Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

meeting up with two females from match on sunday. Whats funny is one of the females was at a party i was at last weekend. She remembers seeing me but i have memory of seeing her. Dont have a pic of the other female. Her profile hidden but shes super cute 

party chick
You don't take pictures with chicks you only smash/hung out with a few times.

Too many spectators/dudes living vicariously in here. :smh:

:lol: @ Stevie being in that Honey Remix video
I'm getting like random chicks who want to meet, but I'm sure they're outside my search criteria. Do those even correlate?

On POF??

far as i know the meet me feature runs through a selection of who is online at that time.

I don't think criteria even comes into it cause my search filters were usually narrowed down to 23-25yr old beckys and i'd get all manner of animals come up.
Bros put me on the game.

So I start conversating with these chicks and about mid conversation they just disappear. I'm pretty good at keeping conversations going and haven't been doing to bad. it tend to happen when they message me first. This happen to anyone else?
Just try to get their number within the third or 4th message, and attempt not to sound thirsty to these mentally battered broads :lol:
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