HOUSTON ROCKETS Thread '14/'15 - Offseason - Picks (+ Jason Terry)

Breakout player at the 5 but cp will anchor the 3. Man shut up.

For the price of Melo, we could maybe get 3/4 of Frye, ariza, Jordan hill, Anthony morrow
toronto rumored to keep lowry.

heat big 3 all opt out, probably to resign.

if we can't get melo, i firmly believe our best option with roughly 17 million in cap is to offer channing frye 8 million and jordan hill 4-6 million. then we gotta find a SF, but i have no idea who. (still want anthony morrow, but he's more of a SG)


adding frye solidifies the 4, hill is serviceable at 4 and backup 5. morrow is a DEADLY 3 point shooter.

if we do get melo, i have no clue what we do. it kind of restricts us to fix our bench and depth problems. mchale will run everyone into the ground by ASW.
i know i'm almost talking to myself here, but ekpe udoh (former baylor star) is another guy we could target on the cheap. viable PF/backup center. ed davis as well. cheap value, the morey way.
deng and sefolosha? 
Deng got traded from Chicago because he didn't accept a 3/30 extension. No chance we sign him for anywhere close to that of we're resigning Parsons
Agreed, cause we had some pathetic bench play last year. Hamilton was clutch for like two weeks, had a two game slump and McHale buried him for the rest of the season. Casspi and Garcia just nosedived and I don't even know how or why.
We have a million guards to run small ball lineups, the problem is we're really thin at PF/C, defensively speaking. Udoh, Hill, Frye, Ed Davis are all quality players and can all defend
We have a million guards to run small ball lineups, the problem is we're really thin at PF/C, defensively speaking. Udoh, Hill, Frye, Ed Davis are all quality players and can all defend

Well Frye really can't defend, he tries...

I like the idea of adding several players but I'm sure Morey has his sights set on hitting a home run.
Plus Morey probably doesn't want to use the cap room they have for a bunch of mid-level guys who might or might not perform up to their contract. I'm open to anything he does really, in Morey I trust.
Well, he can't defend but he has decent size, pause. I just feel like if we add Melo it's bev harden Parsons Melo Howard...then Jones dmo, Nick Johnson, Alessandro Gentile, Clint Capela, Isaiah Canaan, troy daniels, Covington. You see where I'm going with this :lol:
Who the hell is Gentile :lol:? And my first concern is the backup center spot. I'm tired of just running small ball when it doesn't have to be run, that's just lazy to me. I want an actual center, not some tweener PF whose slightly better than the PF he's guarding, but getting demolished by some mediocre center
We bought the pick from Minnesota. He's Italian, 6'6. Supposed to be a decent scorer, probably won't be a great defender because he lacks quickness. That's what I read at least.

As far as the bigs, we ran so much small ball because we had to. Asik hurt half the season, dmo/Jones just too small. Udoh and Davis are both a solid 6'10-7'. Udoh when healthy piles up blocks. Davis is a pretty good athlete but I know less about him. We obviously know Jordan hill. The reason I recommend them is because they're all cheap options, instead of committing 15-18 to Melo. Frye will probably command 8 on the market. The other 3 will get anywhere between 3-7 million.
i think deke accidentally elbowed tmac in the face one game and knocked him out of that game.

i have no idea why i remember that.
i think deke accidentally elbowed tmac in the face one game and knocked him out of that game.

i have no idea why i remember that.
You remember that because T-Mac was your first love.  lol.
We have a million guards to run small ball lineups, the problem is we're really thin at PF/C, defensively speaking. Udoh, Hill, Frye, Ed Davis are all quality players and can all defend
Get rid of Lin and get Bron/Melo/Love...  all other options are a let down.

If were going for small fish, then go after Lowry and Udoh/Davis.  

Frye is overpriced now, he's a good starter for a non playoff team or a backup for a title contender.  Plus, he probably wants to start wherever he goes, don't think he'd fit well on our team other than as a backup who gets 25 mins.  
In Morey I Trust.
Man, It looks like Melo resigning with the Knicks. Fool just wanted the attention...

Whats our other moves to make in FA :lol:
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