How Do You Feel About Your Child Being Exposed To Same Sex Couples Through Cartoons/Kids Shows (Nick

I agree with the majority in here. I'm not with this. I think "The Loud House" will be under so much fire from parents, Nickelodeon will be forced to cancel it.
osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh , unless you're actively pointing those things out (Ghostbusters, Little Mermaid, Dory) I'm not sure how this would even be a topic of conversation for a very young child.

I can only speak about my daughter, who is 4. However, if you're teaching your child from a young age about acceptance and tolerance, it shouldn't even be that big of a deal.

thats the point I was trying to make, maybe I said it clumsily,

I don't think its something that a kid is really going to think about for more than a second unless it's really pointed out to them.

nigerias a super religious and homophobic place, so I made it a point to try my best to explain it to them once they encountered a gay character in a comic book and a TV show. hopefully it will make them more tolerent when they go back to nigeria.
I agree with the majority in here. I'm not with this. I think "The Loud House" will be under so much fire from parents, Nickelodeon will be forced to cancel it.

:lol: Yea, ok.

osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh , unless you're actively pointing those things out (Ghostbusters, Little Mermaid, Dory) I'm not sure how this would even be a topic of conversation for a very young child.

I can only speak about my daughter, who is 4. However, if you're teaching your child from a young age about acceptance and tolerance, it shouldn't even be that big of a deal.

thats the point I was trying to make, maybe I said it clumsily,

I don't think its something that a kid is really going to think about for more than a second unless it's really pointed out to them.

nigerias a super religious and homophobic place, so I made it a point to try my best to explain it to them once they encountered a gay character in a comic book and a TV show. hopefully it will make them more tolerent when they go back to nigeria.

Ahhh...ok, got u.

My daughter is almost 4 1/2. She questions EVERYTHING, but this topic hasn't come up. Seeing two parents of the same gender doesn't phase her one bit because it's pretty much part of the norm in 2016. As it should be.
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If we talking specifically about the show in the OP. I might not have a problem after reading the article. Doesnt seem like anything crazy is going down.

If we are talking overall... then I would have to watch the show first and make a determination off what I see.

Like if the couple is only fulfilling the role of being parental figures and getting jokes played on them and trying to keep order in the home and teaching values, basically typical parent activities that take place on most kid shows, then ill prolly allow it.

But if the show ends up being to centered around the lifestyle of the parents and the kids are operating within that lifestyle episode after episode... ill prolly be against it. For example if the parents are males and one works at a woman's hair salon and the lil boy main character is in the hair salon every episode, NO. Or if its two females and one works for a ladies basketball team and the lil girl main character is in the gym and locker room all day, No. Too much of a potential influence in that type of imagery IMO.
Reminds me of a convo we had at work about schools having sex ed as early as 1st grade. This one chick was totally against it because she wanted to preserve her sons innocence.
I understand both arguments tho.

Edit- ursula a drag queen :rofl: might be a reach
Ursula was NT thick
No cartoons of any kind for any kid I have...

Only sports, training footage, game tapes, sport science breakdowns, and motivational sayings over epic background musics...
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Children's minds are very impressionable. I think the main issue that people don't want to actually say is that no one wants their child to end up gay, and they want to do anything in their power to prevent it, and they're scared that a show like this could possibly influence the child to live this lifestyle, so many parents want to avoid it altogether. I'm sure a question that several parents ask themselves is "where did i go wrong" when it's revealed that their child is gay. Whether or not you agree with this logic, I'm sure it's a question that comes up in the parent's mind.

Then comes the discussion, are people 'molded' into a homosexual lifestyle, or is it 100% predetermined at birth. After reading some posts in here, i feel that some people think that it is possible to be molded.

I definitely think physical trauma can alter a child's sexuality, such as getting molested or raped, but that's much more severe than a cartoon.
if your kid wants to be with guys when he grows up or your daughter wants to be with girls, do you honestly believe watching or not watching a cartoon would have changed that at all?
i think some people/children are more impressionable than others. As much as people deny it, look at the impact media has on adults, let alone children.

