Hollywood needs to stop with the whitewashing vol. Exodus: Gods and Kings

So 400 years of oppression goes away that quick ? And u watched too much TV to truly believe in your head the things you've typed. All the while ignoring that the tanning industry is huge and is imo about the equivalent to young black girls and weave.
it isnt even remotely the same... they are tanning just cause the look, they arent doing it to be socially accepted by anyone, they are dissing their skin and thinking pale skin makes them less of a person nor do they view it as a negative...same with the hair.... When the last time you heard the term good hair and it was in reference to white ppl taking about how they hair is good str8 and bad curly? When the last time you heard white ppl say you look good for a untan/pale woman? 

Hell look at the black hair cut thread...... there is a posting of derrick rose wearing his hair "natural" and the first thing said was its unkempt, its dirty, its nasty etc.... all negatives? Now look at the white thread and show me wear someone posted a white guy wearing his hair natural and folks are saying negative things such as its nasty, unkept, dirty etc...?
He also thinks we should spank grown women when they act up because women = kids
i said you shouldnt spank them nor kids, especially if you whooping a child for doing wrong and them not even knowing what they did is wrong as a way of teaching them and then try to justify it and say oh i didnt mean any harm or want to hurt them. i did say if a woman does wrong intentionally you should whoop they axx.... 
No reason to respond anymore man. You're obviously not black so you thinking u have the inside track to how the black culture of today is is mind blowing. There ain't a goddamn young black women getting weave to appease the white man [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] like wat ? And point me in the direction of where this mass of black women are bleaching there skin

Rose's fro is trash and unkempt
  • 1,290 Posts. Joined 9/2013
  • Reputation: 576

You can say the Fro is trash... that's your opinion. But how would you know it's Unkept???

I never understood how if somebody let's their Hair grow out naturally, the same way someone with Thinner/Wavier Hair would, it's Unkept if they don't have it COMBED OUT Everyday, but not the case for the latter.

If you're Washing It and Getting it Cut and Maintained... that's Keeping it Kept, IMO.

Negros still afraid to wear their Hair naturally, bc the word "Nappy" still has that Negative Stigma to it.

But im thinking crazy.... face it alot of black ppl see natural looks aka skin color/hair texture as a negative thing.... moreso then any other race does about themselves. Iuno what make believe bubble world yall living in. 
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You can say the Fro is trash... that's your opinion. But how would you know it's Unkept???

I never understood how if somebody let's their Hair grow out naturally, the same way someone with Thinner/Wavier Hair would, it's Unkept if they don't have it COMBED OUT Everyday, but not the case for the latter.

If you're Washing It and Getting it Cut and Maintained... that's Keeping it Kept, IMO.

Negros still afraid to wear their Hair naturally, bc the word "Nappy" still has that Negative Stigma to it.

But im thinking crazy.... face it alot of black ppl see natural looks aka skin color/hair texture as a negative thing.... moreso then any other race does about themselves. Iuno what make believe bubble world yall living in. 

Once again, Moors taught White people in Europe how to shave, shower, use deodorant, etc when they brought them out of the dark ages. What are you talking about bro? lol please don't post anymore, your trolling is getting outrageous
No reason to respond anymore man. You're obviously not black so you thinking u have the inside track to how the black culture of today is is mind blowing. There ain't a goddamn young black women getting weave to appease the white man [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] like wat ? And point me in the direction of where this mass of black women are bleaching there skin
because its just subconcious now.... and set in mind that white=right... and black is bad... do we need to post that thread again where 1,000 black kids were shown a black doll with a natural look, and a white doll and over 90% of the black kids saw the white doll as pretty/beautiful and the black one as bad and ugly.

um i guess these are some made up kids...or perhaps they solely purposely picked these kids and it wasnt a random picking of black kids.
because its just subconcious now.... and set in mind that white=right... and black is bad... do we need to post that thread again where 1,000 black kids were shown a black doll with a natural look, and a white doll and over 90% of the black kids saw the white doll as pretty/beautiful and the black one as bad and ugly.

