Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Any news about boosters and can we mix match these bad boys ?

Still no official word on boosters, but inside scoop says the first groups to be officially approved for boosters will be elderly and immune compromised (especially solid organ transplants in whom vaccines have shown less immune response). It will initially just be a 3rd dose of the same OG vaccine. I've heard that boosters have already quietly been administered to some solid organ transplants who have shown limited to no immune response, but this has been specifically directed by their physicians AFAIK. I've been trying to persuade one of my co-workers who received a kidney transplant to discuss the possibility with his doctors. He seems to think I'm just being paranoid so far though.
What’s good with j&j? I never hear about it anymore, WILL I DIE???
#ModernaGang putting numbers on the board! Latest study out of Qatar shows effectiveness against infection:
Moderna 84.8%
Pfizer 53.5%

A recent Mayo Clinic study showed similar figures:
Moderna 76%
Pfizer 42%

As someone that got Pfizer, when the booster shots come around Imma be like...
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This doesn't concern anyone? Everything is "safe" til it isnt.

I'd like to think none of us are naive enough to think putting a foreign substance into our bodies will have no side effects, but when you're presented with 2 options and one of them includes a KNOWN list of more serious adverse effects, the majority of sane people will choose the other one that keeps them alive long enough to find out if they made the right choice.
I'd like to think none of us are naive enough to think putting a foreign substance into our bodies will have no side effects, but when you're presented with 2 options and one of them includes a KNOWN list of more serious adverse effects, the majority of sane people will choose the other one that keeps them alive long enough to find out if they made the right choice.

How does one compare a known to an unknown? And implying someone would be insane for being indecisive in that situation seems like a reach. Realistically, not taking the vaccine doesn't guarantee you will get covid symptoms. Just seems like a risk/reward, cost-benefit analysis which I guess is pretty subjective.
How does one compare a known to an unknown? And implying someone would be insane for being indecisive in that situation seems like a reach. Realistically, not taking the vaccine doesn't guarantee you will get covid symptoms. Just seems like a risk/reward, cost-benefit analysis which I guess is pretty subjective.

KNOWN: the vaccines are highly effective against severe disease, hospitalization, and death
UNKNOWN: the vaccines may not prove highly effective against future variants
KNOWN: the vaccines have been tested in humans for approximately 17 months with relatively few serious adverse reactions - rare cases of CVST and Guillian-Barre syndrome after J&J, myocarditis/pericarditis after mRNA, anaphylactic reactions after mRNA, etc
UNKNOWN: nearly all serious adverse reactions are detected within the first few months after vaccine administration, but nobody can tell the future

For the record, I never said "insane" but call it what you will. You are correct that not taking the vaccine doesn't guarantee you will get COVID symptoms, just like driving drunk doesn't guarantee you will get into an accident, hitting raw doesn't guarantee you will get an STD, but life comes at you fast bro.

*I was going to list the KNOWN adverse reactions after COVID infection, but was overwhelmed by the sheer amount.
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Yeah "insane" would be categorizing it incorrectly.

"Dumb" is much more fitting.

Theres certainly no shortage of dumb reasoning for not getting vaccinated. The fact that an establishment has a history of putting harmful products on shelves while claiming they are safe seems like a valid concern.
Back to school update: We haven't even made it through week 1 and I'm hearing there's already been an outbreak in 8th grade. Not even surprised with the weak effort the school is putting forth to start the year.

EDIT: email that went out to staff specifically said "keep this under wraps" like they're gonna keep it a secret? Legit considering my homeschool options rn.
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It's on the parents at this point, I don't want to hear anything else.

i mean not completely..

no matter how many times the dumb shhh gets repeated, it's not a personal decision.. the actions/choices of grown a*#@* adults are and will impact others
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Theres certainly no shortage of dumb reasoning for not getting vaccinated. The fact that an establishment has a history of putting harmful products on shelves while claiming they are safe seems like a valid concern.
Remember that thing I said about ignoring reality in favor of hypotheticals with no real evidence?
Back to school update: We haven't even made it through week 1 and I'm hearing there's already been an outbreak in 8th grade. Not even surprised with the weak effort the school is putting forth to start the year.
I was going over the FAQs for my daughter's school and it says there will be no social distancing in class. Seems confusing when that page was last updated in July before the numbers got crazy. I hope they have an update on the guidelines when we meet her teacher next week.
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