Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Good to see and lots to learn from this. The first bump (spring) came down fast because of actual lockdowns and people staying home.

The second bump (fall) shows there was still a surge but it spread more slowly than in the spring, thanks to masking and reasonable restrictions. To have no bump would've required more severe restrictions. But the opposite scenario (leaving indoor dining, bars, etc open) would've made the fall as bad as the spring.

Look at the deaths to see how big of an impact this was.

Nyc is going to reopen indoor dining next month

I think that’s a terrible idea
back in September that’s when the numbers started to go up when indoor dining re-started
Nyc is going to reopen indoor dining next month

I think that’s a terrible idea
back in September that’s when the numbers started to go up when indoor dining re-started
These states should just hold the line for a few more weeks.

End of March should be the turning point. With warmer weather and ~20% of the population having received at least one dose of the vaccine by then (closer to 75% for high-risk groups), opening will be easy then.

We've come this far. Maintaining restrictions for another 4-8 weeks seems like an obvious thing to do rather than risk another surge this late in the game.

Apparently the Danish resolute response to COVID was the result of one person, the prime minister's head of department, who insisted that hope and prayers weren't enough and that we had to get out **** together fast. While the director of the national board of health mostly was concerned about the effects of a shutdown, rather than a pandemic, that had China welding shut entrance doors, disinfecting entire city landscapes, while cruise ships were turned into viral incubation hotels and ice rinks and military convoys, were filling up with corpses in southern Europa.
RE: DC Publisc Schools.

At tonight’s Member Assembly, members voted to approve the following motion:

Due to the continued severe risk of COVID-19 transmission, and out of great concern for the health and safety of students, families and educators, it is the decision of the Washington Teachers' Union to continue with all-remote instruction starting February 1. All-remote instruction will continue until the conditions of the Memorandum of Agreement are fully met, and all staff who wish to be vaccinated have been allowed to receive BOTH vaccine doses according to CDC and FDA guidance, and the recommended time necessary for immunity to take effect has elapsed. This is not a refusal to work; this is a firm determination to work safely in order to control the spread of this deadly virus. Be it understood that any attempt at retaliation against WTU members for continuing to teach remotely will be met with swift collective action.
Yes I had a co worker that had their side effects could last a couple of days, keep resting, hydrate, and taking any Tylenol or Advil if it’s gets uncomfortable
Chills and joint aches are gone. The headache, malaise, lethargy, and low grade fever still here. It's been more than 30 hrs post shot. Anyone heard of side effects lasting this long with moderna?

Yea. I had one patient (in their 70s) have side effects for close to a week after 2nd dose. These side effects are expected. Most worry about the Bells Palsy when counseled.
Chills and joint aches are gone. The headache, malaise, lethargy, and low grade fever still here. It's been more than 30 hrs post shot. Anyone heard of side effects lasting this long with moderna?
did you take anything? you have reported similar symptoms from your family and friends. are your colleagues having similar symptoms?
it's odd cause no one i know is having this hard of a time. everyone has reported very mild symptoms.
* Tariq Nasheed does not only have an issue with the style of the infomercial but that he is also an anti-vaxxer clown himself.*

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