How did you get that scar?

Got 2.  Got the first one when i was 4. Me and a friend was rolling down a grass hill. Funny thing too I seen a piece of glass on the hill but was being too lazy to move it.  But my turn comes and I start rolling down the hill.  As I stop I see blood on my leg.  The piece of glass tore a big chunk into my leg.  You could see the meat and all.  I forgot how many stiches but it was alot.
Got my second on like 3 yrs ago.  At work on the conveyor belt, a roll bar keeps poping out so like usual I just put it back in place like usual, but this time it lands awkwardly and my hand gets caught between the moving belt and the roll bar.  The belt keeps going and going while my hand is pressed up against the roll bar. Its burning my glove off as well as my skin.  So my boss comes out and stops the belt.  After it all goes down.  I have a hole in my hand.  20 stiches and 6 suchers later I end up with a scar on my right hand.
I got 3 bullet wounds. One is on the right side of my left knee, the other 2 are from one bullet in both my sides right under my ribcage
I got 3 bullet wounds. One is on the right side of my left knee, the other 2 are from one bullet in both my sides right under my ribcage
I was going home from elementary school with my books in my hand and lunchbox. Tried to jump the chains in front of the parking lot and fell square on my chin, lol didn't even try to brace it or empty my hands and catch myself. Took 3 doctors to hold me down when they were taking the stitches out.

I was playing baseball and slid to the base, my foot went under the base. This dude jumped up to try and catch the ball that went over his head when they tried to get me out and came down on the bag. I swear dude was huge for his age like at least 120 lbs or something in 5th grade. Well he broke my ankle in two places had to get surgery and 2 screws which are still in there.

I actually stabbed myself in the forehead with a screwdriver too lol. I was using the screwdriver to push out this piece in the track. Used a little too much force and you get the picture.
I was going home from elementary school with my books in my hand and lunchbox. Tried to jump the chains in front of the parking lot and fell square on my chin, lol didn't even try to brace it or empty my hands and catch myself. Took 3 doctors to hold me down when they were taking the stitches out.

I was playing baseball and slid to the base, my foot went under the base. This dude jumped up to try and catch the ball that went over his head when they tried to get me out and came down on the bag. I swear dude was huge for his age like at least 120 lbs or something in 5th grade. Well he broke my ankle in two places had to get surgery and 2 screws which are still in there.

I actually stabbed myself in the forehead with a screwdriver too lol. I was using the screwdriver to push out this piece in the track. Used a little too much force and you get the picture.
near left ankle: tore about a 1/4 inch chunk out of my leg as i was hunting ( in the middle of chasing a buck). my pants got caught in a barbed wire fence i was going through, didnt think twice and just yanked my pants. tore the pants, and my leg up. strange thing is, i didn't feel any pain or notice anything until someone told me that i was bleeding pretty good. as soon as i looked down at it, thats when all the pain hit me. must've been all the adrenaline goin through me at the time.
near left ankle: tore about a 1/4 inch chunk out of my leg as i was hunting ( in the middle of chasing a buck). my pants got caught in a barbed wire fence i was going through, didnt think twice and just yanked my pants. tore the pants, and my leg up. strange thing is, i didn't feel any pain or notice anything until someone told me that i was bleeding pretty good. as soon as i looked down at it, thats when all the pain hit me. must've been all the adrenaline goin through me at the time.
accidentally got elbowed while playing tackle football. scar right under my right eyebrow.
accidentally got elbowed while playing tackle football. scar right under my right eyebrow.
I have one about 3/4 inch long over my eye from when I was very young, like 3, and was being babysitted and they dropped or throw me into a fan. That's the only one I have that is noticeable and permanent.
I have one about 3/4 inch long over my eye from when I was very young, like 3, and was being babysitted and they dropped or throw me into a fan. That's the only one I have that is noticeable and permanent.
-One above my lip from when a dog bit my lips. I'm so lucky it didnt bite a chunk off.
-Then I have one by the right side of my jaw another dog bite.
-One above my lip from when a dog bit my lips. I'm so lucky it didnt bite a chunk off.
-Then I have one by the right side of my jaw another dog bite.
One on my chest from open heart surgery at age 7 and the healed hole an inch below it from the drainage tube
One on my chest from open heart surgery at age 7 and the healed hole an inch below it from the drainage tube
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