Hollywood actors, CEOs charged in nationwide college admissions cheating scam

While we're on the topic of inequality...

It's also something I noticed that's extremely common in the corporate world as well, that being nepotism.

New position gets opened up for a certain department, resumes flood in the second the posting hits the careers site, but in all actuality the hiring manager of that department has already slated a family member, a family member of a coworker, or a personal friend for the position regardless of the quality of applicants in the pool and complies with the process so they stay in accordance of HR policy...

Working for a F500 in an off-campus building with only a staff of 30 I saw this 4 times with just a staff of 30 man; Its crazy to me thinking about how many people get passed up simply due to associations. It's been one of the most obvious cases of white privilege to me as an adult.
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If you are going to seek out who's willing to get bribed to get your kid into college, you were crooked to begin with. It's not like crooked administrators, coaches, and profs advertise it on Craigslist.

If my kid is an idiot with zero desire to improve, I'm not tarnishing my name and reputation to help his ***. I won't always be there to help him figure out that he has to study hard and do his best. And if being a moron is the best he can do, he's gonna learn to be content with it and whatever wealth I leave behind.
Well when you have the same resources to do such or if you do currently and haven’t done it I’ll beleive you. Otherwise this is one of those sounds good things folks say to me. I don’t think this way on everything but onnsome things esp online yeah and this topic is one of them ye shrug.
I know a dude that went to Yale on the Native American card (he isn’t).

I know a dude who went to SC with a 2.2 GPA in HS. Parents straight up asked how much it would cost and gave the admission Director 50k with access to their beach house.
I wonder what their salary is like. If it's around 50-70k, I could see someone considering a deal like that if I put myself in their shoes. Make a years pay by changing one number.
I wonder what their salary is like. If it's around 50-70k, I could see someone considering a deal like that if I put myself in their shoes. Make a years pay by changing one number.

Nah, Admission Directors do pretty well I think? Probably 120+
I know a dude that went to Yale on the Native American card (he isn’t).

I know a dude who went to SC with a 2.2 GPA in HS. Parents straight up asked how much it would cost and gave the admission Director 50k with access to their beach house.
Man I need proof of this story :lol:

Like not in a “you lie” deal, I just want to see :lol:
Wow. Didn't think they made that much.

Edit: Idk what I was thinking. That salary isn't actually that amazing especially in cali.
My buddy shared this email from the USC President's office. Note that they underlined that text themselves :rofl:

A victim? Could they go ahead and give all the money back then? Lol
Man I need proof of this story :lol:

Like not in a “you lie” deal, I just want to see :lol:

Well I went to school with the one dude (he actually BRAGGED about it to a girl he dated, that’s how I heard).

The other one was a close HS friend who ended up getting into the party scene at USC and had to go to rehab a few times.
We're here discussing college

What about everything else :lol:

Religious Authorities

It's not what you know it's who you know
**** is a pay to play game

credentialism is what rules da roost. those kids ain't gotta worry about nothing, once they're in da name brand schools its smooth sailing.
USC need to automatically accept me into grad school to atone for this. I am shooketh
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Not surprising at all; this is also very common at private high schools as well. I went to one of the best high schools in Bay Area and had to study my @#$ off to get a good test score to get in, because apparently not being Catholic and not having a "legacy" hurt my chances (My tutor used to work at one the local high end Catholic schools, and she said that they had an unofficial policy to have 60-70% of their students belong to those 2 categories).

Unsurprisingly, my school was FULL of rich white kids who were complete idiots. So many cases where people got expelled for serious offenses but somehow showed back up a year later :rolleyes My parents sent me there cause at the time, our local high school was considered "hood", but honestly the things I saw these private school kids do were far more morally corrupt than anything I saw the kids at the "hood" public schools do

Those same kids ended up somehow getting into good private colleges, when I knew for a fact that they were awful students. Wonder what happened there...
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