Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

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Any idea if you can combine vaccines ? They might be pumping out a lot of jj vaccine but that 1 dose low efficacy against both strains does not sound to promising .
im not seeing a lot of masks - they seemed to be wearing them at the beginning (although I was just seeing cloth masks), the people had snacks and most were being worn on the chin.
Is there proof that u can carry the virus when vaccinated??
Is there proof that u can carry the virus when vaccinated??
It seems to be possible that a low % of vaccinated individuals will be asymptomatic carriers, but their viral loads should be fairly low for a shorter than normal period of time. More studies need to be done on this, but not everyone has a strong enough immune system to have sterilizing immunity from vaccination. This is common among nearly all vaccines for almost all diseases.
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Any idea if you can combine vaccines ? They might be pumping out a lot of jj vaccine but that 1 dose low efficacy against both strains does not sound to promising .
The JJ vaccine is very different from Moderna/Pfizer

At one point I belive they said that it was ok to mix Moderna and Pfizer but they might've walked that statement back
brutal. be safe out there. don't go out as a meme.

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Very encouraging early results out of Israel. We'll know in the next few weeks if similar trends are happening in the USA. The open question is how the new strains will influence these curves, but my guess is that we'll still see a decline but it may be slower.


yeah I hear lots moms I work with tell me how hard it is For their children to be schooling from home and how much work they have to do now to support them. I take the complaining as a good sign they are engaged with their children’s at home studies
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