How Are You A Fan of A Team that...

Originally Posted by dmxfury

That would be pretty boring if you have to be a fan of a team from where you were born. As long as you follow a team with some loyalty and know the team, then who cares? It is a bit ridiculous to "criticize" someone for liking a certain team without being from there, and make them justify it. Don't be mad that Cleveland people like the Steelers, they are a great franchise


not mad, just a little annoyed; and curious. What makes you think Im criticizing anybody?
I think the reason most people like the team in their area because they grew up watching that team, and going to the games. I know personally, that getting aDodger Dog at Dodger Stadium with my pops is something I can't really replace.

The raiders and the rams left before I was old enough to start following closely so I don't really do much with the NFL.

I was always a pretty big Bulls fan (obvious reasons) but I got really into the Clippers when Miles and QRich had the sickest Js this side of MJ. Since thenI've been a big Clippers fan, not to mention I don't like all the bandwagon Laker fans.

I follow Arizona sports because I go here and I might as well.
I was born and raised in New York and i liked Yankees, but I got sick of them winning all the time from 1996-2001 so one day i was flipping through channelsand I found the Atlanta Braves on TBS and became a Braves fan since like age 9. Every year i see the Braves vs Mets games at Shea. My parents and siblings areYankees and Mets fans.

Edit: I dislike the announcers, but i liked Don Sutton but he now does commentary for the Nationals. I watch Braves games because i like the team not becauseof the commentators.
Braves will no longer be on TBS
^^haha...I hate how Braves games are on TBS, never understood why they were on there! I don't know how anybody watches a full game with thosecommentators...they are terrible
It's not that hard to get. I never really liked the Heat, but I'll admit I was going wild when they won the chip...
. I was a McGrady fan, then he got traded and I become a rockets fan. I stillliked Orlando tho and I stuck through that 21-61 season. Then we got Howard and been getting better and better each year.
Always was an MJ fan but when I saw the Heat playin grimey ball against the Bulls in the late 90's with Alonzo droppin Macho Man elbows on Pippens foreheadand Tim Hardaway with the wicked cross and weird lookin Nikes (Air Bakins etc) I just became a fan. And have been ever since. Wish they would play like theywere actually about somethin these days though...
well i was born and raised in the bay but am now attending college in irvine. i might live in the east coast when i graduate but i will always bleed yellowand blue.
I personally am a fan of local teams, because they've been holding it down my whole life. I grew up during the MJ era of the Bulls, and I stuck with themthrough the thin. I fell in love with the Cubs during the '98 season when Sammy and Mark put on a show all summer long. I like the Bears because I knowthat win or lose, the organization is going to put some Blue-Collar guys out on the field, and they'll go down swinging. They also have a very richtradition. I used to think that it was stupid to not like teams in your area, but most cities put a terrible product on the Court/field so I don't blameyou.
It's called preference. I was born and raised in Los Angeles and I don't root for any team that resides here, except for my Alma Mata, USC. I was moreof a fan of certain players growing up. Ozzie Smith was my favorite baseball player, hence the reason I am a St. Louis Cardinals fan. Michael Jordan was thereason I started watching the NBA. I fell in love with the Bulls during the painful years (Detroit's Bad Boys). Lawrence Taylor (The real L.T.) was insaneto watch and this is where my Love for the New York Giants stemmed from. The team I have been a fan of the longest though is the North Carolina Tarheels(basketball). I was introduced to them back in the early 80's and was hooked from the very first game. Out of all the teams I pull for, the Bulls have hadthe most success. I like bumping into people that reside in a specific place, but pull for another team. It shows that they don't just pull for a teambecause it's local.
Since I was from Hawaii with no pro teams, well no NFL or NBA or MLB teams I liked what teams I used to play for when I was younger. Yankees, Lakers, neverreally had a NFL team but since moving to Indiana for college 3 years ago I've gone with the Colts.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

is not in the same city/state you live in?

For example, I never understood how people that live in Cleveland could be Pittsburgh Steelers really bugs me

What makes you a fan of a non-home team??
and just why do u have to like a team in the city or state you live in?
Im not from Orlando, I stay here now. do I have to like the magic?
Im not from Virginia, but If I move there do I have to like UVA or Virginia tech?

it should bug you that the only reason u like and support a team is because u live in the same city/state as them. not because u like the organization, or u like certain players or u like their style of play, but because they rent an arena where you live.

Im from NY, who am I supposed to like, Jets? Giants? Knicks? Yankees? Mets?

with ESPN, NBATV, NFL Ticket, and ESPN Gameplan is it so far fetched to believe that a fan can like teams outside of their city or state boundaries. I just dont follow this type of thinking.

