Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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From that Fauci interview...
Fauci responded that, while experts can't be 100% sure, he feels "really confident" that recovered coronavirus patients will have immunity.

Though extremely rare, there are numerous, well documented cases (outside of China) of Re-infection from COVID 19.
Not betting that he’s gonna be right just because. I’m just gonna trust his expertise.
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Based on what? What does he have as evidence to make this claim?

Shouldn't be spreading these words without backing. He'll have people back out here wilding
He’s an expert. I’ll trust his word
This thread is more reliable than any US official making claims on the virus. Up until this point they’ve been way behind on implementing measures and just plain wrong on some things.
CDC issues domestic travel advisory as coronavirus deaths double to over 2,000 people

The United States is advising residents of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut not to travel domestically after the number of reported coronavirus deaths doubled to over 2,000 nationwide within two days.

The coronavirus can damage the heart, even in people with no history of heart disease, new research suggests — showing it doesn't affect only the lungs

**** is crazy and people still wanna leave the crib for reasons other than work or groceries?
can't wait till mandatory telework is over, everyone is working later w/ message traffic till 7 pm-8 pm

when on-site, message traffic drops significantly around 4 pm when most start leaving
Please read or listen to Fauci's comments in full before going too far with it.

The way we can track long-term immunity is based on two things. 1) how long does your body maintain antibodies against the pathogen, and 2) how quickly does the pathogen mutate.

1) For many things, our bodies maintain antibodies lifelong, but for others we need boosters to keep our body primed. We need to deploy more tests (and we need more time) to see how our body's immune response to COVID persists over time. But, assuming we have antibodies, we should be protected from re-infection by the same virus. (The caveat is that an over-aggressive response by a primed immune system can also lead to problems). Based on similar coronaviruses, it seems like the body should mount an immune response that persists for a while.

2) Some pathogens don't mutate much, and thus we can develop a one-time vaccine for them, like smallpox. Others, like the flu, mutate every year, so we have to give seasonal vaccines. Others, like the common cold, is actually a broad class that encompasses many different types of viruses, and each of those mutates a lot, so a vaccine is not feasible. As for COVID, it appears it hasn't mutated much, which is encouraging and means we should be able to make a vaccine that is effective for years to come.

Fauci is using those two bits of information (one, that we see antibodies against COVID and that we see immunity built against similar viruses and two, that it hasn't mutated much) to say that we should have immunity against reinfection and that we should be able to design an effective vaccine. However, we still need more data, we need to understand why people are reinfected (did they not mount a strong antibody response? where they really reinfected or did they never clear COVID to begin wtih?), how long and robust are immune response is, and of course can we make a vaccine that is safe and effective.
He’s an expert. I’ll trust his word
But why if they haven't seen this before? We've already seen people since this started be reinfected after testing positive, then negative then positive some time later.
My friend who works at Bellevue hospital says they have freezer trucks on standby to increase morgue capacity.

We had the army taking over an ice rink to make a big morgue. Crazy stuff but if it affects a significant number of the population and 2% of them die that’s a lot of bodies to deal with.
It’s based on what we know about how most viruses work and how our immune systems respond to them (for example, chicken pox)

but like squatchnt squatchnt pointed out coronavirus is a different beast
Chicken pox is different too. Doesn't go away. Lies dormant. You can activate that virus again.. but next time it's a worse version in Shingles.
Hey guys,

I'm still waiting on results to come in, but I havent really had any symptoms again.

However, I'm battling insomnia now and is probably due to anxiety. Everytime I try to lay down I start panicking to the point that I have to get up and do something else.

I have been like this since Tuesday at 2am and at most o have had like 8 hours of sleep since then.

My body is tingling inside especially when I breath when trying to fall asleep.

I have tried melatonin and nothing... I think this is going to make me mentally sick.

This is a crazy....
Americans watched terrorists from another country fly planes into buildings killing 3000 innocent people while we all watched it in shock and America came together for like 3 months then it was the usual politics/war/economy related arguments based on the aftermath of the events. So this will be no diff.

what I think--more like ¨hope¨ will make this different is that there is no ¨other country.¨ it´s not just America, or people like you, or only those weirdos over there, it´s everybody and happening all the time.

plus the stoppage has to be accounted for. they were playing NFL games the next Sunday after the Towers fell on TV in 9th grade Science class...this time around they canceled the goddamn Olympic Games, nbd.

everyone is forced to stop and think for months at a time, minimal distractions.

that has never--EEEEEEVER!!!--happened before.

no way this isn´t a crossroads in human history, the way I see it.

...boy howdy it would be a shame if some of these retail workers forced to brave a pandemic for 8 bucks an hour would start walking out after close and leaving the doors unlocked...bound to get fired for that.

would really suck to get a $600 raise on unemployment and 6 months to look for a new job.
I see alot of doctors using chinas statistics as a tool for projections, demographic trajectory and treatment.
But i feel china is lying so i how do i reconcile?

plus fauci toting that company line. Giving facts but is at conflict with his role as a medical profession vs. his role as an employee of this administration
Hey guys,

I'm still waiting on results to come in, but I havent really had any symptoms again.

However, I'm battling insomnia now and is probably due to anxiety. Everytime I try to lay down I start panicking to the point that I have to get up and do something else.

I have been like this since Tuesday at 2am and at most o have had like 8 hours of sleep since then.

My body is tingling inside especially when I breath when trying to fall asleep.

I have tried melatonin and nothing... I think this is going to make me mentally sick.

This is a crazy....

It’s normal to have anxiety man, hang in there.

I just downloaded the headspace app for when I go to bed or waking up in the middle of the night. Might wanna check it out too.
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