Hollywood needs to stop with the whitewashing vol. Exodus: Gods and Kings

Found a wider picture with some black people in it. Wonder what they're doing there, there were no black people in Egypt! :tongue:

View media item 1121191

hell with some many blatant an obvious and glaring problems blacks as a whole have.... and could protest fight and try to change especially in everyday life, yet overlook, pretend to not exist, or simply well it aint me...yet are gonna somehow join together and protest a movie, especially a movie largely white based lol. gohwtbs.

I could see if this was a black movie or well anything black based then maybe i could see a point MAYBE, But this is white ppl.... so you know that goes w/o out saying. NOTHING WILL GET DONE..... movie will be a hit

So you feel "blacks" shouldn't have any problem with this movie because they have bigger problems. One of those being they go church and have been indoctrinated into a religion based on white supremacy?? Is that what you were hinting at... you really are the smart one! :D
Found a wider picture with some black people in it. Wonder what they're doing there, there were no black people in Egypt!

So you feel "blacks" shouldn't have any problem with this movie because they have bigger problems. One of those being they go church and have been indoctrinated into a religion based on white supremacy?? Is that what you were hinting at... you really are the smart one!
no what im saying is if they arent going to stand up to things that actually matter and can change there lives and improve conditions... how the hell you expect them to get together to stand up against a movie especially something white made....

Lets face it especially in this day and age black folks aint fighting standing up against anything unless its white ppl approved. If im lying show many any major event in which something whites did and blacks at large nationwide stood up against it....

Ill wait.
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no what im saying is if they arent going to stand up to things that actually matter and can change there lives and improve conditions... how the hell you expect them to get together to stand up against a movie especially something white made....

Lets face it especially in this day and age black folks aint fighting standing up against anything unless its white ppl approved. If im lying show many any major event in which something whites did and blacks at large nationwide stood up against it....

Ill wait.
Please enlighten me on what should matter to black people, again you seem like an expert.

But may I reiterate that you have yet to explain what that church picture has to do with the topic of white washing and the Exodus movie... :nerd:
Please enlighten me on what should matter to black people, again you seem like an expert.

But may I reiterate that you have yet to explain what that church picture has to do with the topic of white washing and the Exodus movie...
im still waiting for these examples to which blacks banned together and nationwide protest stood together and fight against something....

and before you even try to list it... blacks folks following some preacher... or standing outside quoting scriptures is not a means of standing up banding togther and fighting against something. And again i said recent so no black panthers/mil civil rights etc... I said in these days in time. 
im still waiting for these examples to which blacks banned together and nationwide protest stood together and fight against something....

and before you even try to list it... blacks folks following some preacher... or standing outside quoting scriptures is not a means of standing up banding togther and fighting against something. And again i said recent so no black panthers/mil civil rights etc... I said in these days in time. 

I really wanted an open dialogue but you come off as a troll. I clearly asked about the picture you posted and how that compared to whitewashing well before you asked me about blacks banding together. Now you want me to address your question, which has absolutely nothing to do with the nature of this thread. Please.... :stoneface:
I really wanted an open dialogue but you come off as a troll. I clearly asked about the picture you posted and how that compared to whitewashing well before you asked me about blacks banding together. Now you want me to address your question, which has absolutely nothing to do with the nature of this thread. Please....
How does it not... you said black ppl should stand up/out against this to which i said black ppl havent stood out against anything in recent history... And if they did it was something that white ppl were outraged about aka gave them the greenlight to be outraged. 

So seeing as it hasnt happened at all in recent history from any aspect of life... Somehow ppl actually believe that THIS movie will somehow change blacks as whole despite no recent history shows it. 

Especially when iuno if it was you but someone said about standing up against blacks playing portrayed in subservient roles....

Hello the help (was a hit with black folks) btw... no outcry there. The butler... Hell scandal.... damn near top hit show among blacks esp women. 

And address the whole reason about the picture earlier in the thread... Not my fault you choose not to go back and read.