If u truly believe that then its a problem right ? So wouldn't a white man playing black royalty further the whole white is right argument ?
If u truly believe that then its a problem right ? So wouldn't a white man playing black royalty further the whole white is right argument ?
yes it does which is my point, why complain about the big screen when you arent doing nothing but promoting that mentality in your own personal life. To say oh black is beautiful, etc.... i want my black heroes etc... to be depicted as african americans/africans especially in their looks then turn around in everyday life do everything you can to separate yourself from that natural look, or even diss/dismiss view it as a negative thing in your everyday life is being a hypocrite. 
@shoelyesses is obviously trolling

Don't feed him.
and im guess every sunday folks are trolling going to a church and despite time and time again evidence that jesus was not white, black folks line up in drones like lemmings and go worship oh sweet everything that is good as white jesus.

even tho its a tv show alot of black ppl associate a black jesus and blasphemy and view think despite facts, see believe jesus is white aka white=right. 
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[@=https://niketalk.com/members/80575"shoelyesses" url="/t/600166/hollywood-needs-to-stop-with-the-whitewashing-vol-exodus-gods-and-kings/420#post_21256360"]
[@=/u/80575/shoelyesses]@shoelyesses[/@] is obviously trolling

Don't feed him.
and im guess every sunday folks are trolling going to a church and despite time and time again evidence that jesus was not white, black folks line up in drones like lemmings and go worship oh sweet everything that is good as white jesus.
so those kids who said the white doll white image is beautiful and the black one isnt aka she would look better if she looks more like the white doll are trolling to huh? 

Well, the fact that the media portray white, skinny, blue eyed, blonde hair as beautiful everywhere you look of course CHILDREN are going to follow suit. They even say stuff like... she's the all american girl. I've never heard them say that about a black woman. Ask those same children that question when they are grown. Bet that percentage change drastically. Also, I've never met a black woman who wishes she were white. As far as "white" Jesus. You have to be trolling, if I can recall clearly, EVERY black church that I've been to have a black Jesus painted on the windows. As well as black disciples.
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lol so since its obvious its true dude wanna strike it out as if thats somehow gonna change things. end of the day alot of black ppl view/see things associated with their culture and look as a negative thing, and see things associated with whites aka culture and looks as a positive thing. You can pretend there is no such thing as "good hair" and black ppl dont associate that with having hair like white ppl... you can pretend blacks folks hasnt had a light skin vs dark skin...with dark skin being viewed as bad/negative and light being positive. But guess what it still happens and still is happening.

Right now someone is using somehow having dark skin as a snap/diss to someone. At this moment its some black chick who throwing in some vivian a fox 700+ bucks weave in their head because that will give them a "good hair" look and will garner favor hopefully more acceptance by whites. there is a mother right now who sees their son dressing in clothing etc... associated with black culture and they are telling them they look sloppy etc... and dont look presentable. I guess either yall are being naive to this or you are one of these ppl that think/behave this way and dont even recognize it. 
lol so since its obvious its true dude wanna strike it out as if thats somehow gonna change things. end of the day alot of black ppl view/see things associated with their culture and look as a negative thing, and see things associated with whites aka culture and looks as a positive thing. You can pretend there is no such thing as "good hair" and black ppl dont associate that with having hair like white ppl... you can pretend blacks folks hasnt had a light skin vs dark skin...with dark skin being viewed as bad/negative and light being positive. But guess what it still happens and still is happening.

Right now someone is using somehow having dark skin as a snap/diss to someone. At this moment its some black chick who throwing in some vivian a fox 700+ bucks weave in their head because that will give them a "good hair" look and will garner favor hopefully more acceptance by whites. there is a mother right now who sees their son dressing in clothing etc... associated with black culture and they are telling them they look sloppy etc... and dont look presentable. I guess either yall are being naive to this or you are one of these ppl that think/behave this way and dont even recognize it.
Will the fact that the media portray white, skinny, blue eyed, blonde hair as beautiful everywhere you look of course CHILDREN are going to follow suit. Ask those same children that question when they are grown. Bet that percentage change drastically. Also, I've never met a black woman who wishes she were white. As far as "white" Jesus. You have to be trolling, if I can recall clearly, EVERY black church that I've been to have a black Jesus painted on the windows. As well as black disciples.
i never said they wish they were white.... what i said is they associate certain things of their culture/look as negatives aka nappy hair/darker skin.... and view things such as skin tone, eye color etc...hair as positives..... I mean hell i bet we could just randomly go to some black chicks profile page on a dating site and more often then not they gonna say they arent just black.... but im black part indian part something else..... and thats why i got good hair etc... Knowing good and damn well they dont know anything past maybe their great grandma past.... And you know i aint lying. Oh but let me guess all these black ppl been using ancestory.com and looked up their past and saw they history of their family lol.........
Lol its no use dude. I hope for his sake dude is trolling. I would like to kno wat his ethnicity is tho
So its not black ppl who say stuff like oh you so black etc... jokes... Thats all made up and they arent saying this as a form of dissing? So black ppl dont use oh your hair so nappy, or your kitchen so messed up jokes as a means of dissing someone. Thats all made up and everyone else are saying and making these jokes up. And black ppl dont ever use/say these things?
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