Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Just found out my friend and his wife tested positive for COVID. I also don't think either of them are vaccinated. (well since the last time I asked)

Kind of annoyed that they didn't have the same urgency to get vaccinated.
When will we see full FDA approval/licensure of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine?

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Went to Walmart last night to buy some cleaning supplies
Felt sorta weird seeing everything in stock especially Clorox wipes
There was a point where you couldn’t find one if your life depended on it
Me and my roommate were just talking about how you couldn’t find none of that or toilet paper. The hell did people really need all that toilet paper for!?
Me and my roommate were just talking about how you couldn’t find none of that or toilet paper. The hell did people really need all that toilet paper for!?

IMO, a few things were driving that TP demand: 1) hype! everybody else was buying it in bulk and shelves were starting to go empty so people felt like they were supposed to follow suit 2) it's something you can control when everything seems out of your control 3) if you're stuck in your house, it's the only place you can crap 4) it never expires
Not gonna lie, I bought a few big packs just in case it wasn't safe to leave the crib for a while.
I'm hearing over the radio that Moderna is apparently better for delta over Pfizer.

IDK what radio station you've been listening to, but this article says otherwise

Nothing in that article says it is "better," but yes.......it does confirmed if you got unlucky by missing out on Pfizer and got the Moderna vax, instead you are protected by THE DELTAS too
IDK what radio station you've been listening to, but this article says otherwise

Nothing in that article says it is "better," but yes.......it does confirmed if you got unlucky by missing out on Pfizer and got the Moderna vax, instead you are protected by THE DELTAS too

[sarcasm]Basically, if you got Moderna or Pfizer you're protected from Delta but you'll die of myocarditis and if you got J&J you won't die from Delta but the blood clots will get you.[/sarcasm]
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IMO, a few things were driving that TP demand: 1) hype! everybody else was buying it in bulk and shelves were starting to go empty so people felt like they were supposed to follow suit 2) it's something you can control when everything seems out of your control 3) if you're stuck in your house, it's the only place you can crap 4) it never expires
Not gonna lie, I bought a few big packs just in case it wasn't safe to leave the crib for a while.
#1 is the main reason I'll say because ain't no damn way people were running through the big Costco packs in less than a month and if they were then they were just wasting it.
Did my “physical” over the phone. Couldn’t believe they were serious. I’m like, whatever. As long as it gets billed correctly so I can get my work benefits discount. The doctor called me later on because she forgot to ask if I was vaccinated. I said no. She kinda had a little attitude when she asked why.
Last regular doctor's appointment was over the phone and bout 5 mins and I got a 200 dollar bill. I'm like ok we're done here.

That's crazy. My insurance fully covers my annual preventive care visit. It's only the blood work that I have to pay my deductible. Usually only between $35-45.
Took a flight for the first time in 2 years this past week.
What's the point of giving out snacks to everyone at the same time when all that does is cause everyone on the plane to take their masks off AT THE SAME TIME???
I also don't believe this "disinfection between flights" policy that they are advertising. My seat had crumbs on it and looked visibily dirty .
Back in the office. A little strange cause it's still mad empty but I'm glad to be back.
The company spent a grip on outfitting the building to make it safer. Talk to a dude a the gym that is going back in Sept. He doubts anyone is gonna wanna come back regardless of how safe it is.
Denmark got rid of masks last week. This week we're gathering in the streets celebrating European Football Championship and spreading the Delta variant.

I shop off hours, keep my distance, but ditched the mask too. :blush:
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