Hollywood actors, CEOs charged in nationwide college admissions cheating scam

Wow. I wonder what else these people are up to. Other than the coaches, big time business owners and such. Wouldn't doubt they're cheating on their taxes too. Can of worms opened. All for what? To get your stupid kids into elite schools? A life of nepotism upon them?
"The LA Times reports that the federal agents arrived at her house and arrested Huffman at gunpoint:

Wow. I wonder what else these people are up to. Other than the coaches, big time business owners and such. Wouldn't doubt they're cheating on their taxes too. Can of worms opened. All for what? To get your stupid kids into elite schools? A life of nepotism upon them?

Right? That doesn’t make sense AT ALL. That one boneheaded YouTube “celebrity” daughter of Lori Laughlin posted that vid of her being like “ lol, I start, like college in a few days or whatevs. I’m only interested in the game day experience and parties and like the college experience lol. I don’t really care about academics.”

moms paid out a half milli and is going to prison so her dumbass daughter could get a train ran on her by Delta Chi?? Makes no damb sense :lol:
Right? That doesn’t make sense AT ALL. That one boneheaded YouTube “celebrity” daughter of Lori Laughlin posted that vid of her being like “ lol, I start, like college in a few days or whatevs. I’m only interested in the game day experience and parties and like the college experience lol. I don’t really care about academics.”

moms paid out a half milli and is going to prison so her dumbass daughter could get a train ran on her by Delta Chi?? Makes no damb sense :lol:

She can experience parties in exotic destinations all over the world that most people will never experience in their lifetimes, but she chooses to pay $$$$$ to chug Keystone Lite and Popov in some college kids' trap house quality apartment in South Central LA. Amazing

As college kids we only enjoyed the "college lifestyle" cause we had no other choice due to being poor :lol:
^ I'm reading she was on a USC board of trustees yacht as this story unfolded for sb. The trustees daughter is friends with her apparently. I mean you already have an 'in'. Dude has a building named after him at USC. I wouldn't be surprised if his kids and family have or are attending USC. Sounds like some of them are backwards thinking.
^ I'm reading she was on a USC board of trustees yacht as this story unfolded for sb. The trustees daughter is friends with her apparently. I mean you already have an 'in'. Dude has a building named after him at USC. I wouldn't be surprised if his kids and family have or are attending USC. Sounds like some of them are backwards thinking.

Yeah, dude from my Hs family are a top 10 SC donor and knew he was going to SC from birth lol. Some of this makes zero sense to me.
The funny thing is that USC isn't even difficult to get into if you have reasonable intelligence. It's harder to get into the mid-high tier UCs than USC; is your kid that much of an idiot that paying a few thousand for a good tutor couldn't have helped? Mom must've not given a @#$# about her daughter's education for 18 years
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These families are worth millions. Whats to stopping nepotism with or without college? Or why not give them the potential bribe money and have them live off of that and try to flip it on their own? Give them a $40k job at your company doing nothing.

I think there are two levels here. The ACT and SAT cheating portion and the actual athlete admission portion. Test cheating has to be a level above the rest.
Money makes the world go ‘round

Idk why people are surprised. But this fake outrage will be done next week and people will move onto the next topic

Like if student athletes aren’t getting rules bent like a mutha to get in/stay in school. At the end of the day it comes down to the dollar. Get the student athlete to your school and make a ton of money off him while you do everything to keep them eligible. Have y’all heard Marshawn Lynch speak? You mean to tell me he had the grades and sat/act to get into Cal?
Idk why people are surprised. But this fake outrage will be done next week and people will move onto the next topic

Who's surprised? Thread is full of people literally saying "I'm not surprised." :lol:

It's not really fake outrage either. People are genuinely disgusted by the sh*t rich white folks are getting away with, beginning with Donald Trump. Rightfully so.
Lori Louhglin’s daughter was celebrating spring break on a yacht owned by a USC board of trustees member the same day her mother was ensnared in a widespread college bribery case, according to a new report.

Loughlin’s daughter Olivia Jade was on Rick Caruso’s yacht in the Bahamas when federal prosecutors announced her mother would be charged with paying bribes to get her daughter accepted to USC, TMZ reported.

Olivia Jade and Caruso’s daughter, Gianna, are friends and appear in social media posts together, the gossip site reported.

They could have but they gave athletic scholarships so some of these kids. Idk how they could have kept them without a bunch of the people in athletics being involved but what do I know.
Like how Melania Trump got a rush visa becuase she’s a certified geniuous according to the US government ...
Who's surprised? Thread is full of people literally saying "I'm not surprised." :lol:

It's not really fake outrage either.

If people aren’t “surprised” why is it such a hot topic. If you knew it was already going on, been going on, and will continue to go on, i don’t understand the basis for the outcry now. If people are SOOOOO mad and knew it was happening, shouldn’t people have been mad and did something long time ago?

Y’all should boycot all these big corporations who donate to politicians/campaigns to get their way.
Idk if it’s BIG corporations necessarily.

Have most of NT even heard of the places these parents worked at?
Bruh, that is one of the most dumbest things I’ve ever heard. And I work mental health.
You saying I have mental health issues? :lol:

I guess I just think differently. There’s so much corruption/fraud in our every day lives that I’m just used to it and don’t let it bother my every day living. I understand why people are upset, but in this era of a weekly fake outcry, I just don’t know what to believe now
Money makes the world go ‘round

Idk why people are surprised. But this fake outrage will be done next week and people will move onto the next topic

Like if student athletes aren’t getting rules bent like a mutha to get in/stay in school. At the end of the day it comes down to the dollar. Get the student athlete to your school and make a ton of money off him while you do everything to keep them eligible. Have y’all heard Marshawn Lynch speak? You mean to tell me he had the grades and sat/act to get into Cal?


Judging someone's intelligence due to how they speak. :stoneface: :stoneface:
Idk if it’s BIG corporations necessarily.

Have most of NT even heard of the places these parents worked at?
I didn’t mean in this situation it’s big corporations. I just meant in general how big corporations and/or people with money “donate” tons of money to get their way in the political system and bills passed/not passed
You saying I have mental health issues? :lol:

I guess I just think differently. There’s so much corruption/fraud in our every day lives that I’m just used to it and don’t let it bother my every day living. I understand why people are upset, but in this era of a weekly fake outcry, I just don’t know what to believe now
Idk you personally so I can’t asses your mental stability, but your sense of reality Is true. Corruption happens all the time (USA) and the policing of it sucks so bad that we turn that blind eye. I think it’s funny how we point the finger at other nations yet our backyard stinks as well
If there's anything that is surprising, it is how long it took for an operation of this scale to come out publicly.
There’s so much corruption/fraud in our every day lives that I’m just used to it and don’t let it bother my every day living. I understand why people are upset,

I think this is where alot of frustration happens for folks. Most aren't surprised but it is sort of a breath of fresh air to see a justice system that has benefitted certain groups and tormented others switch up the pattern every now and then. White collar crime skates too easy here, be nice to see it more often.

Ppl can still be bothered while living their lives and still


At these stories at the same time. That's the beauty of it
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