and think your going to appease society as a whole etc... your fighting a everylasting losing battle period.

its ppl, and we all know its true, that feel jewish and blacks are cheap, so regardless if you tip, tip well, or dont tip at all still will hold that stigma about you solely on stereotypes. So i mean in the grand scheme of things i still dont see your point. And as far as going above and beyond what their job description is, that really doesnt effect the food etc... thats moreso a experience/emotional aspect of eating out, ala the food was subpar but the service was great therefore it was good. Some ppl believe it or not go out to eat simply because they enjoy the food. Others becuase of the experience etc...

End of the day to me and im sure others, if the cute girl, flirts with you or be extra nice, isnt somehow going to make the reason you went there being, hungry and enjoying the food tast any better or somehow fill the void of being hungry. The cute chick that repeatedly comes by and ask do you need your drink refilled, doesnt change the taste quality of the drink. If it does for you then thats great, dont really see how, but if you emotionally feel it does you have a right to think that. I could even see if you guys tipped the cooks, cause essentially they are more important to the meal, then the person you escorts you to the seat.

but to say oh you deserve extra pay to 1. do something that YOU as a individual chose to do, knowing the terms, 2. to do something that has no bearings/effects on the reason i chose to eat there, ala the taste/quality of food. 3. becuase lets be honest, you find the chick cute etc... and lowkey simping, (cause be forreal with yourselves you guys will/do tip the cute girl better then you would the dude) They somehow deserve and are entitled to there pay 2 and 3 times fold... some ppl just arent going to agree to it, and see it the same way as you do.

Tipping at restaurants has been going on for longer than both you and me have been alive. It is a social norm, which I do follow. I completely adhere to the premise of being treated well, with respect, and with attentiveness. You do those three things, you're getting a tip from me. It's just that simple.

Yes, I understand that they chose this way of life as far as a career and you don't have to tip...but I choose otherwise. Are there other professions that have workers that are completely underpaid, you bet. However, there are cases where servers are making less than minimum wage and rely on tips to help make ends meet at the end of the night. You can look down on them and wonder "why aren't they looking for work elsewhere?" but in this economy, a job is a job. EARN your tip.

Speaking of minimum wage, how many people can make a living off of ONLY a minimum wage salary? Tips do help.

I gotta agree w/ Rex Ryan on this. Luckily, my close group of friends have no issue with tipping when going out. I'm glad I don't have to deal w. the headache of someone who chooses not to tip for the sole purpose of going against the grain.
Gonna tip the trash man with some left over turkey. Saving up for them black friday deals. :smokin
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Take it how you wanna take it kid. I'm assuming having opinions and perceptions about people is wrong in your book.

Most the time the same non tippers are the ones that want to come over when I have people over to watch football and not being anything or pitch on the pizza but expect a slice and some drink when everyone else contributed.

These are the same people that don't wanna pitch in on bud but expect to have the blunt passed to them during the session.

If someone has cheap tendencies their going to be treated accordingly and I could care less how anyone feels about that.

:smokin 8)

Damn straight!
To Shoelyesses,

If you're dining w/ a large group and gratuity is added - how pissed do you get at the bill knowing your extra cash is going into the pocket of the server? You take it up w/ management?
Take it how you wanna take it kid. I'm assuming having opinions and perceptions about people is wrong in your book.
Most the time the same non tippers are the ones that want to come over when I have people over to watch football and not being anything or pitch on the pizza but expect a slice and some drink when everyone else contributed.
These are the same people that don't wanna pitch in on bud but expect to have the blunt passed to them during the session.
If someone has cheap tendencies their going to be treated accordingly and I could care less how anyone feels about that.
Thats based on a bunch of scenarios, it almost sounds as if your generalizing and saying ppl who dont tip dont carry their own weight. matter fact thats exactly what you are saying. And that may be true in regards of the ppl YOU know and assocaite with, but this is a general thread with all sorts of ppl from all walks of life. but your taking YOUR select few of friends and basing an opinion on ppl overall. I know some cheap jewish ppl, but i would base a garnd wide opinion on all jewish ppl, base on the few ones i know who are cheap in many aspects of their life, regardless if its a social norm, and is widely known... same as how ppl are saying tipping is. I have asian friends, sure, a few dont drive well, but i wouldnt go on a forum with random asians and say all of them cant drive because of the few friends i have that are asian cant, and because of a well known social norm,stereotype.

