How Do You Feel About Your Child Being Exposed To Same Sex Couples Through Cartoons/Kids Shows (Nick

I just wanna know how and why did beastiality make its way into the conversation?!?
Some try and link it to homosexuality in a "slippery slope" sense.

For example, gay marriage. It's not that unheard of for extremely homophobic people to say things like "are we letting gays get married now? What's next? Smashing and marrying your dog?"
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honestly, this doesn't matter to me at all. since i was born i've known same sex couples who had kids, being "exposed" to it never had an impact on my sexuality or the sexuality of their adopted children.

i see this is serious business for some of ya'll though 
I agree and disagree with the whole, kids soak up everything argument .... 

for the older people in here, Pepe La Pew was a straight up sexual predator and none of us were aware of this until we were adults lol 

son was super rapey
Speak for yourself
I just wanna know how and why did beastiality make its way into the conversation?!? :x :x :x :stoneface:
I bring it up bcause its sexual relations that cannot bring forth life.
Its a misguided desire that bastardizes the purpose of intercourse.
So I would assume those who justify homosex desires wouldn't
not look down upon one who desires animals in a lu$tful way.

Only argument is, if the consent. Most sexual consent is non verbal.
(Like when you with a chick, you walk her to your bedroom. Lay her down.
Make out. Undress her. If shes going with the flow or leading. Thats consent.
Its not often theres a , " yes you can have sex with me". Its an attempt based off
of being proactive or invitation, then refusal or acceptance)
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I bring it up bcause its sexual relations that cannot bring forth life.
Its a misguided desire that bastardizes the purpose of intercourse.
So I would assume those who justify homosex desires wouldn't
not look down upon one who desires animals in a lu****l way.

Only argument is, if the consent. Most sexual consent is non verbal.
(Like when you with a chick, you walk her to your bedroom. Lay her down.
Make out. Undress her. If shes going with the flow or leading. Thats consent.
Its not often theres a , " yes you can have sex with me". Its an attempt based off
of being proactive or invitation, then refusal or acceptance)

That and the small little fact that you're talking about having sex with a different species. :lol:
I bring it up bcause its sexual relations that cannot bring forth life.
Its a misguided desire that bastardizes the purpose of intercourse.

So I would assume those who justify homosex desires wouldn't
not look down upon one who desires animals in a lu$tful way.

Only argument is, if the consent. Most sexual consent is non verbal.
(Like when you with a chick, you walk her to your bedroom. Lay her down.
Make out. Undress her. If shes going with the flow or leading. Thats consent.
Its not often theres a , " yes you can have sex with me". Its an attempt based off
of being proactive or invitation, then refusal or acceptance)

Not sure if serious or trolling
What kind of unobservant children were yall for yall to keep saying yall didn't get or understand certain things that you saw?

I knew Let Pew was a rapist

I knew Ren and Stimpy were disgusting creeps.

I noticed when Bugs dressed in drag

I'm not getting what yall are saying when you say you didn't get it until you were grown
I bring it up bcause its sexual relations that cannot bring forth life.
Its a misguided desire that bastardizes the purpose of intercourse.
So I would assume those who justify homosex desires wouldn't
not look down upon one who desires animals in a lu****l way.

Only argument is, if the consent. Most sexual consent is non verbal.
(Like when you with a chick, you walk her to your bedroom. Lay her down.
Make out. Undress her. If shes going with the flow or leading. Thats consent.
Its not often theres a , " yes you can have sex with me". Its an attempt based off
of being proactive or invitation, then refusal or acceptance)

That and the small little fact that you're talking about having sex with a different species. :lol:

same way you view that is the same way I see homosexuality. I dont hate those with different desires from mine. They should be treated with respect like any other law abiding citizen and have the rights as such. What ever floats your boats. Its just not kosher and I think people are clouded by the emotional connections within those relationship versus looking at the basics.
same way you view that is the same way I see homosexuality. I dont hate those with different desires from mine. They should be treated with respect like any other law abiding citizen and have the rights as such. What ever floats your boats. Its just not kosher and I think people are clouded by the emotional connections within those relationship versus looking at the basics.
Linking homosexuality to bestiality doesn't seem very respectful to me. A gay person would probably find that offensive.
Prolly. If you dont stand with or for them, they can find an offense in that too. So, people gon get offended one way or the other. "They should be treated with respect," that is the ideal, but no one goes through life not getting disrespected or offended directly or indirectly. Once you walk this earth, toes get stepped on. But life goes on.
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same way you view that is the same way I see homosexuality. I dont hate those with different desires from mine. They should be treated with respect like any other law abiding citizen and have the rights as such. What ever floats your boats. Its just not kosher and I think people are clouded by the emotional connections within those relationship versus looking at the basics.

