Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

She could have just thought you were being serious. Last chic I messed with off Tindr wasn't at all ready to tell her parents or friends we met online, made up some lie about how we met at a Thunder game (don't know why she didn't just use the common pick the first place you met face to face tactic). I never met any of her friends or family, but if we did that lie would have just lead to more lies because it's not like people just ask, you answer, and be done with it. It's going to be followed by a well who came up to who first, what'd he say, what'd you respond, what happened next, etc.
And these women wonder why they can't keep/get a man
Don't sweat it bro, it looks like Cindy already had a chip on her shoulder before your convo even started. Next time say something more specific to let them know for sure you're joking. Say something like "lets tell them we met feeding orphans in Cambodia" 
:lol: and I thought I had bad encounters on POF, still waiting for my encounter on OKC. But girl I met off POF only had chlamydia so no big deal. Just got me some knock me down
:lol: and I thought I had bad encounters on POF, still waiting for my encounter on OKC. But girl I met off POF only had chlamydia so no big deal. Just got me some knock me down
Wait, what!?

Ya'll cats need to chill.

Herpes, chlamydia, god damn. :lol:
What's going on with dudes knowingly tagging rotten yambs now? Between that and shooting up the club I've seen it all in this thread :lol:
and I thought I had bad encounters on POF, still waiting for my encounter on OKC. But girl I met off POF only had chlamydia so no big deal. Just got me some knock me down
The savagery. 

I can't even...
I started talking to this one chick
And notice she only got face pics
And her body type says undisclosed
I'm trying to figure how to go about asking her for a body pic w|o making her feel uncomfortable.
I started talking to this one chick
And notice she only got face pics
And her body type says undisclosed
I'm trying to figure how to go about asking her for a body pic w|o making her feel uncomfortable.
red flag bro. you already know whats coming. pics for reference though
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