Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Executive, where are you located? :nerd:

oh, damn. Tell that chick you posted she should move to Dallas :tongue:

With all those bad black chicks in TX you wanna import her...? :lol:

Judging by some of the posts in this thread and those pickup videos ones you can tell who rarely leaves their zip code/state

sonunox34.... if you don't have on a condom on you run the risk of catching something regardless of where you meet the chick

Acting like these online ******* live in separate colony or some ****.
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i have NEVER met a white dude who said they do not touch white women

where are you from?

white chicks into no white guys lots of those. but other way around never heard of.

I know it isnt common but it is something I have had the luck of meeting many who are like that. I am from Chicago. A few of them I met through my sister. She seems to attract those kind of guys. The guy I was talking about had a weird fetish where he would ONLY date indians. He dated my sister a few times and she wasnt into him so he expanded his scope to include black girls. :lol:

One guy is my friend from college. I don't want to post a pic of him but he only dates black women. He got game and a salary close to 70 stacks at 25 so he gets all the bad ones. He is dating a model (not anyone that anybody would know) who flew to Paris for a L'oreal shoot not too long ago.

I met a frat guy who only dates light skin black girls

Trust me, these guys are out there
I'm deep in this text conversation with an OkCupid girl, trying to meet her in person before we get into this texting relationship
Seriously goes on all day. But she's a nurse and works wild hours.
Nurses are freaks. Do it.

UPDATE: turned out really cute and just like her pics. Ended up smashing on second date and three more times after that. Definitely a freak.

We started talking kind of seriously... I ended up catching feelings, she ended it cause she said she still liked her ex... then I ended up getting diagnosed with the clap
still recovering. Really not sure if I want to get back on this online scene or not. Actually I should probably just not let these girls take the condom off during.
Pic of the nurse? Could help an NT'er avoid getting it too
Y'all got me laughing my *** off over here, I think imma jump into this. School me though. OKC or POF? And what's the best strategy to get the most results? When I used to try sites like these, I'd send out tons of messages but few replies.
I got laid 4 times by 3 different chicks in the span of a week on OKC. It's basically a non-profit prostitution ring. I had to stop before I got a baby or STD.
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that deion gif is well deserved :smh:..but yall are doing numbers off these sites lol :nthat: keep doin yall thing..I got a few numbers off meetme.com before I deleted my page the other day..one I know is for sure she wants me to spend the night & the other im working on :smokin
Yeah, Been on OKC for about an hour now & got 2 convos running. So far so good, but the pickings are kinda slim for my area. They tend to pull up females that live a distance .

it's a dating app. it's based off your default facebook pic i think, and it shows women nearby in like a 5 or 10 mile radius and you can rate pics, if she likes you back then you can message/interact through the app. it's basically the first real on the fly dating tech, i can see it making it t a lot easier to meet up at a restaurant/bar with little effort

apparently it's the hot thing to be doing for the past 6 or so months >D
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I'm not eating that well off of OKC. All of my highest matches are with the socially awkward feminists who don't shave their armpits in my area.
Wow, so many black girls in my area are only half black. Good thing they state it on their profiles to make everyone aware of it.
Got this girls number, and then she texted me "Would it bother you if I was born a man"

A couple months ago on pof i was talking to this chick for a solid 2 days. We exchanged pics via text, facially her face was average but body was 

About to set up a place/time to meet and then she hits me with "I'm gonna let you know now...im a transgendered woman" im like 

End of convo. 
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