Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Puppets for the CCP

After a year of the CCP cleaning up any evidence of where the coronavirus started besides a so called wet market did anyone really think the Origins of the virus would be found by the world health organization

So many losses of life across the globe and yet one year later no true answer
well 60 minutes did a segment on this virus in 2012 and tried to tell yall
i don't believe it was some sinister plot

do you happen to have a link to the video if it’s available

to tell you the truth I don’t know what to believe anymore
My problem is the CCP was not up front from the start and it seems the world will never know the source of the plague
Had my wife tell me yesterday that her employer, which is one of the top health care facilities in the world, tell her she needs to go in to the office on March 1st to train a new employee in her department. My wife has worked from home for roughly 6 years, doing the same job.

She has had two kidney transplants, so is a high risk person with co-morbidities, yet she hasn't even gotten word from her employer that she can get the first shot yet. She said her boss emailed their boss, & that boss emailed another person about changing her status to try to bump her up....I told her my feelings saying that I don't feel comfortable at all with her going into the office, & her response was "I have no choice"....I was nice about it, but said you damn sure have a choice, this is dealing with your life!! She should find out more today, but until she's fully vaccinated, there's no way I can let her go into the office. Even if she's able to get the first shot today, there's still not enough time to get that 2nd dose before the 1st.

I'm still concerned with the vaccine & her low immune system. I'm not sure how much data there has been with immunocompromised people & the vaccine?
Had my wife tell me yesterday that her employer, which is one of the top health care facilities in the world, tell her she needs to go in to the office on March 1st to train a new employee in her department. My wife has worked from home for roughly 6 years, doing the same job.

She has had two kidney transplants, so is a high risk person with co-morbidities, yet she hasn't even gotten word from her employer that she can get the first shot yet. She said her boss emailed their boss, & that boss emailed another person about changing her status to try to bump her up....I told her my feelings saying that
I don't feel comfortable at all with her going into the office, & her response was "I have no choice"....I was nice about it, but said you damn sure have a choice, this is dealing with your life!! She should find out more today, but until she's fully vaccinated, there's no way I can let her go into the office. Even if she's able to get the first shot today, there's still not enough time to get that 2nd dose before the 1st.

I'm still concerned with the vaccine & her low immune system. I'm not sure how much data there has been with immunocompromised people & the vaccine?

i’m very worried about that myself with my mother I’m afraid for her to take the vaccine because she has an immune deficiency disease

I know times are tough and I don’t know what your financial status is but if I was you I would tell your wife to quit her job

It’s not worth risking her life after 6 years of working from home then having to go the office in a time like this
Imagine SARS happening


Us getting lucky with Bird Flu

Then the WHO, and Obama Administration, Fauci, and many other experts saying for over a decade that a global pandemic is a real threat

Imagine the richest man in the world using his fame to signal to boost this concern

Now imagine some people ignoring all those warnings

And insisting that the only reasonable conclusion is that this must be something that got out of lab in China, a rumor started by Donald Trump's bigoted ***.

You don't have to imagine, because this is where we are.

Good ******* grief.

I'm open to any conclusion, but show me the damn evidence.
yeah I hear lots moms I work with tell me how hard it is For their children to be schooling from home and how much work they have to do now to support them. I take the complaining as a good sign they are engaged with their children’s at home studies

My son is in 1st grade and have been distant learning since last year. I can attest to how much work it takes to make sure he’s learning, focused, and enjoying class. Can’t just place him in front of the computer and expect him to learn everything. They need a strong support from the parents.

I’ve got parents asking me what I’ve been doing with my son and how he’s always engaged. i mention keeping them on a schedule (i have an Alexa to set off alarms for my son on when to do sign in for class and do assignments), i don’t let him use an iPad during the week unless it’s school related only, i sit in on some of his classes so i can learn the teacher lingo and how i can teach like them. Basically doing whatever i can to help and encourage him. Even with some of his assignments I’m like...i don’t remember doing this sort of work when i was a kid. Lol.

