How did you get that scar?

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

I got mine from eating pineapple.

-The Juice

 TV version of scarface?
- I got one on the top of my head from doing flips in the pool and landing right on the edge of the stairs where u get out from.
- Another one from when I was young living in NY I somehow fell on the corner(it was metal and sharp) of the window ac and stabbed the top of my thigh... it was pretty bad
- I got one on the top of my head from doing flips in the pool and landing right on the edge of the stairs where u get out from.
- Another one from when I was young living in NY I somehow fell on the corner(it was metal and sharp) of the window ac and stabbed the top of my thigh... it was pretty bad
One on my right shin from when I was a kid and was stabbed by one of the prongs of a metal rake.
One on my right shin from when I was a kid and was stabbed by one of the prongs of a metal rake.

During 8th grade.
Her dad came in the room.
Jumped out the window head first.
Thigh scraped on the edge of bricks outside of window.

During 8th grade.
Her dad came in the room.
Jumped out the window head first.
Thigh scraped on the edge of bricks outside of window.
Left cubital fossa from an allergic reaction to an injection when I was like 7. I love my scar.
Left cubital fossa from an allergic reaction to an injection when I was like 7. I love my scar.
I have one on my left calf. Sliced it open on a sharp corner of a coffee table
. It didn't start bleeding for about five minutes then I went and got 14 stitches.

I have quite a few on my arms from playing basketball. One on my foot from surfing.
I have one on my left calf. Sliced it open on a sharp corner of a coffee table
. It didn't start bleeding for about five minutes then I went and got 14 stitches.

I have quite a few on my arms from playing basketball. One on my foot from surfing.
i only have one under my chin. i was skateboarding down a hill and this car came out of nowhere so i swerved super fast to avoid getting hit, my board slipped out from under me and my head slammed down on my chin. i may have needed stitches cause it didn't stop bleeding for over 2 days, i just taped gauze to my chin and kept changing it every hour and eventually it stopped.
i only have one under my chin. i was skateboarding down a hill and this car came out of nowhere so i swerved super fast to avoid getting hit, my board slipped out from under me and my head slammed down on my chin. i may have needed stitches cause it didn't stop bleeding for over 2 days, i just taped gauze to my chin and kept changing it every hour and eventually it stopped.
Originally Posted by Adrian1221

ill post first

How condescending.

Pretty big scar on my right leg: Ice cream man had past my block and I was NOT going to wait til tomorrow to get a Cookies and Cream.
Hopped and bike and did work catching up to that Middle Easterner.
Dude turned the block. There was water in the gutter and I lost control of my bike and did like a 15ft skid slide on my right side. Got up Ice Cream man was gone.
Looked at my right leg and everything was flesh.
@!%$ came out that mess and I've never peeled off bigger scabs.
Originally Posted by Adrian1221

ill post first

How condescending.

Pretty big scar on my right leg: Ice cream man had past my block and I was NOT going to wait til tomorrow to get a Cookies and Cream.
Hopped and bike and did work catching up to that Middle Easterner.
Dude turned the block. There was water in the gutter and I lost control of my bike and did like a 15ft skid slide on my right side. Got up Ice Cream man was gone.
Looked at my right leg and everything was flesh.
@!%$ came out that mess and I've never peeled off bigger scabs.
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