Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

I cant pull girls on POF.
I think alot of them prefer tall guys.
Or mostly prefer caucasian.
Im 5'7. Filipino/Chinese.

My boy who's 6'0 and white constantly has like 7-8 ongoing conversations.
i'm 5'7" pa just act confident like you wanna get weird with a tall chick dont let them know you're fazed by it

try tinder and bumble too b dont limit yourself to pof
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Well, bumble has proven to be useless for me. Got at least 20 matches only 3 of which messaged me. All the others have disappeared now that it's over 24 hours
yeah thats the only thing that sucks but keep at it when you got nothing better to do

its all about numbers fam

i was talking to 3 or 4 chicks two nights ago

yesterday i hit them all up only 1 responded. and the one that did showed me her freak side :pimp:
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We talkin fiances and wives here bra....BIG DIFFERENCE!

And all the online persona junk sounds like some teenager crap....

Yet we have married adults indulging in this BS....THAT IS A PROBLEM

It disgusts me how many married chicks are on these sites because they and thier man aren't getting along at the moment.

I'm like you dumb ***** why are you on here entertaining random strange me for attention and validation instead of working on your marriage.

I'm telling you man this is the bi product mentality of this online stuff too...people would rather run from thier relationship problems and hop back on the dating sites where they find some sort of comfort flirting with people and entertaining cheating instead of actually trying to resolve issues in thier relationships.

Unacceptable trashy tacky behavior for married adults if you ask me....

That's what I was getting at folks......be careful who you decide to be in relationships with and wife off these datings sites...because the site you met them on may be the site they run back to the minute yall have the smallest relationship/marital issue.

Know who you are dealing with!

Some of these women will never belong to you...they belong to the sites/apps you found them on Tinder POF OKC forever....IN THEIR VERY OWN DEMENTED PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS
Yo, why are you so riled up about this?! 
 Why does it bother you on how OTHER people get into relationships. 
@sugafree you gotta let go of some of this bias against people on dating sites like they are some kind of leper. On the whole you are mostly right, there are a lot of socially inept, unstable people seeking out validation there (both men and women). But there are also a lot of normal, well-adjusted folks who just don't have time to meet people, or they don't frequent the usual places (bars, clubs, etc). You are acting like it's impossible meet someone of substance online when that's not at all the case.

There are a lot of dudes in this thread who struggle to meet good chicks so online is a "path of least resistance" method that doesn't take a whole lot of time and can reap some good rewards. But honestly the dudes here who are killing it online would kill it IRL too because they know what they're doing. It doesn't have to be so life or death fam, cuz that's the way your posts come across.

Remember, you get back what you put out there... online is no different.
Real talk, the don helped me out with opening these chicks up on that first message and what to focus on.

It really just comes down to being fun. These chicks need to enjoy talking to you, if they don't, you aren't fun with them, it'll never go anywhere.

There's some good reading material out there on texting chicks, conversation tips, etc. as dumb as it sounds, look out for it man. I made a couple of tweaks to be more playful and fun and it's working. Except with the chick I used to date, she just hates my guts for some reason :lol: but FDB

I was going to tell him I've helped quite a few NTers but didn't want to throw out names.

Was talking to this girl off Bumble and she told me how she's gone out with these dudes who are good guys and what not... but are boring offline. Don't make the convo fun, talk about their careers etc...

The end goal should be to make every conversation as fun as possible.
I get the most strikes on high there. Not gonna lie I blow the majority of these girls off. I don't really have time for it. Bumble pisses me off. Matches with nice girls and half don't respond. Females don't take the lead.
Girl that I was feeling on Tinder went ghost on me.

We had great convo leading up to our first date last Sat night, which I thought went pretty good. No drinking or nothing, just good conversations.

Called/texted twice this week with no response, feelsbadman. These girls are fickle man

Onto the next one!

P.S. Which site do you guys prefer for actual relationships rather than just smashing?

