Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Head Of World Health Organization Expert Team To China: Coronavirus Risk From Wuhan Has Gone Way Down - RTRS

*in other words, "It Was Just The Flu." WHO
**y'all can go return your face-masks and go shopping" WHO
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In all reality, I would sincerely hope that new cases would drop drastically in a city where millions of people have essentially been in home quarantine for weeks. Once they are allowed to get out and start moving around again, I’d expect cases to jump right back up.
Waiting for the vaccine. Some good news eventually.

I wouldn't hold your breath. There is no vaccine for SARS or MERS and these kinds of viruses mutate so quickly that even the best vaccines (ie. seasonal influenza) are only somewhat helpful and immunity wanes over time. I've seen varying reports about covid 19 reinfections in Wuhan, which, if confirmed, would mean that survivors are not developing immunity and a vaccine wouldn't work anyway. Still too early to determine.
B.C. Health Officer Bonnie Henry says coronavirus outbreak now meets the "classic definition" of a pandemic - News 1130

"She added the COVID-19 outbreak now meets the “classic definition” of a pandemic, but noted the question now is whether the spread of the virus can be contained."

In my experience, there seems to be a real disconnect among the general public about the seriousness of this outbreak. Most people I have spoken with act like I have a tinfoil hat on when I've expressed concern about the potential for spread in the US. Here I am picking up N95 masks and considering stocking up on frozen goods and non-perishable items, while my son's 2nd grade teacher is planning a field trip to the airport in March... WTF?! Of all places you could take a class full of children, the airport shouldn't even be a consideration right now.
Cause right now in the US, its “old news” and until it hits home for real no one is going to give it too much thought.

When youre being cautious and whatnot but nothing in your vicinity is happening, youd probably not care as much either. The second you hear a case or two in your area via the news then you start toget concerned again.

That being said, be smarter than the next person but really just live your life normally. Hopefully this really goes away sooner than later (worldwide).
danikerhino danikerhino with the recent developments in Italy and Iran it’s now time for everyone to be concerned.

so what I said about only be worried if you’re asian is now incorrect

Still seems to be more dangerous to the elderly and those with preexisting conditions at this time though.
The reason it spread so quickly in South Korea is because members of a cult got it who refused to get tested and believed praying would cure their illnesses. They became super spreaders.
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the lack of news stateside is alarming. a few things are alarming, really but i'll have to wait until I get off of work to really share my opinion.
the lack of empathy and...an adequate response are two things that stick out in my head. it really does feel like the powers that be around the world care more about whatever deals they have vs caring about the ppl.

Chinese ppl don't deserve that. neither do the Japanese, etc. etc. etc.
Harvard scientist predicts coronavirus will infect up to 70 percent of humanity

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