Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Number one on every list should be free nationwide testing absolutely everywhere. The fact that this still isn't happening is the A number 1 problem. How about the government goes full bore on that and then we have a place to freaking start. I've never seen dysfunction at this level anywhere in my life. It's like an octopus with all his tentacles swimming in circles at different directions and different speeds.
burger king giving free whopper if you figure out their school problem.. I was a good student in college and this wasn't in any of my math classes. :lol: Anyone?

cliff notes please
Then if you go to bill gates page, he's getting dragged in his comments now. At his neck.

And his wife's page too.

People saying he's in on this. That he's been preaching population control on the low and hinting for years and hella dirty. Saying he wanting depopulation through vaccines and requesting to see his doctors license. And Gates close ties to Xi.

People better chill before he activates skynet.
I was getting smell and taste back, but now for 2 days it’s completely gone again and stupid *** cough came back.

Right when I get back to work too. This is some bull**** man.

Might sound like a silly question, but did you test positive? If so, when?
I haven't gone through every page.
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