Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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This and combo pizza!! Well at least samples are coming back this month in WA, sounds like tables in food courts aren't too far off either. It won't be completely normal though as they are set to handle samples out individually behind plexi and restricting tables to 4 people with reduced capacity and number of tables.
This and combo pizza!! Well at least samples are coming back this month in WA, sounds like tables in food courts aren't too far off either. It won't be completely normal though as they are set to handle samples out individually behind plexi and restricting tables to 4 people with reduced capacity and number of tables.

i think they said there was a shortage in one of the ingredients on the combo pizza that's why they're not selling it right now/anymore. :smh:
Chicago plans to fully reopen on June 11th
The violence especially shootings is crazy right now
Reading and watching the news is depressing
Folks are getting shot up on the expressways and lake shore drive like I’ll never seen before
This summer is probably gonna be one of the worst in a long time
Stay safe out there
Also I’ve noticed road rage is up
The little driving I do I see at least one incident if not multiple everytime I go out
It’s getting wild out there
About to head to the gym for the first time in a year and a half. Stopped going two weeks before my city mandated a shutdown. Nervous and excited. But from what I can see whenever I walk by it, there’s no more handful of people there. Not going to take my mask off but let’s see how bad it sucks working out in a mask
About to head to the gym for the first time in a year and a half. Stopped going two weeks before my city mandated a shutdown. Nervous and excited. But from what I can see whenever I walk by it, there’s no more handful of people there. Not going to take my mask off but let’s see how bad it sucks working out in a mask


I can only do so much P90x at home.

When I get my 2nd shot, I'll be going back to my gym.

Have you tried using the Under Armour masks? I find that it works great when I was snowboarding during the winter.

I can only do so much P90x at home.

When I get my 2nd shot, I'll be going back to my gym.

Have you tried using the Under Armour masks? I find that it works great when I was snowboarding during the winter.
I have a gym in my garage since last spring. I'll never go back to a public gym.. other than the occasional random camel toe I've never seen before I miss nothing about it...
Chicago plans to fully reopen on June 11th
The violence especially shootings is crazy right now
Reading and watching the news is depressing
Folks are getting shot up on the expressways and lake shore drive like I’ll never seen before
This summer is probably gonna be one of the worst in a long time
Stay safe out there
Also I’ve noticed road rage is up
The little driving I do I see at least one incident if not multiple everytime I go out
It’s getting wild out there

I've been living in Chicago for a year now-damn people drive CRAZY out here. Never been to an American city with so many vehicles with missing or destroyed bumpers. I almost get forced off the road on a daily basis by people who speed up from 80 to 100 whenever I try to merge or change lanes. If they're not doing that, they're not signalling at all and changing 2-3 lanes at a time or changing into your lane last second. People start blasting their horn within a second of the light turning green, while I'm trying to avoid one of the thousands of idiots I've seen running red lights out here

I thought driving in downtown SF was awful, but Chicago is 100x more stressful. I'm getting better at recognizing who's going to drive dangerously though; any time I see an early-mid 2000s luxury car/SUV with a dent or ugly paint on it, I assume the driver is going to do something reckless. I'd say I've been right 75% of the time so far :lol:
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