Or how about that show called black ish..... Man yall sound crazy
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‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’ Sparks Online Boycott After Whitewashing Ancient Egyptians

Twitter was sent into a frenzy yesterday after it was revealed all of the major characters in the ancient Egyptian-themed movie, Exodus: Gods and Kings, are played by white actors.

The film is supposed to tell the story of Moses rising up against the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses, but it may be pretty difficult for some moviegoers to focus on the intended plot.

With the film boasting actors such as Christian Bale and Sigourney Weaver, one can’t help notice a surprising lack of Black and brown actors in a film that is supposed to be set in ancient Egypt.

The hashtag #BoycottExodusMovie took over Twitter as users explained how tired they are of Hollywood’s tendency to whitewash history on the big screen.

“There are plenty of great minority actors and actresses, there was no need for the white Egyptian thing,” one user wrote.

Another user posted a meme of a white Egyptian movie character with the caption: “Hollywood be like, ‘What African history?’ ”

Social media backlash against the film has been unfaltering since last week, with initial comments starting on July 29.

“Straight from the tomb of King Tutankhamen Wow, look at all the white people!… said no one ever #BoycottExodusMovie,” one user tweeted along with a photo of the famous King’s tomb with wall drawings depicting people of color.

Another user created a collage of the film’s actors both in and out of character, along with their respective characters in animated form from the movie The Prince of Egypt.
Controversy over White Egyptians in Exodus Film

Source: Twitter

“Apparently it’s OK to animate accurate looking Egyptians, but not OK to cast them live action,” he tweeted along with the collage and the hashtag #BoycottExodusMovie.

Another user pointed out that filmmakers had no problem casting Black actors in the roles of the slaves.

“The irony. Coincidence or not. Black actors cast to play slaves,” one user tweeted along with a screenshot of the full cast list from IMDb.

Based on one user’s screenshot, it also appears the film will be whitewashing the Egyptian statues as well.

At one point, slaves can be seen assembling a statue in the background and the nearly completed face boasts the facial features of a white man.

The image began circulating the social media site quickly, with one user calling it “so disrespectful.”

Recently, many actors including Mekhi Phifer, Samuel L. Jackson and Michael B. Jordan have been openly discussing the presence of racism in Hollywood and how Black actors struggle to find desirable roles.

Exodus: Gods and Kings is set to hit theaters this December.

‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’ Sparks Online Boycott After Whitewashing Ancient Egyptians
Twitter was sent into a frenzy yesterday after it was revealed all of the major characters in the ancient Egyptian-themed movie, Exodus: Gods and Kings, are played by white actors.

The film is supposed to tell the story of Moses rising up against the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses, but it may be pretty difficult for some moviegoers to focus on the intended plot.

With the film boasting actors such as Christian Bale and Sigourney Weaver, one can’t help notice a surprising lack of Black and brown actors in a film that is supposed to be set in ancient Egypt.

The hashtag #BoycottExodusMovie took over Twitter as users explained how tired they are of Hollywood’s tendency to whitewash history on the big screen.

“There are plenty of great minority actors and actresses, there was no need for the white Egyptian thing,” one user wrote.

Another user posted a meme of a white Egyptian movie character with the caption: “Hollywood be like, ‘What African history?’ ”

Social media backlash against the film has been unfaltering since last week, with initial comments starting on July 29.

“Straight from the tomb of King Tutankhamen Wow, look at all the white people!… said no one ever #BoycottExodusMovie,” one user tweeted along with a photo of the famous King’s tomb with wall drawings depicting people of color.

Another user created a collage of the film’s actors both in and out of character, along with their respective characters in animated form from the movie The Prince of Egypt.
Controversy over White Egyptians in Exodus Film

Source: Twitter

“Apparently it’s OK to animate accurate looking Egyptians, but not OK to cast them live action,” he tweeted along with the collage and the hashtag #BoycottExodusMovie.

Another user pointed out that filmmakers had no problem casting Black actors in the roles of the slaves.

“The irony. Coincidence or not. Black actors cast to play slaves,” one user tweeted along with a screenshot of the full cast list from IMDb.

Based on one user’s screenshot, it also appears the film will be whitewashing the Egyptian statues as well.