I do have opinions/perceptions of ppl, but i view those based on the individual, not based on what society as a whole says that group of ppl are, should/shouldnt do etc... nor based on ppl i know individually who are similiar to a person i dont know/just meet/encounter.

That almost falls inline with me saying oh it is a social norm blacks dont tip, they are cheap, i know a few blacks who are cheap in all aspects of life, so if i meet a black person and dont really know them and we went out to eat and they didnt tip, they are cheap in all aspects of life, and dont carry thir own weight, and expect a free ride something for nothing.

I mean you have a right to typecast etc... i choose not to, im not going to see someone who doesnt tip, and base off that say oh they just wanna use me, freeload, expect a free ride etc... unless i personally see that individual, display these actions.

But back to topic i still havent heard anyone explain what exactly do they do that is of such significance, and is up and beyond the call of duty, that doesnt fit into their job description. All i heard is i do it well cause everyone else does it, or they dont make alot. But in the same token, theyre ppl who dont do things simply cause well everyone else says to do it so um why not...

And yes they do get underpaid, but why not take the matter to a even grander scale, if you really wanted to solve the so call underpayment of the workers, strive for making theyre pay increased. Tips aside most ppl arent making a great living in the restaurant service. I mean your 5 10 dollars to be honest isnt making/breaking tipping the scales in the grand scheme of things. If it truly is about getting them what they so call deserve.

So all smokescreens, so called rationale reasons aside, it boils down to i do it because simply put thats just how i was raised/conditioned and its a social norm, its easier for you to follow suite, and as such you just stand in the line of life, not kknowing what the line is for and why there is a line, but since others did it before you, and its simple enough why not.
To Shoelyesses,
If you're dining w/ a large group and gratuity is added - how pissed do you get at the bill knowing your extra cash is going into the pocket of the server? You take it up w/ management?
I dont get mad, and just like i said abut their wages, i knew the terms upon entering the place, and i have a choice to accept it or take my business elsewhere. same as they do as far as working. I do know understand pl do what they have to do etc... and could be the only job they get. But the main issue is earning a living, providing a secure living, and how secure is tips exactly? You basically have know concrete way of providing for yourself, and tips dont solve that issue either, its more a less bandaging a bullet wound. If the main thing of tipping is to help someone sustain, have a decent living, how does something as unpredictable as tips accomplish this? Tips arent promised, nor is it an absolute like a salary or a hourly wage. So again i still dont see your viewpoint in that aspect. Its almost like basing your well being etc... on playing the lottery or gambling, you just dont know. If its simply about a secure,steady constant etc... then wouldnt a set wage be much more concrete then a pay that is up and down, not promised, and could vary from day to day?
Speaking of party of 6 and more. I got stiffed on a 200 dollar bill. Literally left me zero dollars
To Shoelyesses,

If you're dining w/ a large group and gratuity is added - how pissed do you get at the bill knowing your extra cash is going into the pocket of the server? You take it up w/ management?
I dont get mad, and just like i said abut their wages, i knew the terms upon entering the place, and i have a choice to accept it or take my business elsewhere. same as they do as far as working. I do know understand pl do what they have to do etc... and could be the only job they get. But the main issue is earning a living, providing a secure living, and how secure is tips exactly? You basically have know concrete way of providing for yourself, and tips dont solve that issue either, its more a less bandaging a bullet wound. If the main thing of tipping is to help someone sustain, have a decent living, how does something as unpredictable as tips accomplish this? Tips arent promised, nor is it an absolute like a salary or a hourly wage. So again i still dont see your viewpoint in that aspect. Its almost like basing your well being etc... on playing the lottery or gambling, you just dont know. If its simply about a secure,steady constant etc... then wouldnt a set wage be much more concrete then a pay that is up and down, not promised, and could vary from day to day?


