Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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After meticulously following ‘science’ since March of last year, my governor is allowing all school districts to do hybrid with a 14 day notice. This just days after cancelling mass vaccination events. Cases are slightly down. We had a color coded plan that needed 5% positivity and less than 8/100,000 of the population to be infected. But that’s all gone. But just like other Democrat states, this virus appears to be gone.
Icing on the cake is that the athletic association/ governor will only allow schools in hybrid to participate in sports. If you are 100% remote, you can’t do sports. Shocking the turnaround in just six days.
I’m in the only state not allowing any type of sports/practice to happen. And it flips within two weeks? Not a lot has changed data or science wise. Come live in the most locked down state for 10 months. It may drive you to crazy too.
I’m in the only state not allowing any type of sports/practice to happen. And it flips within two weeks? Not a lot has changed data or science wise. Come live in the most locked down state for 10 months. It may drive you to crazy too.
I have health concerns that have made me stay indoors more most of the last year. I barely went out of the house last summer. Since these new strains popped up my only break from indoors is going for a drive, and going for an occasional walk. Didn't get to go see my family this year, because of a covid scare haven't seen my girl in weeks. May state has not been locked down, but I surely have.

I know it is tough, it sucks, but I'm not in my house weaving conspiracy theories because to it

You need to hold it together, and find someone you can talk to. You are not doing yourself any favors getting worked up over every inconvenience and piece of news.
You're in the NE right wallyhopp wallyhopp ? Which state?
Sw. Nm. Wedged between wide open AZ and TX. we even locked down in precaution of their cases creeping up. If the governor could, she wouldve closed the borders. One of the most locked down with utterly average per capita death and case numbers. Lots of economic ruin. I think our unemployment is way above the national average too.

I actually haven’t seen 80% of my extended family since March. I’m definitely doing my part. 3 trips out max other than work.

They followed science this far. Let the teachers get vaccinated and then open schools. Extend the school year through the summer. We have a color coded system we were following since November and this changes everything.
Sw. Nm. Wedged between wide open AZ and TX. we even locked down in precaution of their cases creeping up. If the governor could, she wouldve closed the borders. One of the most locked down with utterly average per capita death and case numbers. Lots of economic ruin. I think our unemployment is way above the national average too.

I actually haven’t seen 80% of my extended family since March. I’m definitely doing my part. 3 trips out max other than work.

They followed science this far. Let the teachers get vaccinated and then open schools. Extend the school year through the summer. We have a color coded system we were following since November and this changes everything.

Oh dang. Thought for some reason you were in New England, but it makes sense.
Sw. Nm. Wedged between wide open AZ and TX. we even locked down in precaution of their cases creeping up. If the governor could, she wouldve closed the borders. One of the most locked down with utterly average per capita death and case numbers. Lots of economic ruin. I think our unemployment is way above the national average too.

I actually haven’t seen 80% of my extended family since March. I’m definitely doing my part. 3 trips out max other than work.

They followed science this far. Let the teachers get vaccinated and then open schools. Extend the school year through the summer. We have a color coded system we were following since November and this changes everything.
We're all in this together man. It feels like being on house arrest.
Just hang in there, talk to people, facetime, take up a new hobby and keep contributing to this thread. Even though you have a different point of view your comments are appreciated.
My girl is an educator. She teaches in Bellevue School District out here and the district really bullied them into submission. It's sad. Parents of a certain "type" really showed they asses out. They set up a website and created a wall of shame for educators who did not want to teach in person unless they received a vaccine. Just awful.

Dealing with actual children is hard enough. Support your educators NT.

It's unconscionable to me how would anyone shame another person's desire to take care of itself.

Really sad what this pandemic/past-government/2020 left to the world

Of course that’s bad news, but there’s a silver lining... Along with Sanofi/GSK’s disappointing results in elderly participants that led to them pushing back their expected release to the end of 2021 and Oxford/AstraZeneca delay in applying for EUA after mixed results from the phase 3 dosing mistake, this just underscores the fact that current processes are working and corners are not being cut. That we already have 2 highly safe and effective mRNA vaccines being used is an incredible scientific achievement.
damn. I am in Oklahoma, aside from the mask mandate which is very loosely if at all enforced and an increase of dining room close takeout only, people are still living life the same. Movie theatres, comedy clubs, night clubs, strip clubs, interscholastic sports at all grade levels, church, maybe some distancing of every other table still, but the contrast to other states is amazing.
grabbed these kf94s from a link Blake P Blake P sent me. they feel nice. i been wearing kn95s and n95s daily and will throw these in the mix. i don’t know how you guys wear masks that rub on your mouth all day.

What's the sizing? I have a little bit big head. So it's hard to have mask that fully cover from top nose to the bottom of the chin. I hate when I talk, it pushes the mask down.
damn. I am in Oklahoma, aside from the mask mandate which is very loosely if at all enforced and an increase of dining room close takeout only, people are still living life the same. Movie theatres, comedy clubs, night clubs, strip clubs, interscholastic sports at all grade levels, church, maybe some distancing of every other table still, but the contrast to other states is amazing.

Speaking of Oklahoma:
What's the sizing? I have a little bit big head. So it's hard to have mask that fully cover from top nose to the bottom of the chin. I hate when I talk, it pushes the mask down.
don’t get them unless there are different sizes and you can get xl or something. it just snugly fits my face and my head isn’t big.
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