Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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This testing situation is gonna be the reason this doesn't end as soon as it should. My boys in the NYPD, working in the hardest hit city in America. His partner tested positive after going in with symptoms. He's of course concerned so he goes to get tested and they tell him he doesn't have symptoms so he can just continue working and "take precautions"
I thought if you had direct contact with an infected person a self quarantine is what you're supposed to do? He should def stay home and call his union rep. He could take a test turn up negative and then get sick a week later all the while spreading it to others.
sfc415 sfc415 Haha that's definitely a good mindset to have. Yeah, working on web development and video calls with my girlfriend/friends/family these next few months will definitely help me to take my mind off this situation.
My boss hasn't responded back if I can work from home a couple of days out of the week. Smh.
Im not feeling this escentchul employee thing..there's no reason why i should be working 11 hours from home lol

I feel like anyone can be “essential” if you feel like it. Apparently I’m essential because I supply rock and sand to the power plant a couple times a month.
Seems like a lot of employers are taking advantage of work from home employees. I understand the blessing of not losing your job during this time, but an employer shouldn't abuse the situation and give people enough work that they're busy 10-12 hours of their day.
Source - https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/25/sti...dent-loan-borrowers-a-six-month-reprieve.html
"The historic stimulus package Congress is expected to pass would grant the millions of Americans with federal student loans a break from their payments for at least six months.

Based on language in the $2 trillion bill, which passed in the Senate unanimously, 96-0, on Wednesday and next goes to the House, federal student loan borrowers wouldn’t have to make a payment toward their debt until this October. Any interest that accrues during the suspension will be waived. And even if a borrower isn’t making payments during the reprieve, the time will still count toward the government’s forgiveness programs, if he or she is pursuing one, such as public service loan forgiveness.

The six-month break is automatic, meaning borrowers won’t need to contact their student loan servicer to request it. "
Corona is coming a little bit closer to my doorstep and hit the worst possible location. Our local news reported corona infections at 2 of our local retirement homes, both roughly 10km away from me. Luckily for the elderly residents there's a hospital practically next to them.
I thought if you had direct contact with an infected person a self quarantine is what you're supposed to do? He should def stay home and call his union rep. He could take a test turn up negative and then get sick a week later all the while spreading it to others.

This is the reality for literally every nurse, doctor and RT....they won’t test us....
You guys are looking at it wrong.

Look at it from the stand point that you like him. And the media and content you consume is white noise to any opposition.

He's holding daily pep rallies where he's blaming Obama and promoting what he's doing as the greatest task any President has ever taken on.

Trust me, I've tried to be open minded and look at it from the POV that I liked him and voted for him.

And then I start losing my ******* brain cells.
This is the reality for literally every nurse, doctor and RT....they won’t test us....
Not allowing you to isolate either? Maybe hospitals are spreading it as well if this is the case. Everyone with a cough thinks they have it and going to a hospital to get checked seems like a good way to get it if staff are being forced to work when they're sick smh.
these the people that trynna to save our lives smh??? they fooling around while people die. prob just medical assistance either way need their license revoked/terminated

THats wild to say....these people dealing with enough stress working around the clock, a couple of minutes to remember to smile will do a lot for the morale of everyone involved....think of it this way, you open your eyes and the first thing you see is a stressed AF nurse or one of these guys taking care of you, which will bring you more comfort?
Dude is wilding, as if you can’t have a little downtime if you work in a hospital.

calm tf down. You need to have your tv revoked or whatever got you this hyped.
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