How Do You Feel About Your Child Being Exposed To Same Sex Couples Through Cartoons/Kids Shows (Nick

So long as its presented as a family where the parents happen to be the same gender, I'm fine. I want my children to be accepting and welcoming of all people. Any sexualization or politicization of the situation and I'd have a problem. 
You were comparing homosexuals to "unnatural" behaviors as being blind and you tried to use their not being able to have children an achilles heel of sorts. Basically you're using the same nonsensical arguments a lot of homophobes use. You may be FOR people being whoever they want but you sound like a casual, post-modern bigot.
jesus christ lol.... 

you sound like a somewhat reasonable individual, but in this case.... you're super drunk 

I basically said people are BORN GAY, I don't believe it's something that's taught or learned 

90% of people are born heterosexual, the same way 90% are born right handed --- both are natural.... 

it's not a diss... AT ALL.... i don't have homophobia or handophobia 

hell, my first post in the thread was saying I had no problems with my kids watching an innocent gay cartoon...
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It's God's test to see if you have the commitment to believe in him after you are born with impurities. It's well documented in scripture. It also tests bystanders because they will see this and wonder why these "unnatural" events occur. Because god and all his benevolent glory test your will.
this is why I stay away from religion.... 

y'all insane 
Even if I did have an issue with same sex couples, it would still be something that I'd react to like "wow, they're really showing this these days?" rather than the extreme feelings some of you losers have on here. The same people crying over kids being taught about same sex couples and unisex bathrooms through media/school don't have anywhere near the same amount of outrage at school shootings, violent culture and racism taught to kids, inadequate funding for schools, trash math and science skills compared to most of the "first world", kids going to school hungry, etc. :lol: :smh:
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Don't care honestly.

Wouldn't be the first time they had a gay character on a TV show or cartoon...often times it doesn't effect anything.
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This is a lie, you pulled this out of your booty.

Many people who are pro-LGBT DO care about science, better education, world hunger, school shootings. Stop making sh up. In fact is you want to go off stereotypes, people who are pro-gay tend to be more liberal and more sensitive to the societal inequalities. 

I don't expect Past Jim Bob from Texas who preaches condemnation of gays to be fond of negroes. 
I think you misread what I wrote; I was writing about the anti-gay population. All I'm saying is thathat crowd will spend so much time condemning "the gay agenda" being spread to their kids but will say nothing about their kids being taught that violence and racism is acceptable in 2016.
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people are born unable to grow hair

people are born unable to see 

people are born unable to digest certain foods 

is it hard to believe people are born with other "unnatural" traits? 

i say unnatural because heterosexuals are the majority and two people of the same sex can't procreate -- as your point was getting at 

It's God's test to see if you have the commitment to believe in him after you are born with impurities. It's well documented in scripture. It also tests bystanders because they will see this and wonder why these "unnatural" events occur. Because god and all his benevolent glory test your will.

:rofl: :rofl:

So the suffering in the world is just the guy who created us testing us, even though he already knows the outcome of said testing? So our Heavenly Father decided to give my neighbor kid an inoperable brain tumor that killed him at 12 as a means of testing his and his family's commitment to believe in him?

Thanks're awesome.
:rofl: :rofl:

So the suffering in the world is just the guy who created us testing us, even though he already knows the outcome of said testing? So our Heavenly Father decided to give my neighbor kid an inoperable brain tumor that killed him at 12 as a means of testing his and his family's commitment to believe in him?

Thanks're awesome.

Of course he is awesome. He gives you an opportunity to believe in him and join him in his sanctity. If you don't want to that's fine. As long as you are willing to face the consequences. Help God help you.
I would let my kids watch a cartoon with a homosexual couple before I'd let them go to church.
Have fun burning in hell.

BuT nah, what if the christian is right, he goes to heaven and the atheist goes tonhell?

Or what if the atheist is right and the christian was wrong, and after we die we just stay dead doggy. Nothin more nothin less.

You takin your chances?
This is the absolute worst argument in regards to why you should believe in God:

It really is extremely stupid. What about the millions of human beings who lived during the hundreds of thousands of years before Christianity became a religion? They all chillin in hell right now too?
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How yall feel bout beastiality?
If a dog backs it up on the owner constantly and the owner
gets down with the dog, is that problem?

Or if theres a cartoon when the guy smashes his cat on the reg.
How would yall feel bout that?

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I have zero problem with 2 consenting adults sleeping with each other behind closed doors. But over the top affection between homosexuals should be regulated to a mature audience just like porn.
How yall feel bout beastiality?
If a dog backs it up on the owner constantly and the owner
gets down with the dog, is that problem?

Or if theres a cartoon when the guy smashes his cat on the reg.
How would yall feel bout that?


There are no cartoons where humans are ******* animals :lol:

Of course that would be wild
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