Don't have a particular preference but I did meet my gf on Tinder

As far as ratio of quality chicks to just smashes I think it goes

Hinge > Tinder > or = OKC >> POF

I'm only speaking of the ones I've personally used. Haven't used a paid site like Match. Got locked down before the Bumble wave.
Don't have a particular preference but I did meet my gf on Tinder

As far as ratio of quality chicks to just smashes I think it goes

Hinge > Tinder > or = OKC >> POF

I'm only speaking of the ones I've personally used. Haven't used a paid site like Match. Got locked down before the Bumble wave.

with is hinge? :nerd:

There's too many of these sites now. I'd never even heard of bumble until the last few pages.

Quote from an articled (female writer)

"This is a dating app formula I can get behind. Throughout the day you receive around 13 people to choose from, but your options are not entirely comprised of random strangers. Instead, by linking the app to Facebook, your suitors have to be within your network or a friend of a friend. Which means, if absolutely necessary, you could theoretically hunt down that mutual friend to provide a character witness for an upcoming date. Within your preference settings, you can define the age range you’re interested in and their distance away (so you aren’t linking with men who live two states over) in addition to personalizing your own profile. You have the option to include education, height, ethnicity, religion, and any interests you identify with from a provided list. The feature I appreciated the most, though, was the ability to upload as many as 16 images. This allowed me to get that token picture of me golfing in the mix (because, I mean, what man doesn't love a girl who golfs on occasion?)"

Because you share mutual friends or friends of friends you're more likely to meet ppl who are serious about dating. Also you don't want to screw over someone who knows your people. If you have a decent sized FB friendlist that's quality, you'll get a lot of quality matches.
Quote from an articled (female writer)

"This is a dating app formula I can get behind. Throughout the day you receive around 13 people to choose from, but your options are not entirely comprised of random strangers. Instead, by linking the app to Facebook, your suitors have to be within your network or a friend of a friend. Which means, if absolutely necessary, you could theoretically hunt down that mutual friend to provide a character witness for an upcoming date. Within your preference settings, you can define the age range you’re interested in and their distance away (so you aren’t linking with men who live two states over) in addition to personalizing your own profile. You have the option to include education, height, ethnicity, religion, and any interests you identify with from a provided list. The feature I appreciated the most, though, was the ability to upload as many as 16 images. This allowed me to get that token picture of me golfing in the mix (because, I mean, what man doesn't love a girl who golfs on occasion?)"

Because you share mutual friends or friends of friends you're more likely to meet ppl who are serious about dating. Also you don't want to screw over someone who knows your people. If you have a decent sized FB friendlist that's quality, you'll get a lot of quality matches.

Let me think this one over, it already sounds like a horrible idea on paper. :lol:  Sounds female friendly though, I'll give it that much.

It's good only if you're trying to be serious. If you're simply trying to smash you can ruin your rep quickly :lol:
Hinge is a cool concept but idk I guess not enough of the people in friends with have friends with one. I only see like five girls a day on there and rarely get matches.
I would argue a 25% smash rate isn't expert though. And yes that women body shaper devices are real life. I don't see how they even breathe in those. When I was messing with old girl from Brooklyn and she put one on before sliding into her dress before this fashion and hair show we went to, looked like she lost an instant 45lbs

While 25% may not sound good for the typical NTer with great aesthetics, if you saw my roommate you would agree with me. Not a whole lot going for him in the aesthetics but he's figured out the online dating thing to work to his advantage.

Another story while I'm here:
He smashed a squirter at our house one night. He said she was spraying like a Canadian geyser all over his room. Had to put towels down so it didn't ruin the wood floors. I asked him what his estimate was for total volume of fluid released, he said probably a gallon. During sex, he thought he heard something but wasn't sure what it was and just kept going. After she left, she texted him saying "sorry for farting on you, but that's what you get for sticking your finger in my butt" :x
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Another method that has been killing it for me...

Recently moved to Santa Monica and there's this group on there for people who just moved there.

"Just graduated college and moved to LA"

I add all the hot ones and send them some flirty message.

I've smashed two already. One texted me the next day, "am I bad in bed?"
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