Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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**** work, it’s lit!

so first 45 says mexico and other latin are sending criminals
and now hes basically saying china has sent this virus to merica

i hope xenophia doesnt become rampant ( even tho it sort of has ins some areas)

but then again i dont have faith in ppl
praying I don't have dat rona.
my head hurts a lil but feels off...hard to explain. my throat is sore and i'm coughing a little.

already downed 4 vitamin c pills and a zinc pill. :frown:

maybe its just allergies or an oncoming cold. or nothing and it'll go away.
Wait until all of these cases inside Africa start popping up even more. Tons of foreigners live in these countries who go back n forth to their country like Chinese (think sub Saharan), italians (think North Africa), lebanese (think all of Africa, lol but so many in west Africa), French (think west Africa), germans (think sub Saharan). I hear people keep saying “why do they take their infected selves over to Africa and do this?” Not knowing it’s so many Chinese, german, french people living in these african countries running stuff from beauty stores, to gas stations, restaurants, etc plus the chinese are some of the main ones doing all of the big infrastructure their like bridges, tolls, etc. with that being said I expect numbers in Bots, Zim, Zambia, Malawi, Ethiopia, to skyrocket since its so many of them there.

Africa is really a trip if you have been through it extensively like I have. It’s bittersweet d/t a lot of the things you see while there unless you are blind. A lot of these foreigners I mentioned above have their own exclusive neighborhoods in these countries where they live deep and typically keep to themselves. I expect the Caribbean to spike too since the Chinese are there deep too. Iamjusayn...
Why the hell are so many people at the DMV on a Wednesday afternoon during a pandemic? It can’t possibly be that deep.
city govt needs to shut that down. no reason from DMV to be open at this point

Does anyone have an updated chart where it compares Italy and USA cases day by day?
read somewhere we are 10 days out in progression
in other news...
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Why the hell are so many people at the DMV on a Wednesday afternoon during a pandemic? It can’t possibly be that deep.

Not only that, but the DMV pushed back all deadlines for expiring licenses, registrations, etc. A lot of the stuff you can do at the DMV you can do online anyways. Heard they're taking customers a few at a time. Sort of defeats the purpose if these folks are huddling up in a line outside the DMV :lol:

Time to figure out a new protocol, because they basically took the traffic and moved it to another place.
So instead of shutting down all of America, why don’t we just quarantine those who are high risk and let the healthy work it out?
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