Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Not saying I don't believe it, but AFAIK they aren't performing testing to let you know which variant you caught. Genomic surveillance is done very selectively with less than 2% (last time I checked) of total cases sent out by states for testing to determine which variants are spreading in particular areas of the country. The fact that person specifically said it was a "new variant" leads me to automatically dismiss the tweet.
It's wild out by me. The town I live in is firmly red, so I'm seeing about an 80/20 maskless:masked ratio in stores. However, drive the extra 5 minutes to the Whole Foods on the outskirts of the town and that ratio flips in the opposite direction.

Considering how conservative my town is, you know damn well 80% of those maskless people didn't get the vaccine.
Sounds like COVID but is probably a direct result of loosening or doing away with restrictions. I dont think I know more than 2 people that have had a cold in the past 15 months.
Same. It's either a cleanliness issue or truly masks and distancing have major influences. And maybe there are truly major outbreak events that maybe should never happen again. Maybe schools are bad breeding grounds, or in office working with shared HVAC. I hope.one day we can pinpoint It all. 40,000 at sports seems crazy, and 19,000 indoors. I hope we can study it all for the next surge.

Some doctors and nurses claim that kids do need to get dirty and somewhat exposed to common germs. Maybe all of our immune systems will be put to the test this fall. With the flu at nearly zero the past year, these other flu like issues will surely pop up. Zero doesn't seem sustainable.
Jon Stewart on the Coronavirus Wuhan Lab theory. First Colbert show back in the Ed Sullivan Theatre.
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What looked like several dozen protesters carried signs reading “Foo Fighters fight to bring segregation back”

:lol: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:

Can't stress enough to idiots that just because people get the vaccine doesn't mean they're immune to COVID. Just means the effects of COVID in the case it breaks through are severely diminished. Idiots holding onto every breakthrough case like they scored a home run.

Regarding that Jon Stewart video, man it's all fun and games to make jokes about the Lab Theory which definitely needs to be investigated, but we forget what this does to Asian Americans. We're too distant to remember how Japanese Americans were treated during WW2, people got to go read their history and realize these jokes about another country's failure and constant reminders of how our biggest rivals may have caused this has some serious repercussions on Asian folk who never stepped foot in China.
why this employee aint have a uniform or nametag :nerd:
Something seems fishy about the vid to me. Also being that its in Lake City (a somewhat sketchy part of North Seattle for the uninitiated) makes me think it was staged. Many businesses around here no longer requiring mask and a hardware store seems less likely to require them at this point. Plus does guy in black have a beer!?!?
why this employee aint have a uniform or nametag :nerd:

I saw it before it fell off

Beasley is such an idiot.

Gonna be funny and smh when this season of Hardknocks airs and the unvaccinated players having to adhere to all the restrictions.
Illinois is doing a $10 million lottery for vaccinations
$7 million in cash prizes
$3 million in scholarships
Sad that you gotta offer potential cash to get vaccinated
Yeah it’s summer now and everyone is out
Went to Costco few days ago about 30 min before closing
Place was packed like crazy
I can’t imagine what it’s like during the day or weekend
A few times I left the house without my mask
By the time I got to my car I felt weird like something was off
Realized I forgot my mask and went back to get it
I sorta feel naked without my mask
Upcoming flu season is gonna be interesting
I bet folks who don’t mask up will start getting the cold or flu
Even if the numbers are down
I’ll probably still mask up to prevent getting a cold or the flu
I always get the flu shot when I'm supposed to and haven't had the flu in over 10 years. I'm a healthy person so when I do get a cold I'm usually good in a few days. I'm good with not wearing a mask unless required.
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