Simply stating its not right, doesn't make it so. Don't agree with it? That's perfectly fine.
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What kind of unobservant children were yall for yall to keep saying yall didn't get or understand certain things that you saw?

I knew Let Pew was a rapist

I knew Ren and Stimpy were disgusting creeps.

I noticed when Bugs dressed in drag

I'm not getting what yall are saying when you say you didn't get it until you were grown

I guess you were fixated on different things than i was.
I bring it up bcause its sexual relations that cannot bring forth life.
Its a misguided desire that bastardizes the purpose of intercourse.
So I would assume those who justify homosex desires wouldn't
not look down upon one who desires animals in a lu$tful way.
There's your problem; you assume everyone views intercourse the same way. Purpose  implies that someone or something created intercourse with an objective. I don't agree.

Therefore, your assumption is wrong because your premise is a belief  and not a fact.

Plenty of humans engage in intercourse without the intent to create life. 
The fact that Ben Carson can perform craniotomies doesn't make up for his idiocy. :lol:

But clearly we are working here on a bell-curve, my original point remains...I don't have a choice, I'd have to have a psychotic break or some type of degenerative brain disorder to ever consider becoming christian. Your original point was that god gave me a choice, no he didn't :lol:  

If God really cared about my soul, he would've made me a little dumber, that's all I'm saying Chief. I'm actually good friends with the pastor at my mom's church, he makes some suspect comments that essentially admits that more intelligent people tend to stray for God. You have to be like a child to believe, those were his words not mine. 

He calls it "confusion". Essentially he expects his congregation to be simple minded, uneducated, ignorant, SHEEP.

God knows everything. When he passes judgment on you you know why. [emoji]128512[/emoji]
IDGAF, if my kid(s) turn out gay then they turn out gay.

Life is too damn short to be worried about who another person loves.
I came across a term in a video posted recently.

Psychological castration


you mean what happened to black people with christianity over the years?

Not sure what you mean, what happened?

I think it was in reference to actual castration, just psychologically as opposed to physically. Like the psychological equivalent of what happened to black males during jim crow.
I bring it up bcause its sexual relations that cannot bring forth life.

Its a misguided desire that bastardizes the purpose of intercourse.

So I would assume those who justify homosex desires wouldn't

not look down upon one who desires animals in a lu$tful way.

There's your problem; you assume everyone views intercourse the same way. Purpose implies that someone or something created intercourse with an objective. I don't agree.

Therefore, your assumption is wrong because your premise is a belief and not a fact.

Plenty of humans engage in intercourse without the intent to create life. 

Purpose of intercourse is a belief? How'd you come up with that conclusion?

Purpose of your gastrointestinal systems is a belief as well?
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I don't feel anyway about it.

Luckily I live in NYC. Children will get a good idea of the various different kinds of ppl that exist.

Cartoons will hopefully not make them bigots.


Should've expected this would spiral in to the consciously dumb religious arguments I have come to be tired of on NT.
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I bring it up bcause its sexual relations that cannot bring forth life.
Its a misguided desire that bastardizes the purpose of intercourse.

If your reasoning for your opposition to homosexuality is based on this, then how do you feel about condoms? Don't they bastardize the purpose of intercourse by preventing pregnancies?

What about sterile men? Should they remain abstinent?
Ya dudes better not EVA be tugging on ya meats if ya calling to stop misguided desires and bastardization of sexuality.

Christian god frowns upon premarital sex as well. Hope we got virgins who never masturbate in this thread. :lol:
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why is it always gay arguments try to be based on racial dynamics?

like its always relating gay struggle to white on black racism

really, i just dont see how who someone has sex with has any bearing on who they are as a person

like the color of ur skin is something apparent, you cant hide it

but gay ppl have been in the closet and somehow that becomes worse or as important as skin color?

its funny how i always hear feminism is just for white women, i guess all this gay hoopla is just for white gay men too 
Purpose of intercourse is a belief? How'd you come up with that conclusion?

Purpose of your gastrointestinal systems is a belief as well?
I didn't make this clear, but I was saying that it's HTG Designs' belief that the purpose of intercourse is to bring forth life. There are multiple reasons people have intercourse. It is a belief that the sole purpose of intercourse is to procreate. 

I guarantee HTG Designs doesn't engage in intercourse simply to procreate.
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