Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Can’t trust countries like China and Russia to do that. Blame still falls on China for hiding it.
Yup, at my job we have ppl who complain bout the mask and the vaccine. This is how the conversations go....

Them: I don’t like wearing this mask!
Me: Ope, well get the vaccine.
Them: No!
Me: Well you’ll have to wear your mask then.
Them: I don’t like it, it’s hard to breathe!
Me: Then get the vaccine so you don’t have to wear the mask and breathe.
Them: I don’t trust it!
Me: Ok then **** complainin!

Never will understand this mentality? It’s literally “free” and “available” jus get it and be done with it! You really don’t have nothin to lose at all. These ppl I work with have terrible eating habits and bad posture and want to say “I don’t want to put that into my body.” Smh you not even taking care of yourself anyways?!

Also I live in a Red State and majority of these folks I work with are GOP/Trump Worshippers so it pretty much explains it all. *shrugs*
Was browsing Twitter and saw some antivaxxer idiot saying more people need to talk about the vaccine side effects. People were telling her side effects are extremely rare. she said she knew 6 people who suffered bad side effects and one that developed a bad case of shingles form the astraveneca vaccine. While the astraveneca vaccine seemed like crap, she must be BS'ing about knowing 6 people who had bad side effects and continue to have them.
Was browsing Twitter and saw some antivaxxer idiot saying more people need to talk about the vaccine side effects. People were telling her side effects are extremely rare. she said she knew 6 people who suffered bad side effects and one that developed a bad case of shingles form the astraveneca vaccine. While the astraveneca vaccine seemed like crap, she must be BS'ing about knowing 6 people who had bad side effects and continue to have them.

Yeah, that’s generally nonsense - in the UK we’ve limited the AZ vaccine to those over 40 because huge studies have possible links to blood clots - out of over 20m vaccines 19 have died - and the mean age was 36 or something.

But, we’re beginning to get lots of refusals from people who apparently know lots of people who have had a clot…

As I’ve said before it’s just frustrating that Karen on Facebook’s opinion is apparently as valid as peer reviewed research.

The centre I’ve been working in does Pfizer and AZ - and we’re getting lots thinking they get a choice - they do, but it’s yes or no and they’re not happy with that.

So the pandemic over? This thread got sent to the 5th page of the forum

I’m scared of the delta variant for the population that aren’t vaccinated. Not for the antivaxxers or deniers, they can go to hell, but for the age groups not eligible to be vaccinated yet. Are flights still banned to and from India?

So the pandemic over? This thread got sent to the 5th page of the forum

I’m scared of the delta variant for the population that aren’t vaccinated. Not for the antivaxxers or deniers, they can go to hell, but for the age groups not eligible to be vaccinated yet. Are flights still banned to and from India?
Delta variant probably going to send us back into lockdowns. But I feel like people (no matter what their beliefs are) are done with the pandemic and staying home 80% of the time. We living with this now. Better stock up on nutritious food and get serious about health yall.
California is officially back to normal starting tomorrow. When I went to groceries and Target on the weekend, most people still wore their masks on.

My kiddo had her 2nd shot on Saturday. As expected, she felt aching, fatigue but no fever starting about mid-morning on Sunday. But it only lasted few hours. She felt better in the afternoon.

Speaking of Delta variant: https://www.fresnobee.com/news/coronavirus/article252103128.html
Just in case if they lock down the news page to subscriber only, the point of the article:
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California is officially back to normal starting tomorrow. When I went to groceries and Target on the weekend, most people still wore their masks on.

My kiddo had her 2nd shot on Saturday. As expected, she felt aching, fatigue but no fever starting about mid-morning on Sunday. But it only lasted few hours. She felt better in the afternoon.

This was my experience over the weekend in stores as well. There are definitely more people who don't have masks on now, but I have a hopeful feeling many will still wear masks even after tomorrow. Vaccination rates in our county (and most surrounding CV counties) are relatively low, but then again our infection rates were relatively high so there is likely more natural immunity in the population that should hopefully keep rates low through the summer.

Glad to hear your daughter is doing well after her second dose. So many people are freaking out over these rare myocarditis and pericarditis mRNA side effects, but seem to ignore that the rates are much higher after natural infection. IMHO, these rare side effects are not a reason to decline or delay vaccination.
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