Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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You can walk in to a place and get the shot without even having to wait these days.

Don't know what to say about people still putting it off.
Can we change the title of the thread to The nWo Covid Thread?

You can walk in to a place and get the shot without even having to wait these days.

Don't know what to say about people still putting it off.
But people would rather take their chances and put other garbage in their bodies. It really can be hard to wrap my head around the thought that because a tiny part of the population has side effects to the vaccine that you'd want to just risk getting the virus, potentially dying or suffering serious illness, being hospitalized and not knowing when you'll get nursed back to health.

At the same time I've been trying to tune out people with this kind of thinking because some just can't be convinced even if they have had close family members suffer from the virus.

On the bright side it's good to see the mobile vaccine clinics making their way to the less privileged and/or remote areas where people don't have ways to transport themselves to vaccine sites.
Some of it is just people not understanding how vaccines work. I know someone who got the shot and told others not to get it because it made them sick for a day :emoji_unamused:

Then there's the "Bill Gates ain't installing his tracking chip in me!" crowd. I'm sorry, nobody wants to track you. You ain't that important. Get over yourself lol.

My son is turning 12 this weekend and we are planning on getting him his first dose the day after. Now I am kind of hesitant. It's rare, contracting COVID is probably scarier and getting vaccinated still outweighs not getting the shot but I'm still kind of nervous. Can anyone shed some light on this???? Is myocarditis super serious?

My son is turning 12 this weekend and we are planning on getting him his first dose the day after. Now I am kind of hesitant. It's rare, contracting COVID is probably scarier and getting vaccinated still outweighs not getting the shot but I'm still kind of nervous. Can anyone shed some light on this???? Is myocarditis super serious?
I knew someone who had myocarditis and yes, it's serious. But he's supposedly doing fine and hasn't had any issues with it for the past 10+ years.

My son is turning 12 this weekend and we are planning on getting him his first dose the day after. Now I am kind of hesitant. It's rare, contracting COVID is probably scarier and getting vaccinated still outweighs not getting the shot but I'm still kind of nervous. Can anyone shed some light on this???? Is myocarditis super serious?

myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, usually due to a viral infection.

Severe myocarditis is bad but mild cases just need supportive care and taking it easy on the heart, regular follow up etc.

for vaccine adverse effect cases it seems that the risks are very low especially compared to covid itself

According to the June 10 CDC VAERS report detailing adverse events through May 31:

  • 789 cases of suspected myocarditis have been reported, with 475 involving people younger than 30 years; 79 cases reported were in patients 16 or 17 years old
  • The vast majority (81%) of the 270 patients younger than 30 years who were discharged from care after suspected myocarditis related to COVID-19 vaccination have recovered fully; the remaining 19% of patients report ongoing symptoms or complete data are missing
  • 196 cases of suspected myocarditis after a COVID-19 vaccine were reported in young adults 18 to 24 years of age, which is higher than expected for this age group.

consult with your pediatrician for better guidance
KilroyIverson21 KilroyIverson21 My daughter had her 2nd shot almost 2 weeks ago. She only experience mild body aches/fatigue, no fever on the next day and only last few hours. I didn't see any other side effect. This coming Saturday is her fully 2 weeks after 2nd shot, so I feel somewhat relieve. If your son never had any reactions with any vaccines in the past, I personally would go for it.

You can walk in to a place and get the shot without even having to wait these days.

Don't know what to say about people still putting it off.
My neighbor said she's not getting the vaccine because a nurse told her we'll all be dead within 5 years.
But people would rather take their chances and put other garbage in their bodies. It really can be hard to wrap my head around the thought that because a tiny part of the population has side effects to the vaccine that you'd want to just risk getting the virus, potentially dying or suffering serious illness, being hospitalized and not knowing when you'll get nursed back to health.

At the same time I've been trying to tune out people with this kind of thinking because some just can't be convinced even if they have had close family members suffer from the virus.

On the bright side it's good to see the mobile vaccine clinics making their way to the less privileged and/or remote areas where people don't have ways to transport themselves to vaccine sites.
Dude said it himself it's a minor inconvenience to him so he wasn't going to get it. Just like wearing a mask. A minor inconvenience to the individual....

This is why I don't need new friends post 2020
At this point, if a person doesn’t want to protect themself against covid with the vaccine so be it. Seems like 70% of adults in this country is the best we’ll get. Wonder what percentage of the world is vaccinated so far. I’m happy I was able to get a vaccine that is 90 something % effective.
Dude said it himself it's a minor inconvenience to him so he wasn't going to get it. Just like wearing a mask. A minor inconvenience to the individual....

This is why I don't need new friends post 2020

At this point, if a person doesn’t want to protect themself against covid with the vaccine so be it. Seems like 70% of adults in this country is the best we’ll get. Wonder what percentage of the world is vaccinated so far. I’m happy I was able to get a vaccine that is 90 something % effective.

An Associated Press analysis of available government data from May shows that “breakthrough” infections in fully vaccinated people accounted for fewer than 1,200 of more than 853,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations. That’s about 0.1%.

And only about 150 of the more than 18,000 COVID-19 deaths in May were in fully vaccinated people. That translates to about 0.8%, or five deaths per day on average.


At this point, if a person doesn’t want to protect themself against covid with the vaccine so be it. Seems like 70% of adults in this country is the best we’ll get. Wonder what percentage of the world is vaccinated so far. I’m happy I was able to get a vaccine that is 90 something % effective.
According to ourworldindata 22.4% of the world population has received at least 1 dose of some vaccine. Seems high TBH.
SF requiring city workers to get vaccinated

"It's quite straightforward – it's my job to protect the safety of our employees; I am exercising my duty under the San Francisco charter to do just that"
My state had one death for a child under 17. The risk of death is so low.

Death is not the issue. Permanent or long-term disability is:

My wife's aunt had it and "recovered." She went from an active grandma who ran miles weekly to being stuck in a bed and being barely able to go up a flight of stairs after covid ****** up her lungs. Luckily, she lives in a country with a strong safety net, so she is not at risk of losing her livelihood because of extra days off/sick days.

Knowing how easy it is to fire folks in the US for health-related issues, and knowing that the largest job growth has been in sectors that demand some sort of physical aptitude, people not getting vaccinated as soon as they can is likely to engender a socioeconomic crisis if there is a resurgence of cases and more people become COVID long haulers.

Wonder what percentage of the world is vaccinated so far.
99% of the African population is not fully vaccinated.

My neighbor said she's not getting the vaccine because a nurse told her we'll all be dead within 5 years.

I have a close friend that sadly is convinced the vaccine is for population control one way or the other. People obsessively believe these things.
Got a covid test yesterday afternoon as Hawaii requires a negative result 72 hours or less before you fly out. My results came back in about 13 hours (Negative!) and I just uploaded them to Safe Travels of Hawaii site. So glad to have this over and done with. Can't lie I was stressing a bit about the results (I've been vaccinated since early this year but there's always slight chance of outbreak).
Got a covid test yesterday afternoon as Hawaii requires a negative result 72 hours or less before you fly out. My results came back in about 13 hours (Negative!) and I just uploaded them to Safe Travels of Hawaii site. So glad to have this over and done with. Can't lie I was stressing a bit about the results (I've been vaccinated since early this year but there's always slight chance of outbreak).
What island you heading to? Came back from kona couple weeks ago
What island you heading to? Came back from kona couple weeks ago
Big Island myself also. Have been about 10+ times as my parents have a cabin there. I really dig the laid back vibe there compared to Oahu. Can't wait to swim and have some fresh Poke'
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