I also gotta give props to my son’s school for their hard work and keeping the kids & parents involved during these times.
i’m very worried about that myself with my mother I’m afraid for her to take the vaccine because she has an immune deficiency disease

I know times are tough and I don’t know what your financial status is but if I was you I would tell your wife to quit her job

It’s not worth risking her life after 6 years of working from home then having to go the office in a time like this

Sorry to hear about your mom. Hopefully there will be more data put out for those higher risk people, and unfortunately it's going to take those same people to get the shot.

Her quiting is not an option, as she has the health insurance for us both. I took a leave from work back in March 2020 to distance ourselves from exposure. Im very thankful to have a loving wife, and finances that have allowed me to be away from work.
Just got my first dose of Moderna. They set up a mobile vaccination clinic here at work and I was signed up to go Thursday, but apparently there were some no shows so I went for it today.

I decided to take a quick video of the process to document it...
Had my wife tell me yesterday that her employer, which is one of the top health care facilities in the world, tell her she needs to go in to the office on March 1st to train a new employee in her department. My wife has worked from home for roughly 6 years, doing the same job.

She has had two kidney transplants, so is a high risk person with co-morbidities, yet she hasn't even gotten word from her employer that she can get the first shot yet. She said her boss emailed their boss, & that boss emailed another person about changing her status to try to bump her up....I told her my feelings saying that I don't feel comfortable at all with her going into the office, & her response was "I have no choice"....I was nice about it, but said you damn sure have a choice, this is dealing with your life!! She should find out more today, but until she's fully vaccinated, there's no way I can let her go into the office. Even if she's able to get the first shot today, there's still not enough time to get that 2nd dose before the 1st.

I'm still concerned with the vaccine & her low immune system. I'm not sure how much data there has been with immunocompromised people & the vaccine?
i’m very worried about that myself with my mother I’m afraid for her to take the vaccine because she has an immune deficiency disease

I know times are tough and I don’t know what your financial status is but if I was you I would tell your wife to quit her job

It’s not worth risking her life after 6 years of working from home then having to go the office in a time like this
First of all sorry to hear about your wife and mom.
I was just wondering about this scenario last night. Are there any laws or regulations about employees refusing to go back to work? Can employers actually demand it?
In both your cases it seems like notice from a doctor should be enough. Also curious about what would happen to a normal employer with no high risks if they refuse to go back for safety reasons
This twitter thread makes a good argument that the vaccines are reducing transmission by 90% (not just infections). None of this is surprising but we just need more data to know exactly how much transmission is being reduced. Frankly people in general are being overly pessimistic (in contrast to people being overly optimistic a year ago); we need more of this:

Third patient now I believe that died from having a super super rare reaction. Hope they find the cause of why this is happening.

This scares the **** out of me. My parents are mid-60's and my Gma is still kicking. They are all scheduled to get their shots. They have the means to isolate and have been doing fine. I honestly don't want them to get it.

I am around these biotech companies every day. They are some of the most brilliant people you will ever meet. They are also insanely motivated to have the vaccines succeed. There is 0 doubt in my mind that they would overlook a very small % of deaths to ensure no bad press gets out.

I have never been anti-vax. But I'm gonna hold off on this one until I have to be around people.
This twitter thread makes a good argument that the vaccines are reducing transmission by 90% (not just infections). None of this is surprising but we just need more data to know exactly how much transmission is being reduced. Frankly people in general are being overly pessimistic (in contrast to people being overly optimistic a year ago); we need more of this:

Camron praying.gif
This scares the **** out of me. My parents are mid-60's and my Gma is still kicking. They are all scheduled to get their shots. They have the means to isolate and have been doing fine. I honestly don't want them to get it.

I am around these biotech companies every day. They are some of the most brilliant people you will ever meet. They are also insanely motivated to have the vaccines succeed. There is 0 doubt in my mind that they would overlook a very small % of deaths to ensure no bad press gets out.

I have never been anti-vax. But I'm gonna hold off on this one until I have to be around people.
They don’t just “overlook” deaths though, it’s all presented in final data read outs. It’s all reviewed thoroughly by fda, and there were most likely audits of all successful vaccine programs.
They don’t just “overlook” deaths though, it’s all presented in final data read outs. It’s all reviewed thoroughly by fda, and there were most likely audits of all successful vaccine programs.
When I say overlook I mean attribute it to something other than the vaccine. That man in the article did because of the vaccine. You can't tell me otherwise.
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