Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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And Pfitzer is also hoping to get clearance by next week for kids age 12-15. Cross my fingers.

Some people really treat the vaccine like the cure. I see it like flu vaccine. You can still get sick, just not in a bad way that requires hospitalization.
Supposed to be more efficacious than the flu vaccine actually. In any given year, the flu vaccine is typically 50-60 percent effective. The mrna covid vaccines are 90 percent effective. Just too bad that the vaccine compliance is so poor.
Oh man I was feeling ok yesterday
But damn I felt like crap when I woke up this morning
Mostly just body aches
Might have to throw down some Tylenol
Also feel a slight headache coming on
I find it insane how there are people still thinking that COVID was not that big of a issue and that the shut down never should have happened.

what has always and will continue to trip me out is "just the flu"...it really boils my blood.

like, not only do I not want you giving me "just the flu" either, but the last big pandemic 100 years ago was "just the flu" until it wasn't.

mfs are DUMB. just lack the ability to assess basic information...and we have to share an ever-advancing society with them.

wild times.
I find it insane how there are people still thinking that COVID was not that big of a issue and that the shut down never should have happened.
The “it’s just the flu” crowd are ******* stupid. They probably think a cold is the flu. The flu sucks.

This **** is more contagious and deadlier. It ****s up your organs.
30 hours into second pfizer shot.
I think the Government should have hired a top Ad agency to promote vaccination. If you Get the folks that advertise products that make people "want" what they don't need then this thing may become more appealing to people who are choosing to pass right now. Package this thing into an easy to understand vaccine (I read the NYT article posted yesterday about how the Pfizer vaccine is made) because it's going beyond people's heads, Promote it, get some glamour shots, celebrity endorsements, etc. use all the tactics that advertisers use.
I never thought there would be a vaccine surplus this early on.
Having Fauci and the NY Times constantly tell people over and over that the vaccine vaccine is safe without properly explaining it in ABC language to the mass population isn't going to work anymore.
Those that wanted it got it. Everyone else just feels like they don't need it or that because they had covid before they're safe. We've reached peak vaccinations. I'm not surprised that we as a nattion are going to fall short of the goal for this. Herd Immunity has been a magical, utopian idea from the get. Never going to happen.
I actually was thinking lately that governments should've thrown money at top ads to figure out how to motivate ppl to get vaccinated.

One thing I was thinking they could do is have nurses open up pop up clinics at events like basketball games and offer half ticket price off to all fans at the games for a vaccine. Stuff like that. Gotta get creative

Show up at college campuses and offer extra credit for anyone who fall in line for the vaccines? Idk lol
I talked to an attendant at the FEMA site the other day, said folks are definitely out here trying to mix + match doses or get too many.

America is a hilarious place sometimes.
Might as well just give free tickets to a set amount of vaccinated folks. Problem is that it New York so you know the bootleg Vax cards would be on the market almost instantaneously :lol: :smh:
Might as well just give free tickets to a set amount of vaccinated folks. Problem is that it New York so you know the bootleg Vax cards would be on the market almost instantaneously :lol: :smh:

that's why if they do go with the vax passport thing they have to make really good, hard to fake ones totally free of charge.

also willing to accept harsh penalties for carrying fakes...like, "try to enter an airport with a fake passport and see what happens."

...so I have full confidence they will **** this up somehow.
We are social creatures. We’ve been nurtured to be so since we were young. If you’re living alone away from family that is something that provides a sense of peace and fills that void. I thankfully live close to my family and see my friends when I golf.
unfortunately, some people are all alone. work gives them the social relief that they probably have been really lacking this last year and a half
yeah that’s a part of it I didn’t think of. Good call.

There are also those of who is are working at home with little kids and they are driving us absolutely nuts. I look forward to going back to the office. >D
that's why if they do go with the vax passport thing they have to make really good, hard to fake ones totally free of charge.

also willing to accept harsh penalties for carrying fakes...like, "try to enter an airport with a fake passport and see what happens."

...so I have full confidence they will **** this up somehow.
Handin out F’s!

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Get ready
Everyone is different
But I felt like crap the next day
I took some tylenol which helped
I feel great today tho
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