Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Haven’t looked too much into Israel. Are cases and hospitalizations and deaths up from the delta? Is this now to protect the unvaccinated? Are vaccinated folks getting sick from delta? I guess that’s my question. When is it time to let the unvaccinated fend for themselves (I get there’s some medically fragile who can’t get it. But for the 39% who don’t want it)?
This tends to say testing is showing0.5% infection rate, and severe cases as quite low, but cases are rising. Maybe it pays to be vaccinated?

I see LA county is reinstating public indoor mask mandates. Anywhere else?
Haven’t looked too much into Israel. Are cases and hospitalizations and deaths up from the delta? Is this now to protect the unvaccinated? Are vaccinated folks getting sick from delta? I guess that’s my question. When is it time to let the unvaccinated fend for themselves (I get there’s some medically fragile who can’t get it. But for the 39% who don’t want it)?
This tends to say testing is showing0.5% infection rate, and severe cases as quite low, but cases are rising. Maybe it pays to be vaccinated?

I see LA county is reinstating public indoor mask mandates. Anywhere else?

I've seen conflicting article whether or not Pfitzer or Moderna are effective against the Delta Variant.

This tweet is the opposite.

CDC still feel mask is necessary for the unvaccinated ones.
Around 60% of Israel is vaccinated with Pfizer too.
Yes, I think it’s ~80% of those 16+ who have received the vaccine and they just started allowing 12-15 y/o’s. Last I saw, around half of their ~200 daily infections were under 16 and the other half were split evenly among vaccinated and unvaccinated 16+. Very few have been considered serious illness. The vaccine obviously cannot stop viral particles from getting into your nose and mouth, but it should quickly stop the virus from replicating and keep people from getting seriously ill. For example, the 7 day average COVID deaths in Israel are 0.14 according to ourworldindata.
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Freedom cost 4.99 a month
Freedom cost 4.99 a month

Strange. I’m not a subscriber and read it. I’ll look into it.
EDIT: I read it through the app, so maybe that's why it works there and not by clicking the link. Last time I copied/pasted a whole article in here, the mods removed it or I would have done that.
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Yeah, went to my local farmer's market yesterday wearing a mask and the looks I was getting were funny.

Yea because I assume they think anyone that STILL wears a mask is unvaccinated.

Even though, IMO, it was dumb for us to ever be told to STOP wearing the masks as if vaccinated people still couldn't carry and transfer.

I guess making people feel "comfortable" was the goal but I still think it was highly stupid.
Didn’t wear a mask in a store yesterday. Definitely felt weird being able to do that again.
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