Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Nah it’s still **** the Chinese government all day. They are responsible for not locking down before chinese new year.

This isn’t a black a white thing.

Both China and the US are trying to control the narrative to shift the blame and not take responsibility for their people.

of course. I'm only saying they handled it better than we have given the circumstances. the World Health Organization credited China with “perhaps the most ambitious, agile and aggressive disease containment effort in history”

China cut off Wuhan on Jan. 23. the first known death from the virus was Jan 11. less than two weeks after the first death (that was known) they were taking action far greater than any action the US has taken to date

meanwhile the US - the wealthiest country in the world with 6 weeks of notice - and we don’t have sufficient masks for healthcare workers, much less more complicated equipment and materials

another sad story of a older man who could have still be living if china didn't keep this a secret

another life rubbed out only 25 years old
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160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep
what exactly do you mean by getting even?
no cap yoou sounding mad ignorant
you are bringing negative energy into this thread and the world.
there is nothing to get even about.
Just focus on getting everyone healthy, instead of wasting keystrokes and energy on spewing hate towards a country there are many more productive positive things you can do with your time.

another sad story of a older man who could have still be living if china didn't keep this a secret

another life rubbed out only 25 years old

If the pandemic has taught me anything, it's the ease with which people fall back on virulent nationalism and martial solutions. How remarkable it is the ease with which people reduce the complexity of a global virus to a moral tale of 'bad China.' How stunning it is that people demand, despite the authoritarian proclivities of this presidential administration, more martial solutions to those hell-bent on rejecting social distance protocol.

Fear does something to people. For some, it brings out empathy. For others, it brings out hate. How striking it is that in this thread we have people worried for their lives and the lives of others, yet in the Stockmarket thread we have users longing for the 'blood bath'?
160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep
what exactly do you mean by getting even?
no cap yoou sounding mad ignorant
you are bringing negative energy into this thread and the world.
there is nothing to get even about.
Just focus on getting everyone healthy, instead of wasting keystrokes and energy on spewing hate towards a country there are many more productive positive things you can do with your time.

there is nothing productive when people die before their time
i'll leave it at that but your right

i don't have hate towards a country
i have hate towards communist regime that has no regard for their own people
do you think china cares about you me or the people whose lives are being lost when your trying to preach
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Salty water or listerine
There’s also a mouthwash specifically for sore throats but I forgot the name. There’s a commercial for it on tv.


these won’t help if it’s viral though
Gargle...1 : 4 Hydrogen Peroxide to Water
Drink... ACV 2 tbsp with 8 oz water
Gargle warm salt water, then I always make a drink with a apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, lemon and honey.
Yep been doing all of these. Thought maybe there was one I missed.
Saw a video about mixing vinegar and baking soda for a gargle but not sure if that sounds accurate. Don’t want to end up mixing the wrong ingredients.
If the pandemic has taught me anything, it's the ease with which people fall back on virulent nationalism and martial solutions. How remarkable it is the ease with which people reduce the complexity of a global virus to a moral tale of 'bad China.' How stunning it is that people demand, despite the authoritarian proclivities of this presidential administration, more martial solutions to those hell-bent on rejecting social distance protocol.

People choose to take the simplest route unfortunately, with no factual basis.
if you live in the 5 boros of nyc take a look at this map as of yesterday
the info is a day behind

not surprised at uptown manhattan and the bronx. you still have guys chillin in front of closed businesses like a normal day.
Not sure if posted but Canada will pay 75% of the workforce salaries for companies that have seen a drop of 30% in revenues due to COVID-19.

75% of salaries is up to 58K, so they will cover about 44K per employee. Government is strongly encouraging companies to pay the rest if they can.
Now I wonder would how many people Would work in the medical field if it wasn’t paying -
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