Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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got my second shot on tuesday
no ill effects so ar.

merica bout to merica in the only way merica can
Well I'll be going to a Seattle Mariners baseball game this weekend where they have now started having vaccinated sections and have even allowed some of the bars/lounges to open for those who are vaxxed. I guess they give you a wristband upon entry, this could happen more and more at big events this summer but time will tell.

If only there was a better way to verify your vaccination status than that card...
If only there was a better way to verify your vaccination status than that card...
Completely agree, I'm hoping they develop some digital verification system you can access from your phone like scanning a QR code and then just showing your ID. They will accept a photo of the card plus your ID at the game I'm going to as proof.

“WASHINGTON -- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday will ease indoor mask-wearing guidance for fully vaccinated people, allowing them to safely stop wearing masks inside in most places, according to a person briefed on the announcement.

The new guidance will still call for wearing masks in crowded indoor settings like buses, planes, hospitals, prisons and homeless shelters, but could ease restrictions for reopening workplaces and schools.

It will also no longer recommend that fully vaccinated people wear masks outdoors in crowds. The announcement comes as the CDC and the Biden administration have faced pressure to ease restrictions on fully vaccinated people - people who are two weeks past their last required COVID-19 vaccine dose - in part to highlight the benefits of getting the shot.

The eased guidance comes two weeks after the CDC recommended that fully vaccinated people continue to wear masks indoors in all settings and outdoors in large crowds.”

Monumental announcement and really should have been the guidance all along. I’m guessing, though since two weeks ago they were still recommending masks and distancing for vaccinated folks, is more of a play to get more people vaccinated now that the vaccination rates are slowing.

Intuitively it just makes sense. How this plays out in businesses remains to be seen. I posted about Philly’s restrictions coming down. Places like restaurants and museums no longer needing to distance. Wonder when places and what places will remove mask mandates. Depends on local ordinances I think too. Also, how do places check for people who are vaccinated? Do you ask for vaccination records? Seems unlikely.
Oh, so this wasnt based on science but instead based on political pressure? Which usually comes from the rich? Who typically only care about themselves?

Got it.

Life is exhausting man.

still gonna wear a mask :rofl:

perfect way to not be recognized in public

Completely agree, I'm hoping they develop some digital verification system you can access from your phone like scanning a QR code and then just showing your ID. They will accept a photo of the card plus your ID at the game I'm going to as proof.

good luck with that

Hundreds of people on Tuesday protested outside the Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting, fighting against a voluntary digital vaccine passport that would allow people to prove they've been vaccinated.

I’ll be wearing my mask until at least next year. CDC recommendations are dumb considering ppl are just gonna lie about being vaxxed. Summer spike on the way!
So what happen to the whole if you are vaccinated, you can still pass it to others who are not? So did US hit the 70-80% fully vaccinated mark already?

There have been studies showing Pfizer (and likely Moderna due to similarities) is ~90% effective against asymptomatic infection.
We aren't even 40% fully vaccinated yet, but I don't feel bad for anyone still holding out at this point. It's BEEN obvious that the benefits far outweigh the risks.
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