Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Disappointed, but not surprised. I know they can't reopen in California, though. All the other states are ******.
Man this **** sucks.

A couple days ago I mentioned my mom having a sinus infection and us initially being worried it was the virus.

I been trying to social distance while checking on her via the phone etc. She’s older and still pretty busy so no red flags go off if she doesn’t get back to me same day however 2-3 days without a returned call or text is unlike her.

Anyways she stopped texting and returning calls back for a couple days and I finally decided to go see her despite the warnings. I got there and noticed her car was on so I figured she was either heading out or had just gotten home. When I walked in she was sitting in a bedroom struggling to breath. she said she forgot she had started her car but wanted to go back to the docs since the sinus meds didn’t do **** for her.

I offered her a ride which she declined, so I chose to follow her to clinic instead. After insuring she made it in I came back home and got a call about an hour later that she was being sent to the ER due to SOB (shortness of breath).

I attempted to meet her at the ER but no one can go in hospitals unless they are symptomatic right now so that was a dub. Eventually moms hit me and said she’s got pneumonia but she wants me to go home for now since they won’t let me in anyways. She got transferred to ICU as we were communicating.

This morning I spoke to her attending nurse who informed me that of course my mom would be getting checked for the virus.They don’t have her results yet but they will reach out when they do. My mom is currently on a ventilator because she had trouble breathing last night. I’m unable to talk to her for the time being and of course I can’t see her.

This whole **** is surreal for me personally right now. I don’t have a happy ending to this for you all yet but I will keep you posted. Hopefully things take a turn for the better.

hoping for the best for your mother and family we all are in this thread
I'm technically really lucky right now.
healthy as of now, being paid from home, for now.

but some things are just piling up. starting to get scressed. Can't live my regular life.
Like I don't even want to buy a lightbulb to change one.

edit: I'm strong enough to get through this mentally and I have a support structure.
It makes me wonder tho. Suicide rates must be going sky high worldwide in 2020.
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Some interesting scientific information here, for those interested...

Cliff notes for those who don't wanna read:

These are eight strains of the coronavirus.

The rona mutates very slowly. The flu virus in comparison mutates many times faster.

Because covid mutates slowly, all the strains are fundamentally similar to each other.

Most of the rona cases on the west coast seems to be linked to one particular strain.

There seems to be multiple strains of the rona on the east coast.

Covid was not lab made.
My job originally planned to open back up on April 1st (lol), but just posted on their site an April 20th extension. They’re still paying us which is good, but has me worried at the same time because I don’t know how long they can continue doing so
My job originally planned to open back up on April 1st (lol), but just posted on their site an April 20th extension. They’re still paying us which is good, but has me worried at the same time because I don’t know how long they can continue doing so
Easy $$ leaving you uneasy eh?
I'm technically really lucky right now.
healthy as of now, being paid from home, for now.

but some things are just piling up. starting to get scressed. Can't live my regular life.
Like I don't even want to buy a lightbulb to change one.

edit: I'm strong enough to get through this mentally and I have a support structure.
It makes me wonder tho. Suicide rates must be going sky high worldwide in 2020.
You’re aren’t wrong in thinking that. My brother is a cop in Temecula, CA which is in between San Diego and LA for those that don’t know and the majority of calls they’re getting right now is suicide calls. Mad people down and out and can’t see any other way.
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