basically, haven't run into this problem since high school. even then if there was that one dude who decided not to tip we'd all just
him and he'd get embarrassed and tip.
theres been one time when i didnt tip the full amount (i ordered a beer and a half-assed burger which was 
). my boys said we were just gonna go stroll the thing u know they all wanna get this urge to go out to eat (random) down south street (we are in northeast philly) and im stuck in the whip since i didnt drive. next thing u know were in some spot and i just grab a beer to watch the okc vs heat finals and figured were gonna be here a while i might as well order somethin..i get the beer and burger and it was like 12 bucks. i give them 15 and they gave me the 
 face talkin bout ''i used to bus tables dog u better tip more'' i straight up said ''you see me give money to homeless people all the time'' and dude played it off like ''that aint the same thing, they dont work'' LOL NO SHT SHERLOCK.
Separate checks as far as groups.

Once I discovered what gratuity was I simply avoid places that add it in. It is smart though, if you want me to support these poor waiters/waitresses/servers you better add in to the overall bill. The way I see it they should just raise the price of food and pay their employees more.
toogoon23 said:
NationalTruckerDave said:
None of my friends tip so it's never a problem pimp.gif , I never understood the purpose of giving someone money for doing their job lol
Hey idiot, your not giving them money to do their job, you are paying their salary. Servers make 2.13 an hour, 90% of their income comes from their tips. When you don't tip a server, you are indirectly taking money out of their paycheck and they are serving you for free. If you don't wanna tip you shouldn't eat at restaurants, simple as that.
Those ppl willing to work for that much are idiots to begin with. Sounds like immigrants are getting paid more than dumb *** servers. Smarten up.
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I remember when the first place I went in to had gratuity and I aint know. Paid for my food and subtracted the gratuity and walked out.
if the waiter is being an ahole, im not tipping. I wont change my mind b/c everyone at the table looking at me
Thats my point in terms of ppl saying i do it on some i feel bad for them, etc... they only make such and such amount... Tipping reminds me of ppl who around the holidays all of a sudden get some sort of moral compass ad donate old clothes to goodwill etc... or day after day month after month decide to tip etc... the homeless person who begs, that you have passed 1,000's of times. Its a social norm, etc.. that holidays=doing some half arsed self gratifiying good deed. nd in the same sense how does giving that cat on the corner 5-10 dollars around the holidays change things in the grand scheme of things? But just like tipping its a social norm, its a so called good will jester, and ppl use it as some moral compass to say they did something good, they are some upstanding decent human being.

If these ppl in here so call really cared, etc... about these distraught, underpaid where is the petition to have them get paid a wage that is decent/good or at the very least giving them the ability to earn a living for basic needs at...? why are you guys online and not out boycotting said establishments and demanding a fair wage? If you so so concerned really care... the "because they are underpaid and dont make that much etc..." Exactly... like i said before its that whole "apple jack" mentality, dont taste like apples, dont know why we like em, but hell we just do.
I always tip between 10-20% even though I dont like doing it. But who does anyway
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My group of friends wouldn't put up people not wanting to tip or pay tax on food, except if someone's short on cash. A lot of the time we split everything even so we've learned to individually eat as much as we can :lol:.
:lol: at the people making the comparison of servers to teachers & wal-mart CSRs. teachers and the like accept their salary as is without expecting a tip on top of their offered salaries; waiters & waitresses accept their offered wages with an expected amount of tip to supplement that. completely different situations.

Those ppl willing to work for that much are idiots to begin with. Sounds like immigrants are getting paid more than dumb *** servers. Smarten up.

Wow. You can't be serious with that statement.
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