Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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The back story is that the OK governor fired the commander of his state's national guard and appointed someone else who would defy the DoD mandate.
Also note that only 10% of the OK national guard refused the vaccine.

That's brilliant - “we’re going to assign this tent between the kitchen and the infirmary as the poop tent and you can’t stop us!”

I wonder how many anti-vaxxers that refuse to take a Pfizer's vaccine, will be rushing to take this pill after they catch Covid

I mean if the pill isn't a government mandate then they will probably be bragging about taking it and getting cured. They'll be like "see vax mandates weren't needed when we just have a pill to cure us "
People too stupid to realize them resisting vaccines, mask wearing, and social distancing is just prolonging these rules and covid being around another decade or two. Those people probably secretly love it because they need another thing to make them angry everyday.

I wonder how many anti-vaxxers that refuse to take a Pfizer's vaccine, will be rushing to take this pill after they catch Covid

They're saying that it’s just Ivermectin in blue packaging because the only reason for not recommending a medication is that there’s no profit in it - which is entirely false.

I understand that you need to take it within a few days of developing symptoms and it is effective at preventing the virus from replicating whereas Ivermectin is effective against parasitic worms but has nothing to do with RNA replication.

The vaccine still makes much more sense - I don’t care how good trauma medicine is now - I’m still wearing a seatbelt so I don’t need them to use it if at all possible.
Incoming long post.

Lost my 12 yr old cousin to Covid this last weekend. He’s been battling Sickle Cell all his life so once he caught Covid it was like the “perfect storm” (from what doctors said) He had a sickle cell stroke that caused so much brain damaged that he ended up brain dead when he was at the hospital. My Aunt had to make the decision to take him off of life support. I can’t imagine what they are goin through right now.

On top of it, my Aunt is battling Covid as well. She’s on oxygen support and developed pneumonia in her lungs. I have no idea how she is doin! And she can’t even see her son because the doctors recommended she couldn’t see him. It’s so ****** up!

Then that night, we went to this Gospel Concert (in support of my wife) and when we got to the auditorium not a SINGLE mask was worn at all! So I’m already pissed off to the max! (It gets better) This guy named “Pedro” (White guy) spoke before the artists came to the stage but before that this dude kept saying in church “I don’t look like a Pedro.” he kept repeating that with his bigot *** jokes. I’m jus sittin there wanting to punch him in the face. Not sure how you say “you’re man of God” but spit this f’n trash in front of all these white ppl in this church? (Of course these white folks including my father in law laughed at his jokes)

Anyways, while the songs were being played everyone is jus giving “praise” “surrendering to Jesus” “worshipping” and it jus hit me. A my cousin just died today, a 12 year old! How can you believe in some God in the clouds & believe “the blood of Jesus” protects you but not believe in Covid that doesn’t care if God protects you! Even in the Bible it says “love thy neighbor” but yet all this ppl out here not wearing a damn mask to help/protect your neighbor?! It makes no sense, ppl’s moral compass is all twisted when it comes to the greater good of humanity.

I jus needed to get this off my chest, it’s been a long week.
is the pill a substitute for the vaccine or is it for a covid treatment for people who have covid already?
article didnt specify
It’s an antiviral pill to be given ASAP after diagnosis. It’s very effective at stopping disease progression leading to hospitalization. Still no substitute for avoiding getting infected in the fist place.
IMO the pill could be a gamechanger if used as a tool alongside the vaccine for those who still experience symptoms after catching covid or the immunocompromised (if it's also designed to work for these cases).

I just hope folks don't incorrectly see it as a substitute and argue that if there is a pill they can just solely rely on it instead of getting vaxxed. I know that's a longshot but I still have some faith in humanity.
Never look to religion for logic or rational thought. Hell…don’t even look there for moral thought.

Awful to read about your cousin and your aunt. My condolences.

Yea I walked away from religion & church awhile ago just saw what ppl turn into and how they try to be righteous but cover up their ****** behavior. I’m glad I did walk away, jus don’t see the need for it.
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