How did NTer Chrisin2D die?!?

 that other boy's a fool
kilojules64 wrote:
Too many people think getting behind the wheel of a car is no big deal.

This. It is way too easy to get a licence in this country.

Rest easy. Condolences to close friends and family.

Did not know him but such a sad way to leave this someone said earlier in the thread the other kid is in the hospital and will probably move on with his life with no injuries. I'm not wishing anything ill on the kid behind the wheel because two wrongs don't make a right and that won't bring him back anyways. Just isn't fair how these situations play out. RIP to him and my prayers to his fam. I know he's smiling because of the love from his fellow NT'ers.
Just followed him on twitter...Dude was just tweeting around midnight or so, lifes fragile
Horrible. Just horrible.   May he rest in peace.

Hopefully that 16 year old gets the book thrown at him in an adult court.
16 years old ... out in a truck w/ no license, running from the cops at 3 in the morning ...


damn, only 22. be thankful for your life everyday because even if you do everything youre supposed to, it can still be snatched from you.

hope his famliy stays strong and uses this time of year to come even closer instead of letting it get them down.

But this is honestly why i have severe road rage, even towards the person im riding with if they not paying attention. lives are at stake on the road at all times.

may he rest in peace and his family find peace.
always joked w/ dude and stuff....he was good people....sad to see him lose his life like that....nobody deserves that $@%+
Originally Posted by dankenstien88

kilojules64 wrote:
Too many people think getting behind the wheel of a car is no big deal.

This. It is way too easy to get a license in this country.

Rest easy. Condolences to close friends and family.

QFT. This is why they need to bump the age up to 18, kids really don't realize how dangerous driving is in general, 1,000+ lb metal object going 40+ MPH is a death trap in itself essentially. Got them thinking they invincible when they get behind that wheel, not taking that responsibility seriously enough...we need way, way more thorough driving tests in the USA, I've seen some of Earth's worst drivers here in CA and I just want to meet the idiot whole green lighted their license

RIP and condolences to the family. I hate when stuff like this happens. Perfectly innocent adult has his life taken away for no reason by some %@#+##% irresponsible teen. God I hope they turn his doughnut into a tire while he's in jail or prison or whatever
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