At one point, slaves can be seen assembling a statue in the background and the nearly completed face boasts the facial features of a white man.

The image began circulating the social media site quickly, with one user calling it “so disrespectful.”

Recently, many actors including Mekhi Phifer, Samuel L. Jackson and Michael B. Jordan have been openly discussing the presence of racism in Hollywood and how Black actors struggle to find desirable roles.

Exodus: Gods and Kings is set to hit theaters this December.
um so a few twits and some local unheard of paper website lol...... Hell there is a bigger outcry from black ppl when the latest jordans sellout... 
Found a wider picture with some black people in it. Wonder what they're doing there, there were no black people in Egypt! :tongue:

View media item 1121191So you feel "blacks" shouldn't have any problem with this movie because they have bigger problems. One of those being they go church and have been indoctrinated into a religion based on white supremacy?? Is that what you were hinting at... you really are the smart one! :D

So the black people can only be servants :lol: Epic levels of foolishness.

At this point all I can do is laugh at blatant racism and ignorance..
um so a few twits and some local unheard of paper website lol...... Hell there is a bigger outcry from black ppl when the latest jordans sellout... 

Oh so if this news isn't from some major white owned media outlet its not real news. Black people have spoke out about inaccurate portrayals in movies for years and will continue to speak out.

I just showed you an article about black people voicing their opinions boycotting this movie and you just dismiss it because it doesn't fit into your paradigm of what black people should be doing :rofl:
Oh so if this news isn't from some major white owned media outlet its not real news. Black people have spoke out about inaccurate portrayals in movies for years and will continue to speak out.

I just showed you an article about black people voicing their opinions boycotting this movie and you just dismiss it because it doesn't fit into your paradigm of what black people should be doing
speaking and actually taking a stand and doing something is totally different... Hell i can twitter and complain and talk to myself about loud music etc in my neighborhood.... but untill i actually do something aka call the police... tell the homeowners association make actions it is all talk. 

ie.... blacks folks getting all outraged etc over donald sterling etc.... isnt doing anything... 

blacks folks not watching the game and not attending clippers games is doing something.

So again your lil posting of some local paper in which doesnt even began to cover a mass amount of blacks prove nothing, outside of some small sanction of a few black ppl in a isolated city expressed their feelings via internet 
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speaking and actually taking a stand and doing something is totally different... Hell i can twitter and complain and talk to myself about loud music etc in my neighborhood.... but into i actually do something aka call the police... tell the homeowners association make actions it is all talk. 

ie.... blacks folks getting all outraged etc over donald sterling etc.... isnt doing anything... 

blacks folks not watching the game and not attending clippers games is doing something.

So again your lil posting of some local paper in which doesnt even began to cover a mass amount of blacks prove nothing, outside of some small sanction of a few black ppl in a isolated city expressed their feelings via internet 

Aren't you just echoing sentiments many people have made already about this movie :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

All I want to kno is... What race actually does these things u speak of ??? Its not a race thing dude that's people in general these days. And how u jus goin throw out the civil rights acts to fit your argument ?? Lol child please
Aren't you just echoing sentiments many people have made already about this movie

and what i said is that what happen.... and again i said show many any recent history to prove otherwise... show me the boycotts of millions of blacks for the help, tropic thunder, the butler.... scandal......

saying oh ppl should or it be nice if ppl did something isnt the same as actually doing it... apparently you dont know the difference.
and what i said is that what happen.... and again i said show many any recent history to prove otherwise... show me the boycotts of millions of blacks for the help, tropic thunder, the butler.... scandal......

saying oh ppl should or it be nice if ppl did something isnt the same as actually doing it... apparently you dont know the difference.

So the problem is the lack of black leadership in the black community... That I can agree on, but you can't control the masses. I for one will not be paying to see this movie, nor will anyone in my family. That is what I can control.

The reason people are so up in arms is because we lack knowledge of self and the biggest reason why is due to propaganda pieces like this movie. Don't you understand that?

