Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

man. things fell through with the bae. first time in my life online dating. I need tips ya'll. I've matched with maybe 20 wimminz but cannot get a response after i message them. actually the very first chick I messaged we talked for a while, she gave me her number, and invited me to her house for some wine. I thought to myself, "damn this tinder stuff is easy peasy. midas whale wait for a finer girl" so i passed up on this chick and haven't even gotten a single response back from any other girls.

What's the secret? I need some coaching.

can i clap them cheeks is a good start
Oh and there is one story I forgot (or I think I blocked it from my memory). This story is a story for shorty to tell her friends about me, I was the date from hell :frown:

Flat tire girl
Met on: Tinder
Race: Dominican 

We met for drinks at Fridays, the date went great and when we finished up at Friday's she wanted to chill more, we started making out, etc in the parking lot..So I say lets go to the crib, but she's like nah, she doesn't want to do that on the first date..So I'm like aiight lets go to this little bar close by me (I figured I was 1 and a half more drinks away from getting her to come to the crib) so she gets in her car, and I get a call from her, she says her tire is flat..So I'm like ok, I'll come check it out...But I remember, one problem...I haven't changed a tire since high school (11 years ago) and don't remember how to!!!!!!! so I confidently, (yet scared as hell) walks to her trunk, take out the jack, and the wrench thingy...So I start looking at them, praying to god I miraculously remember..So she is looking at me struggle with the jack and wrench and asks me if I know how to do it, I'm like yeaa, chill..This is a new jack, I've never seen it before...She says lol "It's a standard jack" (so Im thinking in my head B**** you change it then!) So after 10 minutes of me struggling and fiddling with the tools she calls her sister and say's "Can you tell Tony (her sis husband) to come change my tire, I'm with this dude and he doesn't know what he is doing" OUCH, total blow to my life..So I say chill, nah don't tell him to come (I'm thinking, how am I going to face this dude when he comes to change the tire) So I call my homeboy about 9 times in a row (it's like 2 AM) He finally answers and comes to change the tire for me, effortlessly...She thanks him, he looks at me and shakes his head with a stone face...She looks at me and say thanks..........bye.....I call her the next day, no answer, I call her the day after, no answer...Yea that was a wrap 
Hahah this had me dying
My dude. You gotta counter with some witty ish. The fact she responded means she's interested based on looks alone.
I get it she may not get the joke, but you gotta remember she knows you from the internet so jokes like that can appear effy.

Maybe shes the kind that just likes to spoken to directly with no games or attempt to maunipliate her into liking you.
Combine her response, all of her pics are of just her (no friends), admitting she's a textbook introvert and her profiles says she is planning a overseas trip by herself, she is a lame duck.

Im the exact opposite of her and know I would have a good time with her.
She's a black woman living in NOVA, if you're from the area you should've already known there's 95% chance she's lame
 Maybe he should go get a Fort Washington chick with 3 kids and she 23
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Profile said she was a textbook introvert. I tried, no sense of humor at all.

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Lol. Dude what did you expect her to say. She responded normally she don't know you man. Plenty thirsty dudes be hitting her daily.

You need to be able to adjust on the fly. Chicks loosen up once they get to know you.

I've used this line on every chick since it was posted. Through trial and error I have found out that if I have to adjust or comeback with something witty, It has been a terrible experience going forward. I need a chick that can take it and run with it and have met some that have taken it and ran with it and the experience has been awesome.
I've used this line on every chick since it was posted. Through trial and error I have found out that if I have to adjust or comeback with something witty, It has been a terrible experience going forward. I need a chick that can take it and run with it and have met some that have taken it and ran with it and the experience has been awesome.

Dude you doing to much. You dont need a witty comeback.

Everyone doesn't respond to random strangers trying to get in there pants.

Met plenty of chicks who were uptight the 1st date. Then once they got loose....good times indeed.
He was hoping she would say something along the lines of "i'll drive the getaway car" or "I'll have to go out and buy one real quick"
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