The notion that something is "just a cartoon", "just a show", "just music" etc should be reconsidered. I personally think that it's programming. Maybe not to everyone, but to some.
I watched zootopia.
I felt like it was funded by glaad.

Just watch the pets life movie......I felt like it was fun without making want to barf from the usual agendas getting pushed on kids by liberals.

How I feel.
I feel that as a straight male, I will be lambasted if I do anything but applaud what the news decides is right.
depends on the context of the cartoon.... 

if it's teaching acceptance, why would anyone mind it other than homophobic people 

if it's just showing a same sex couple doing the same innocent things any cartoon couple is doing what's the difference?  

Boosie ain't got a problem with kids hearing his music about ignorant **** tho... 
If you object to the presence of a gay couple in a cartoon because you're fearful of the influence it might have, do you also keep your kids away from violence in cartoons?

Or is being influenced by violence more acceptable?

We need some answers from this post.
If they are just together reminiscent to bert and ernie were on the seasme street then cool, you don't even think about two men living together like that. But there's a certain level of sexual undertones that I wouldn't feel comfortable with gay or straight for a kid. But then again, what is the right age for their mind to start worrying about those things? You should just handle it as the questions arise. Good thing I plan not to have kids. 
I agree and disagree with the whole, kids soak up everything argument .... 

for the older people in here, Pepe La Pew was a straight up sexual predator and none of us were aware of this until we were adults lol 

son was super rapey

if you go back and watch it now.... he even talked about making love and being intimate 
If you object to the presence of a gay couple in a cartoon because you're fearful of the influence it might have, do you also keep your kids away from violence in cartoons?

Or is being influenced by violence more acceptable?
I wouldn't say it's more acceptable being influenced by it but I would presume on average sex is simply much more taboo/serious issue than violence would be. And being taboo it's a subject that if you HAVE to touch on it, it would be later when the kid raises questions about it, but you damn sure wouldn't want to bring it up if you believe it to be a taboo subject.

It also doesn't help that cartoon violence is depicted as very whimsical in cartoons. Personally when I hear cartoon violence for a kid's show I'm thinking fred flinstone hitting barney with a club or something. Which could be bad if a kid tries to imitate it but to a parent it's quite comical and alas in the parent's mind may be less of a cause for concern. 

In the end it's just how averse the parent is on having the kid being influenced on any subject.
if your kid wants to be with guys when he grows up or your daughter wants to be with girls, do you honestly believe watching or not watching a cartoon would have changed that at all?
Quite possibly yes. You never know how things can sway someone's mind child or adult. Albeit it doesn't sound like a good reason to hide it from your child, but anything could potentially influence the child. Things you think are pointless could have a major impact and things you think major could indeed be pointless.
anybody remember the backlash on beavis and butthead back in the day b/c a kid set a house on fire and cited the show as his motivation?

pepe le pew was def od romantic, idk about rapey tho.

i remember ren and stimpy had some adult humor in it, but it wasn't over the top.
Social engineering is a discipline in social science that refers to efforts to influence particular attitudes and social behaviors on a large scale, whether by governments, media or private groups in order to produce desired characteristics in a target population. Social engineering can also be understood philosophically as a deterministic phenomenon where the intentions and goals of the architects of the new social construct are realized.
Not here for the **** show. I just wanted to point this out to the people that believe that television/music/any other forms of media have no effect or influence on children. Regardless of what side of the coin you're on of the underlying topic, you're pretty much admitting that social engineering via mass communication tools is indeed a real thing whether you're for or against this.
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short answer: it's demonic. it's satanic. i don't appreciate it. the world is going straight to hell. this is deliberately done to confuse the children, among other things. children don't even overstand what heterosexuality is, let alone lgbt. :smh:

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