Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Lol @ liquor stores and dispensaries being essential businesses
Could you imagine no alcohol..... It would be chaos.

mans then weed would just go back to the streets (more than it is already), and they would get tax benefits. They gotta keep the dispensary open.
Here’s the deal with Hydroxicholoroquine and azithromycin: It’s shown in studies from China, Korea and France to be effective. Of course you’re going to have some dummies taking it the wrong way but that’s no need to discredit the medication.
They just don’t want people buying it all up. Same way they don’t tell people that respirators or masks are necessary here in order to prevent a further shortage.
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Circle k ain't bsing
Could you imagine no alcohol..... It would be chaos.

mans then weed would just go back to the streets (more than it is already), and they would get tax benefits. They gotta keep the dispensary open.
Actually glad the weed spots open cuz my mom asked me to grab her more cbd cream. Thought theyd be closed, but i can just picture the line up
Lol @ liquor stores and dispensaries being essential businesses

some people would legit die without alcohol. As sad as that is to type, it’s 100% true. I know the medical benefits are there for weed but I’ve never heard of anyone dying from weed withdrawals. Alcohol is another story though

To the NT'er who said Cali ain't going to see gas prices drop below $3 a gallon.

That was this morning when I filled up before work.
Cmon man, you know Costco gas prices are always lower than regular gas station prices.

Reminds me that I need that key fob lol
Well if the accountant for the dentist office is lurking in the general forum of NikeTalk and knows my SN to Govt Name ratio then I’m ****ed in a whole different way already
Do you not plan on ever going back to that dentist again? You and all the fools who repped you must not know how chargebacks work. Stick to doing things legit cause y'all already on the internet snitching on y'all selves before even doing the actual deed. Hell, you've highlighted your text red for it to stick out
anyway, do you pleighboi.
Had to go into the building today and TP stocked in a huge pile outside of storage since no one has been there to use it.
I think I might swing by the CBD spot and cop something. I'm done with bud but I need something to knock the edge off. Had way too much anxiety this past week and I'll have a gut if I keep pounding back the brews.
cold, sinusitis, and flu can do this

I wonder what the rate of this symptom occurrence is
Yes it can. It's accompanied by nasal blockage which in turn affects the sense of smell.

Per a NY times article I posted the other day the covid patients can have affected sense of smell but a clear nose.
Anybody knows how are people recovering that have placed in ICU? Are they’re just letting it run it course? Any case studies on it?

as far as My personal experience goes with these cases from a respiratory perspective, the range of damage is rather wide, weve had a couple that ended up in IcU that can still oxygenate and therefore can stay off a ventilator and be treated with whatever mix of drugs the doctors are experimenting with, I’m assuming right now their drug treatment is no different than how they would treat a bad cold...but I’m not an RN or and MD...

now those that cross the line where they are having trouble oxygenating, we are not wasting ANY time, they getting tubed immediately and placed on vent, these patients I haven’t seen any come off, then again we’ve only been dealing with this about 3 weeks in my hospital, but usually depending on age patients would be weaned off much faster than this, problem is, regardless of age, weaning isn’t very effective as of yet....once they go on a vent, doesn’t seem like they’ll come off too quick at all and the battle of oxygenating begins....juggling with high levels of fio2 which in long term can actually be toxic, high levels of PEEP which can affect the blood pressure....it hasn’t been good, the one therapy that has helped getting THESE patients get back on their feet is ECMO since the blood is Oxygenated outside their body and returned to the heart to feed the rest of their organs and allow for easier healing of already compromised lungs that can’t seem to exchange gases properly....however this type of therapy isn’t available in all hospitals....
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