Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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The cases going down in NYC is very intriguing.
Post-holiday spike finally cooling down in conjunction with the vaccine rolling out.

Now we get to prepare for the loosened restrictions spike.

Empty ICU beds on my unit right now:
* Tariq Nasheed does not only have an issue with the style of the infomercial but that he is also an anti-vaxxer clown himself.*

Very cringe, she didn't need to do that, it's already a special on BET. Kudos regardless for trying. To me it's important to do stuff like this to address the valid hesitancy black communities and those from 3rd world have, but it's like you can't win when clout chasers like Tariq are ready to hop on and focus on the wrong thing.

In general though folks have taken mandatory vaccines their entire lives for **** they've never seen, but the one they see half a mill die from they need more guidance.
In general though folks have taken mandatory vaccines their entire lives for **** they've never seen, but the one they see half a mill die from they need more guidance.

The ones who really kill me are people who say they need to know more about the long term side effects of the vaccines, yet they have no hesitation to regularly eat/drink/smoke unhealthy things that have been PROVEN to lead to heart disease and cancer.
Cases and deaths going down in here as well. 10 days record low. ICU's occupancy went from 93 to 82,
**** WORKED!!!!

We were zone quarantining for most part of January, some pretty big chunks of the city for the first week, then somo other the week after an so on.

Curfew at 8.00pm everyday and full lockdown on the weekends.

They are going to start vaccinating on the 20th of this month, I just hope my grandma can be vaccinated in around April-March

Sadly, Colombia amounted for 50K deaths so far.

I gotta be on NJ the week of the 15th till early on March, for some IRS interviews, and damn how hard I wish that the vaccines were widely available.

On a side note, so ******* mad with my older brother right now, he lives in Australia, there for about 11 years now, NO COVID THERE, EVERYTHING NORMAL, and I gotta listen to his **** whining *** complaining about his GF dumping him and how it is our mother's fault that he can't trust woman.

Dude is 34, great career, blessed in a country like that, great living ... I need to read NikeTalk's rules. man my brother went first world problems all so sudden, he ain't even remembering how we grew, that ***...

On the 21st I retested. Tested negative. Tested positive on Jan 2nd. Never had a symptom.

Now this week I have the appt to donate plasma.
I thank the Lord above for not letting me suffer through any symptoms. I was scared that one day I would wake up with all the symptoms.

happy to hear you're ok
The ones who really kill me are people who say they need to know more about the long term side effects of the vaccines, yet they have no hesitation to regularly eat/drink/smoke unhealthy things that have been PROVEN to lead to heart disease and cancer.
One of the biggest anti-vaxxers I know is a smoker.
Got these lateral flow tests to do twice per week now. First one just done - little unpleasant but not awful. So far so good.

2021-02-01 17.45.04.jpg

Obviously these aren't as accurate as the PCR test - but our protocol is that if you get a positive on this you go for the more accurate one to rule that out.
"...all five of the vaccines — from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Novavax and Johnson & Johnson — look extremely good. Of the roughly 75,000 people who have received one of the five in a research trial, not a single person has died from Covid, and only a few people appear to have been hospitalized. None have remained hospitalized 28 days after receiving a shot."

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