How can you bring people together if the masses of people don't know there is a problem to begin with?
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All I want to kno is... What race actually does these things u speak of ??? Its not a race thing dude that's people in general these days. And how u jus goin throw out the civil rights acts to fit your argument ?? Lol child please
i threw it out to say thats the last time blacks actually in large numbers stood uo/out for or against anything...(outside of obama votes etc) To say oh well no one hardly does that now means what exactly...?

So if LAPD repeats itself all over again your basically saying blacks wont protest boycott and shouldnt because other races arent doing it...lol

Well if that is the case other races dont have well over 70% of homes without 2 parents.. maybe blacks should follow that

or how about follow college grad rates of other races... 
The reaching [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] ur obviously white so u tell me where ur race would be if y'all were enslaved for 400+ years then treated like **** for the next 100. The bull **** u talkin has nothing to do with the topic at hand ...This **** is white privilege at its finest.

and again your dancing around the question as u usually do ...where in recent history has anything like that happen ?? **** ain't a comparison its a fact

Your ****** *** European ancestors are the reason for 90% of our problems today. Treated like animals for 100s of years ...then now its oh black people are this they are that ..**** outta here dude
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So the problem is the lack of black leadership in the black community... That I can agree on, but you can't control the masses. I for one will not be paying to see this movie, nor will anyone in my family. That is what I can control.

The reason people are so up in arms is because we lack knowledge of self and the biggest reason why is due to propaganda peaces like this movie. Don't you understand that?

How can you bring people together if the masses of people don't know there is a problem to begin with?
there are black leaders... they are lining their pockets with tithes every sunday... 

And these movies arent the reason why... a movie and or tv shows dont prevent ppl from picking up a book, or googling on the internet. They could make a mlk movie and cast robert downey jr as martin... it isnt the movie fault if blacks buy into it and say well if the movie says hes white then he was white. Thats dishonest. the movie wouldnt prevent blacks from researching probing and seeking the truth.

ie how would this movie prevent a black person from going to watch something like the hidden colors move series and seeking the truth?

The thing is that blacks in general tend to not want to search learn discover any history of the race before slavery aka before coming here and being indoctrinated into christianity. Because they will find out they werent out in africa toting around no damn bible.. and in large parts blacks hold onto christianity like its the one thing they rightfully own...the one good thing that came out of slavery, oppression, discrimination etc... 

Having to face that truth is something a vast majority of blacks dont wanna face.
The reaching [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] ur obviously white so u tell me where ur race would be if y'all were enslaved for 400+ years then treated like **** for the next 100. The bull **** u talkin has nothing to do with the topic at hand ...This **** is white privilege at its finest.

and again your dancing around the question as u usually do ...where in recent history has anything like that happen ?? **** ain't a comparison its a fact
like what happen? injustices done to blacks lol... you cant be serious... or what blacks playing subservient roles.. or blacks being mocked or putting on a modern day minstrel show?
there are black leaders... they are lining their pockets with tithes every sunday... 

And these movies arent the reason why... a movie and or tv shows dont prevent ppl from picking up a book, or googling on the internet. They could make a mlk movie and cast robert downey jr as martin... it isnt the movie fault if blacks buy into it and say well if the movie says hes white then he was white. Thats dishonest. the movie wouldnt prevent blacks from researching probing and seeking the truth.

ie how would this movie prevent a black person from going to watch something like the hidden colors move series and seeking the truth?

The thing is that blacks in general tend to not want to search learn discover any history of the race before slavery aka before coming here and being indoctrinated into christianity. Because they will find out they werent out in africa toting around no damn bible.. and in large parts blacks hold onto christianity like its the one thing they rightfully own...the one good thing that came out of slavery, oppression, discrimination etc... 

Having to face that truth is something a vast majority of blacks dont wanna face.

White people are all masters of history and love learning about Greeks and Romans... wow i'm learning so much about the white race. Tell me more harsh truths about black people.
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And u can't name a situation where white people have had to stand up and do something and u kno why ...WHITE PRIVELEDGE ..**** LIKE THIS WOULD NEVER FLY IN THE FIRST PLACE IF THE SITUATION S WERE REVERESED ...they don't have to fight for **** because they have it all !! The civil rights hurdle was a bigger problem than any other race has had to deal with in this country
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