Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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You're absolutely right. I've heard they're keeping the doors and windows open, but my kids are doing distance learning so I can't verify. They've already said full in person instruction next year, so I'll be sending my kids in KF94 masks regardless but hope the other kids have to wear masks at least until they've been fully vaccinated. Time will tell...

I'm afraid that won't happen. Newsome will end mask mandate in CA after June 15th.
The Nora virus is hitting area schools hard. Schools now dominate the covid watch list my state has (any two or more cases at places of business etc get recorded and logged). At 4 cases, places have to close. I think it’s safe to say any inside extended stay activities are extremely high risk. This includes offices.

Of 75 businesses on the watch list, 59 or 78% are schools. They’ve only been open since April 5th.
Got my second Pfizer dose yesterday. I was worried because I took today off but had three meeting that HAD to be today and couldn’t be moved. My arm pain was KICKING a couple hours afterwards and through the night but no other side effects outside of that :pimp: I guess I’m one of the “lucky” ones but we’ll see how it shakes out.

Definitely going to continue wearing my mask as I have been and continue to keep my head on the swivel doe. Now is not the time to let up
Got my shot last Friday and been dealing with symptoms since. They didn’t really kick in until Sunday Sore throat, cough, and tiredness. Feels like I’ll be back to normal by Friday.
Fully vaccinated and tempted to try some outdoor dining. My concern is people walking by maskless lol

Just gonna doing takeout for a while longer.
Gf got her 1st Pfizer shot last night. She almost fainted multiple times waiting at the pharmacy after her shot. Came home and was like dry heaving, about to throw up for an hour.

I think these are placebo effect symptoms her body is creating due to stress. She absolutely HATES needles and she also has it set in her mind that she’s gonna get a blood clot because she takes birth control. She seemed fine this morning.
Gf got her 1st Pfizer shot last night. She almost fainted multiple times waiting at the pharmacy after her shot. Came home and was like dry heaving, about to throw up for an hour.

I think these are placebo effect symptoms her body is creating due to stress. She absolutely HATES needles and she also has it set in her mind that she’s gonna get a blood clot because she takes birth control. She seemed fine this morning.

maybe more anxiety than side effects?
My wife got Pfizer and for some reason she’s been sleeping like trash. She usually sleeps like a rock.

idk If it’s from the vaccine or not but that’s the main thing she noticed after. Other than that she’s good.

“WASHINGTON -- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday will ease indoor mask-wearing guidance for fully vaccinated people, allowing them to safely stop wearing masks inside in most places, according to a person briefed on the announcement.

The new guidance will still call for wearing masks in crowded indoor settings like buses, planes, hospitals, prisons and homeless shelters, but could ease restrictions for reopening workplaces and schools.

It will also no longer recommend that fully vaccinated people wear masks outdoors in crowds. The announcement comes as the CDC and the Biden administration have faced pressure to ease restrictions on fully vaccinated people - people who are two weeks past their last required COVID-19 vaccine dose - in part to highlight the benefits of getting the shot.

The eased guidance comes two weeks after the CDC recommended that fully vaccinated people continue to wear masks indoors in all settings and outdoors in large crowds.”

Monumental announcement and really should have been the guidance all along. I’m guessing, though since two weeks ago they were still recommending masks and distancing for vaccinated folks, is more of a play to get more people vaccinated now that the vaccination rates are slowing.

Intuitively it just makes sense. How this plays out in businesses remains to be seen. I posted about Philly’s restrictions coming down. Places like restaurants and museums no longer needing to distance. Wonder when places and what places will remove mask mandates. Depends on local ordinances I think too. Also, how do places check for people who are vaccinated? Do you ask for vaccination records? Seems unlikely.

“WASHINGTON -- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday will ease indoor mask-wearing guidance for fully vaccinated people, allowing them to safely stop wearing masks inside in most places, according to a person briefed on the announcement.

The new guidance will still call for wearing masks in crowded indoor settings like buses, planes, hospitals, prisons and homeless shelters, but could ease restrictions for reopening workplaces and schools.

It will also no longer recommend that fully vaccinated people wear masks outdoors in crowds. The announcement comes as the CDC and the Biden administration have faced pressure to ease restrictions on fully vaccinated people - people who are two weeks past their last required COVID-19 vaccine dose - in part to highlight the benefits of getting the shot.

The eased guidance comes two weeks after the CDC recommended that fully vaccinated people continue to wear masks indoors in all settings and outdoors in large crowds.”

Monumental announcement and really should have been the guidance all along. I’m guessing, though since two weeks ago they were still recommending masks and distancing for vaccinated folks, is more of a play to get more people vaccinated now that the vaccination rates are slowing.

Intuitively it just makes sense. How this plays out in businesses remains to be seen. I posted about Philly’s restrictions coming down. Places like restaurants and museums no longer needing to distance. Wonder when places and what places will remove mask mandates. Depends on local ordinances I think too. Also, how do places check for people who are vaccinated? Do you ask for vaccination records? Seems unlikely.
I got hundreds of extra KN-95 musk stocked up

I'm ignoring this ****. Still masking up, I gotta get through these joints :lol:
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Also, how do places check for people who are vaccinated? Do you ask for vaccination records? Seems unlikely.

Well I'll be going to a Seattle Mariners baseball game this weekend where they have now started having vaccinated sections and have even allowed some of the bars/lounges to open for those who are vaxxed. I guess they give you a wristband upon entry, this could happen more and more at big events this summer but time will tell.

“WASHINGTON -- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday will ease indoor mask-wearing guidance for fully vaccinated people, allowing them to safely stop wearing masks inside in most places, according to a person briefed on the announcement.

The new guidance will still call for wearing masks in crowded indoor settings like buses, planes, hospitals, prisons and homeless shelters, but could ease restrictions for reopening workplaces and schools.

It will also no longer recommend that fully vaccinated people wear masks outdoors in crowds. The announcement comes as the CDC and the Biden administration have faced pressure to ease restrictions on fully vaccinated people - people who are two weeks past their last required COVID-19 vaccine dose - in part to highlight the benefits of getting the shot.

The eased guidance comes two weeks after the CDC recommended that fully vaccinated people continue to wear masks indoors in all settings and outdoors in large crowds.”

Monumental announcement and really should have been the guidance all along. I’m guessing, though since two weeks ago they were still recommending masks and distancing for vaccinated folks, is more of a play to get more people vaccinated now that the vaccination rates are slowing.

Intuitively it just makes sense. How this plays out in businesses remains to be seen. I posted about Philly’s restrictions coming down. Places like restaurants and museums no longer needing to distance. Wonder when places and what places will remove mask mandates. Depends on local ordinances I think too. Also, how do places check for people who are vaccinated? Do you ask for vaccination records? Seems unlikely.
Yea, in practice it just means everyone will take their mask off and claim they’re vaccinated but, at least it’s better policy than simply dropping the mandate for all like CA. I did see that Newsom clarified his statement yesterday and said that masks would still be required in many indoor settings. I wish he'd at least say that unvaccinated people still have to wear masks, but he's so afraid of hurting anyone's feelings right now with the ongoing recall efforts.
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I hope this means I can workout without a mask now. My mask is drenched in sweat after a while and really offers no protection at that point anyway. Masking while you walk into a restaurant and walk out was for show mainly anyway. Grocery stores I’ll keep one around in case it’s busy. That’s where I feel it works the best since you aren’t in a spot for too long.
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