You said it all for me Gunna... The elitist attitude of "You arent a real fan if the team isn't in your city" bug me to no end. We are such aglobal society... Like who you like, no matter what their location is.
whats wrong with being a fan of the teams your parents root for?
I was born in Salinas, California..pops is from the CHI...was raised on the Bulls, Bears n sadly the Cubbies
Uniforms. The first sport I was into was hockey, and I picked the Red Wings based on their uniforms. Then I started liking football, and that was in 96 wherethe Broncos started using the current unis. Then around the same time it was the Lakers and they had great uniforms, plus my dad was a fan.

I started being a Cal fan when I started attending the school, but its no coincidence that I picked them over UCLA. Cal has those Nike football unis andJordan bball unis.
He does not mean transplant fans. He is saying those people, for example, in Portland that are Lakers fans. They are not from LA, they only liked them becausethey were good.

I will always rep my city. I am a Mariners and Seahawks fan due to the fact they are considered "home" teams because they have the TV rights toPortland. I grew up being subjected to the St. Louis Cardinals because my Grandpa use to live there and him and my dad are huge fans. So before I even was intosports I was a Cardinals fan because of my parents.

Those are my reasons and I feel that people should take a pride in their local teams unless they are transplants or don't have teams. If you live in likeOKC, I feel you have the right to be a Seahawks fan or a Dolphins fan or any team in between. I just believe in home loyalty. The people that don't followhome teams are BANDWAGON fans, no question about it.
Originally Posted by LPQ

whats wrong with being a fan of the teams your parents root for?
I was born in Salinas, California..pops is from the CHI...was raised on the Bulls, Bears n sadly the Cubbies

I can understand the Bulls and the Bears, but the Cubs?
i agree 100% with Gunna. i've never understood the logic of why you have to support your hometown team(s).

and to be honest, aside from UNC basketball, i really don't have any real "allegiance" to any team, and i really don't care that much if theylose, i just grew up loving ACC basketball and idolizing MJ.

i like the players that i like and i like the teams that i like, and that's subject to change at any time. you can call it whatever you want. i'musually more of a fan of individual players than teams as a whole, but not always. i just like to see well-played basketball/baseball/football/tennis/etc.

it's funny to me when ppl get so upset about bandwagoning, like it's "their" team. you weren'ttheir first fan, so stop acting so damn elitist. if some dude wants to pretend that he was down with a team long before they got good, who cares? he's aclown for trying to pass it off like it makes him cool or some !+!%.

i just don't understand the whole feeling of ownership some ppl have over "their" teams, but whatever...
I hate the teams I live by.

I grew up ten minutes away from Texas A&M's campus and I hate them with a passion and I love the Longhorns.

I go to college about 10 minutes away from the University of Michigan and I hate them too.

I hate the Cowboys.

I used to love the Pistons and they were my team when I was little because of my Dad but every since I switched to the Mavs all my friends and family have mademe hate them.

The only team I am diehard for is the Mavs and I have never lived closer than 1 hour away from the Metroplex
I'm from Arkansas and we don't have any sports teams except the Razorbacks.

But there are a lot of Cowboys fans living in the state because the team's owner Jerry Jones is from my city (Little Rock) and I hate the Cowboys. Whatmade me like the Eagles is that I want to add positivity to a team who sucked before they became a championship contender and that I want to see a"new" NFL team win the Super Bowl (I was always tired of the Cowboys, Packers, Broncos, Steelers, Patriots winning)

There are also a lot of Cardinals fans in my state and I hate the Cards too. I've been a lifelong Braves fan since their heyday in the 90s.

As far as NBA goes, I started to like the Heat ever since D-Wade came to Miami.

Since I go to school in Memphis right now, I'm officially hooked to Tigers basketball too since I appreciated John Calipari's aggresive recruitingand his talent on the team.
Easy. Just cause you live in a certain area doesnt mean you have to like those teams.
Most people do because they have easy access to watch/listen and be around the games.

Some people follow certain players, certain coaches or have ties to certain locations so whats wrong with that?

Im in Cali and rep Atlanta to the fullest. I have since I was 7 yrs old.
well i live in L.A. and i'm a fan of the Detroit Lions and the Dallas Mavericks. i liked the Lions all my life and i always like Michael Finley, but afterhe left, i still liked the Mavs. i know alot of people that like teams of of their city so i don't find it wierd at all.
Easy...I live in Philly right now, but I was born in Dallas...why should I switch teams because my family chose to move and take me with them? The Cowboys aremy team, and anyone who questions that on any basis can look at my right arm for verification. Besides that is the fact that ill do whatever the %@@$ I want,lol...
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