Hollywood actors, CEOs charged in nationwide college admissions cheating scam

I dont know mane. I love my daughter but if I was really rich i dont think I would do it. She better get good grades and earn her **** or go to a cc and call it a day.

Aint sending a no-ambition-having-*** child to school to waste money and time. Nah. Get to the real world and learn how that works.
I dont know mane. I love my daughter but if I was really rich i dont think I would do it. She better get good grades and earn her **** or go to a cc and call it a day.

Aint sending a no-ambition-having-*** child to school to waste money and time. Nah. Get to the real world and learn how that works.

Thats easy to say but most if not all rich parents spoil the hell out of their kids. Kids end up being airheads that just spend money and party all day. Paying their way through life.
Right? That doesn’t make sense AT ALL. That one boneheaded YouTube “celebrity” daughter of Lori Laughlin posted that vid of her being like “ lol, I start, like college in a few days or whatevs. I’m only interested in the game day experience and parties and like the college experience lol. I don’t really care about academics.”

moms paid out a half milli and is going to prison so her dumbass daughter could get a train ran on her by Delta Chi?? Makes no damb sense :lol:

I mean when you grow up so rich and sheltered that type of **** is probably like the movies in their head

I can see it
That's what I don't get. They could award a scholarship without the coaching staff or any of the other athletes saying anything when they realize that person ain't ****? Idk how sports scholarships work. Don't you have to attend events and practice to maintain the scholarship?

Not really. They picked a sport like water polo because no one follows the sport and no one cares. And they actually was getting away with it for years. 24 years according to transcript. Also helps when the AD providing everything and convincing the subcommittee.
But no, everything wrong in society is because minorities are lazy and are criminals right?

I'm so sick of this hor**** inequality-ridden world we live in.
Rich white people involved in corruption and scandals and yet get away with it again, while black people living their life in prison for selling some weed.
Like how Melania Trump got a rush visa becuase she’s a certified geniuous according to the US government ...
Is that really how she got it?:lol:
Didn't even try. They might as well have given it to her without an explaination. People would probably have the same reaction.
As for this topic. These schools should be catching as much heat as the parents and kids. Enough people had to know where the school can't just take 0 responsibility imo.
Twittwer is roasting TF out of Donald trump jr and Kelly Anne Conway for trying to clown these families :lol:

Twitter ain’t wit that bull
I dont know mane. I love my daughter but if I was really rich i dont think I would do it. She better get good grades and earn her **** or go to a cc and call it a day.

Aint sending a no-ambition-having-*** child to school to waste money and time. Nah. Get to the real world and learn how that works.

I feel like this is super common with parents that come up on money when they've come from nothing

They think their kids will learn the value of hard work through osmosis or something when they've been pampered their entire life

Grown *** adults still being coddled as if they were 5
Is that really how she got it?:lol:
Didn't even try. They might as well have given it to her without an explaination. People would probably have the same reaction.
As for this topic. These schools should be catching as much heat as the parents and kids. Enough people had to know where the school can't just take 0 responsibility imo.
Oh it’s true lol

The schools should accept fault becuase they’re allowed these kids in at the expense of other qualified applicants. They’ve chosen a side in this
I might be wrong but a huge part of me is confident rich people don't do this primarily in hopes that their children get a great education. It's to save face so they can tell all their other rich friends that their kids are going to a certain school, straight status type of deal. Honestly, it's been assumed stuff like this has been going on for generations so I'm not surprised at all.

Privilege is as real as racism. Some of these actors coming out and speaking out have me shaking my damn head because I know they knew this whole time how things go down.
I might be wrong but a huge part of me is confident rich people don't do this primarily in hopes that their children get a great education. It's to save face so they can tell all their other rich friends that their kids are going to a certain school, straight status type of deal. Honestly, it's been assumed stuff like this has been going on for generations so I'm not surprised at all.

Privilege is as real as racism. Some of these actors coming out and speaking out have me shaking my damn head because I know they knew this whole time how things go down.
I’ll be very blunt with this too, I don’t care that people are paying to get their worthless kids in school. What I do find messed up is that it’s 1. Happening at the expense of others that actually are working hard, 2. Don’t have some sort of identifying mark on their records. Like hand them their degree with a huge *** * on it (* this person went here but paid their way) :lol:. Don’t associate their “accomplishment” with others that actually put in the work
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The chance of those kids being straight up violated in the real world prompted those parents to take action. Compare Malia Obama and Reginae Carter. Wayne should’ve paid IMO
But but but white people have the highest IQs on the planet..why would they need to bribe or cheat to get into college and blacks just need to pull themselves up by the boot straps study hard work two jobs to pay your way through college...its not that hard and besides blacks have it better in this country with their fair choice HCBUs to choose from not like there are any “special white colleges”
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