How did it feel like to grow up with brothers and sisters?

It's cool. I'm 19 and my two brothers are 16 and 12. It's fun to have human punching bags
It wasn't as fun when we were younger though.
while i was reading this thread all i kept thinking was "damn i wish i had some siblings" then i remembered i had a little sister. thats how far weare from each other. but i do wish i had some older or younger brothers
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

CIDMAN911 wrote:
<- Only child FTL....

Especially this time of year...Ughh.


You didn't miss out on anything, plus your parents didn't have to spend money on anyone but you. Having siblings is vastly overrated.

Yeah Mann I deff Agree with THIS
I am not that close to my sis cuz she is 6 years older than me. Grew up in a pretty traditional family so got in trouble for basically everything, made me notwant to really talk to my family about anything important (girls, monies, etc). We had good times when I was about 8 and she was 14 or so it was all sorts ofMario videogame action, and beatdowns and then rolling her up in the carpet so she couldn't get out. Lot of fun times, but i just have nothing to say toher these days now that we are much older. Problem is she keeps trying and i feel awful about it but just can't fake a conversation where i know there isno substance. Love her though and would do anything for her, just no real connection beyond a she's family thing.
Got a sister but we were many years apart so I was basically an only child too. So I can't tell you
All my best friends growing up were boys that had like 4 or 5 sisters.

It was always awkward stepping into a house of all girls at ages 6-12.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

It was good for the first 13 years but after that a rift grew between us. Haven't spoken to him in over 5 months. Don't care either.
Same here but my bro went off to college around the time I was that age and he never tried callin to talk to me...Now he calls everyday tryin tomake up for lost time I guess but I just aint diggin it...I dont care either.....
Has it's ups and downs. Only me and my sister (2 year difference). From toddler to grade school was cool. Grade school to high school we beefed all thetime, she was going through some rebellious type stuff (boyfriends,stealing, ect). After high school she moved away and got it together and grew up a littlebit. Now were like the best of friends again.
it sucks for the most part.. one lil brother always tries to c-block.. my lil sister is a snitch.. my older bro is a thief and i barely speak to my other lilbro
all my siblings are older than me, so once my brother closest in age went off to college I somewhat felt like an only child

the years we did live together were
Have a lil sister and wouldnt trade her for the world. I use to think we arent as close asthe ideal brother and sister but we are definately still doing great.She actually loaned me a couple hundred bucks at the beginning of the month so I could get my car fixed after I got in accident. Im paying her back TUESDAY(cant wait) and I will probably get her either a pair of SJs or White and Red XIIs for Xmas
I really don't like any of my siblings. I am only cool with my youngest brother and that's because there is such a huge age gap.
sad to see some of ya'll don't get along with your siblings cuz i love my lil bro and wouldn't trade him for the world...

we fight and +*%@ but who doesn't...he goes to school bout 20 min from where i go so even tho we're not at home we see each other all the time...plusmy grandma lived down the street from me here are school and 1 of our cousins goes to school with my brother so us cousins are always getting together on ourown and willin out...its great...

i do have an older brother i don't have much of a relationship with cuz he's like 10 years older than me and we have different mothers so we wern'traised together...he has a family so that kinda brought us a lil closer but not much...
Yeah, I didn't have that good of a relationship w/ my sister or brother cuz I moved out when I was 16 (they were 12 and 8, respectively).

Then I went to the Army for a few years, so I never got to be a real big brother to them.

But now that my lil' bro is in college and my sister needs advice about life/job stuff, I feel like I'm filling that void from when we were younger.

Feels good.
I'd gladly give up the rest of my life right now to relive the past 23 years of my life with a sibling.

Those who have siblings and don't appreciate them are TRULY foolish. You think we have it good?


Imagine growing up in an abusive household where YOU'RE the only child. EVERYTHING is put on you.
Sharing? I wish I had someone to sharethe abuse I was subjected to.
Originally Posted by IMPORTKING

how you Spanish with no siblings.. ?$@$ ?
That's racist!

I have an older bro.
and an older sister, im the youngest.

I was the spoiled child. My bro was the big brother to most of the kids i chilled with. We moved to an awesome neighborhood when i was young. Life was good. Mybro and sister were really cool also.
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